Friday, July 31, 2015


I seriously need to buy a laptop so I can blog at night.  There is a period of about 30 minutes as we are trying to get andrew to sleep, that would be a perfect time to blog.  SO much going on, so much to talk about, no time during the day to sit down and write like usual.
It's been an abnormal week for three reasons really.  Number one, I have one of my most favorite 10 Ks of the year this saturday.  I wanted to be fresh for this one, because they have totally changed the course, i have no clue what it will be like.  I want a PR, and think that I can accomplish this.  56 minutes, I am coming for you!

Secondly, the company we are a service center for has been in town helping me with preps.  I have had some super tough preps (thus the lack of posts) and some super busy weeks lately.  This is a very good problem to have.  I will take too many samples and eager customers any day.  We actually have a student now that comes in on the weekends and runs the machine just to keep up with the back log.   We had two nights of company dinners and morning workouts/runs that didn't happen due to storms.  Yes, I could have gotten on the dreadmill, but that leaves me to the third reason.

Third, i have been exhausted this week, and I am not sure why.  It isn't time for my monthly friend, but I think all of this getting up super early to run is accumulating and hitting me hard.  I have yet to get an early night/late morning sleep in, so I just walk around in a semi zombie state.  To combat this, I binge on coffee and diet soda that adds to me feeling like crap.   I have had two mornings where i have gotten up to either work out and or run and I have gone back to bed.  This is NOT like me.  I am dedicated to my schedule, no matter what.  Yes, I did get my two runs in this week, but I kind of wanted 3 before my race and my long run to counteract the lack of strength training.  Oh well, not going to beat myself up, but I would like to feel back to normal soon.  I also have had lots of aches and pains this week, which is also very odd since I am not doing much.  Maybe that is the problem, my body finally figured out i Had slowed down and decided to remind me that I am way overdue for a massage and body work.  Bleh.

On a positive note, I did find out that I am on Kansas Team Beef for the upcoming year.  What that means is that I get a jersey to wear at races, and I get to spread the word about using lean beef as a protein source.  It is our go to protein source in this house, so super stoked to be representing the team from now on. BONUS, on top of the jersey, I get certain races reimbursed, including Brew to Shoe!!!!!  How cool is that?  

Have a great weekend!  It will be interesting running a race one day and then long running the next but I will get it done!  Look forward to some recaps!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

A long run story-14 miler

Love this tank at Dick's
It's long run story time:)  I had 14 miles on the schedule for this week, and I was pretty excited.  It's funny how your perspective changes, what use to be long is now not bad at all.  You keep getting a new definition of long. I feel like my base is now around 5 miles, and anything shorter than that feels like it isn't anything.  Yet, I still remember when 3 felt like 100!  I am loving my time hop app lately, because I love reading my old FB status about running.  I use to post statuses, oh about every couple of hours, so there are tons about my running experience as I started and how tough that journey was.

This week, I tried to go out even earlier than the previous weeks.  I set my alarm for 4 am and tried to get to bed early.  I ended up in the guest room trying to hide from little red so I could accomplish this goal, but it didn't really work well.  I think I may have gotten to sleep by 10, so the alarm going off that early was tough.
 It was so dark when we headed out.  We mainly run on country roads, and I worry about the critters that make the nighttime their main active time, mainly skunks.
That's stella in front of me.  See her?  Yeah, no lights from anything on this route, so it is that dark. I should have grabbed my headlamp I guess, but didn't want to have it on my head when it got hot and sunny out.  I had planned on doing the route I did last week again, 8 on the gravel, then dropping stella ella off and finishing up.  Luckily for us, the clouds hung out for the entire 14 miler so stella was able to hang with me the whole time.  We found a new way to get at least 10 miles on the gravel by going down the side gravel round down and back for an extra 2 miles.
I do think that this will have to be the new norm for what time to go out.  Even with the clouds, the sun didn't really come out in full force till around 8 am.  I only went through one full bottle of nuun and water, so the humidity wasn't near as bad as it had been in previous weeks.  I am just getting more and more lucky and i will take it.

For the first 10 or so miles, I played it safe and walked every mile for a full tenth of a mile.  I was feeling so good at the end, that I put some music on and finished strong for the last three miles at GMP.  I only fueled once, at mile 8.  My legs and brain felt GREAT, but the weather was also strongly in my favor.

We finished and had our yummy chocolate milk and Luna protein bar post run.   I had so much energy and felt so great that we immediately went to the park for a few hours with little red and played and then came home and changed and went to the pool for the afternoon.  I think hanging out at the pool is the perfect way to recover post running.  I am not having any nausea post running, and I am able to eat and recover fairly quickly. I give all credit to the UCAN. I am excited that our running store will be carrying it very soon.  It is an amazing product and is helping me out so much.  
Now if I could figure out a way to do my hair where it isn't a giant rat's nest post run.  I had it braided and in a pony tail, and it ended up being a knotted MESS!

I put about half a bottle of conditioner on it and combed it out for almost 10 minutes.  Speaking of hair, I am really liking Andrew's new haircut.  I do miss the curls but I am really digging the short cut.
We even had night on the town last night, post pool.  We went back to the Tall Grass tap house for a going away party.  We had some awesome craft beers as always, and even walked around downtown for some gourmet cupcakes and some of the best made cocktails I have ever had.  I did allow myself to have a couple of yummy beers and one cocktail last night.  I usually don't drink when I am running this much, but we were having so much fun (and andrew was strangely enough behaving like an angel).  I am oddly not sore or hung over today:)  I am a pretty big light weight lately, but a midnight drink of water + nuun and some advil seemed to do the trick.  Not something I want to do every weekend, but it is fun ever once in a while.  

Well, time to go do strength training while the boys are napping.  Have a great week everyone!  I have my first big race of the summer this saturday and already getting butterflies!

Training week # 8, 12 weeks till Chicago!

The weeks really are flying by now. I got another week of morning runs done and a couple of cooler ones at that.  Here are the weekly runs for my coach:

Monday:  Unexpected rest day.  Got up early to run and it was storming.  Not wanting to do repeats on the dreadmill, I went back to bed.

Tuesday: 600 meter repeats x 6 with 2:30 minute walking recovery.  Done with my BRF and one of our other running friends.  Suffering is so much better with friends:)  We average an 8:45 pace which was a slightly faster than we had intended but I had forgotten to tell my watch a target pace so we were guessing on the repeats.

Wednesday: Tempo run.  1 mile warm up, 4 miles of alternating 7 minutes at MGP and 3 minutes recovery. 1 mile cool down.  My BRF came out and suffered with me on this one as well.  It was cooler but boy the humidity made it thick out.

Thursday:  Strength day 3 rounds of all of the exercises

Friday: An easy three on the dreadmill.  Woke up to stupid lightening and thunder.  At least I got to start watching Gone Girl.  I have read the book so been excited to actually watch the movie.

Saturday: 14 miles

Sunday: Strength

Total miles for the week: 28

Friday, July 24, 2015

A little review of the week

Ah, another week of morning running.  Another week of doing science as a zombie LOL!  My body is now adjusted to getting up early, but I am still totally tired all day long and compensating with coffee and sometimes a soda or tea.  Not sure what I am going to do next week.  Not only does hubby go back to work and needs to be gone earlier (can I get up at 4:30 am every morning to run?), but we have several nights of engagements that are work related. I guess there is no compromise really.  Oh well, I guess I can be a zombie for a few more months to the weather cools back down.  I kind of like seeing sun rises for a change anyway and my BRF is an EARLY morning riser so she is up for anything.   I do like having my chocolate milk before anyone else gets up in the morning too:)  That way I DON"T have to share!

I do also enjoy having my evenings free.  We played alot with this gal and even went over to her house to hang out.  I so love this little girl and hope her and andrew become good friends.  She is strong and independent and smart.  
We also took a trip to the barber.  We really didn't know exactly what to do with is hair but it was getting out of control.  

He wanted his hair like daddy's hair so he got a buzz on the sides and the top cut short.  

Don't worry curl fans, the curls are already trying to come back. I also got great tips on styling it.  Heck, I don't even style my hair, do good just to brush it so this may be an adventure!

Long run of 14 for tomorrow and typical KS heat coming up.  Taking the day off from work today to spend one day with the hubsters before he goes back to work.  Not sure what we will do today but will have to figure something economical out.  Have a great day and a great weekend!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Training Week #7, 13 weeks till chicago

Monday: 400 meter repeats at 8:45-9:00 pace with 2:30 walk back recovery.  I do these out on a flat gravel road, so I can leave water bottles and start from any position, since it is about an 800 meter straight away.  My BRF did these with me, and even though it was super humid, we averaged 8:35 on our repeats.  Still having problems slowing down to the ranges that I need to hit for my marathon training.  I am SO use to doing 8 minute repeats that the heat and humidity actually helped me to slow it a bit.

Tuesday: Strength training.  Wow, this work out combo was tough.  Ever heard of a spiderman push up?  Neither had I before this week.  Let's just say I had to wuss out and do a girl push up just to be able to attempt these babies.  Seriously, google spiderman push ups right now!  I am so not flexible, nor do I have much upper body strength, so I am pretty glad no one was home while I attempted these (or they would have had a good laugh).

Wednesday: Unexpected day off.  Woke up early to go do my tempo run with my BRF and it was storming, bad!  Was going to run that night on the dreadmill as hubby had a meeting in Topeka, and the severe storms returned.  Decided a rest day wasn't such a bad idea anyway, versus running on the mill.

Thursday: Tempo run.  1 mile warm up, 4 miles of alternating 7 minutes of GMP and 3 minutes of easy pace, one mile cool down.  I kind of have been misreading my plan and doing these wrong.  I was doing equal minutes of hard and easy when i was suppose to be doing way more minutes at hard.  Oh well, will do them correctly from now on:)  It was SUPER humid yet again and even at a 10 minute pace (slightly faster than my 10:15 I need to do), we were drained after every interval.  Due to the humidity, we walked a few times on the 3 minute easy.  I don't like to do that but we had to.  We were both drinking lots of water and Nuun and still feeling pretty beat.  Glad to have this work out done and over with.  Getting up early and running = 90-100% humidity guaranteed.

Friday: An easy three

Saturday: 15-see blog post-and a whole afternoon of swimming at the pool

Sunday: Strength

Total miles for the week: 30 miles this week

After doing my 15 miler this week in the heat and humidity, I am so excited to do my marathon!  If I can conquer those conditions, I can conquer anything!  Unfortunately or fortunately, my hubby is laid off again this week, so I will be able to go out early again and enjoy the 100% humidity:) and lower temps (if you count 80s as being lower).

Saturday, July 18, 2015

15 Miles-a Long run story

I don't know about you, but I love reading about people's runs.  I like to hear that other people struggle, or feel good, or run out of steam, or better yet, finish strong.  I love reading what is or was going through their mind.  It makes me feel good when I feel the same feelings.  We all go through good times and struggles.  Not all runs are perfect but some are and they are magical.   Today, I wanted to break my long run down and talk about all the feels.

I had decided to get up a titch bit earlier than normal to try and beat the heat.  We have finally gotten in to true Kansas summers, with heat indices in the 100s daily and horrible high humidity.  I had looked at the weather, and even at 4 am, the temps were in the 80s with humidity in the 80 percent range.  I knew there was really no huge advantage to getting out earlier, other than I could suffer some without the sun beating down on me.
When I finally got everything together, got my UCAN downed and bathroom business acomplished, I headed outside to see and hear thunder and lightening.  WHAT?  There was no mention of rain or storms this morning, so that caught me off guard.  I had decided I was going to take stella for the 8 miles I planned on doing on the gravel, as the puddles are still huge for her to get in and cool off.  You could feel the humidity and the dew point was in the 70s.  It was a tough choice to take her but at any time, my hubby can swoop in and pick us up with a phone call, so she came with.  My plan was to do an out and back on the gravel, and then finish the 6 or so I lacked out on the shaded road I like to hit for long runs as well.  I was going to drop  stella off after the gravel run, and refill my water bottle, which ended up being a good plan.  I decided instead of waiting the storms out, I would run on the mill for 1 or 2 miles to let the storm pass.  After 1 mile, a potty break, and peak outside, it appeared that the storms had moved on, and that the lightening was more to the north east and not close.  
We were both very happy for the cloud cover and a little breeze.  While it was still horrible humid, the breeze helped keep us semi cooler than normal in these conditions.  I elected to run a mile and then walk for a minute or two per mile.  Despite the humidity, I was able to get my small amount of speed work in, a few 5 minute segments at MGP.  
I made sure stella got in every puddle.  She is now vaccinated for lepto, so I don't mind her drinking the puddles too.  We also shared my grape Nuun water as well to stay hydrated.  After our out and back, I dropped her by the house, and refilled my water bottle.  I was kind of dreading going back out by myself, but the cloud cover had dissipated, and it wasn't safe for her to be out anymore.  Since I had done 1 mile on the mill and 8 ish already, I only needed 6 more so headed back to the gravel.  There is an off shoot road that I don't normal go down due to loose dogs normally, but I haven't seen those dogs at all lately, so headed down that way and then circled back on the pavement.  I never truly felt like I was struggling or that might not finish, but I did certainly allow the heat to slow me down and did religiously stick to the walk/run plan.  
I did get a little emotional during my run a few times, and I am not sure why.  At one point I was kind of slowing down and a few negative thoughts did enter my brain.  Then I noticed this!  A beautiful rainbow appeared and a nice gentle rain started to fall.  It was like God himself was trying to help me stay cool and positive.  It worked for sure, my spirits were lifted as the sun beat down on me.  Towards the end of my run, I actually teared up and started to cry a little.  Again, not sure why, have only cried after my first half, and I know I will cry after my first full, but never really cried during a training run.  About that time, I was running through town, and an older man with a cane spoke to me.  I had my headphones in, something I rarely do anymore, but I needed a lift and Pitbill was singing fire ball at a very loud volume.  I yanked my headphones out and stopped and politely asked him what he had said.  He told me that he would race me if I broke both of my legs:)  It was kind of funny and helped me go from tears to a laugh.  I told him I was about to hit mile 15, and that he could probably beat me as it was.  We both had a good laugh, and I continued on my way.  I reached my street as my watch hit 14 (I hadn't timed my treadmill run) so I was finally DONE!  I had only fueled once, at mile 7.5, and not again and felt great!  I was actually hungry and ready to eat, which isn't normal for me.  I had consumed two huge bike hydration sized bottles of water with Nuun and honestly, did not have any salty sweat.  After my chocolate milk and quest bar, was able to eat a normal lunch. I think I have my nutrition down for my full,  YIPEEEEE!
I came home to this.  He was already in his trunks and ready to go to the "big water" AKA the city pool.  He had been asking to go to the big water all day friday (even though they swim at his school M, W, F), so we had promised him we would go today.  The pool didn't open till 12 so we had time to go and find some cheap water toys.  
He wanted to play with EVERYONE else's toys last time, so this time I came prepared.  We spend almost 4 hours there today, and both Tony and I fried our shoulders.  Bad me, sunscreen next time for sure.  Little red met a cute girl there, and they played the entire time we were there.  He is getting very brave, ducking his head under the water a little bit at a time, and jumping into tony's arms from the side.  We bought him a pool tube thingy and he would get in it and kick with his legs and motor around the pool.  The depth is only 2'8", so he can technically stand up in the whole kiddie pool area.  He even wanted to go to the deeper pool and motor around, which was nice to be in the big pool.  Needless to say, 4:30 am came awfully early, and I am afraid once I have dinner (and maybe a beer), I will be out like a light.   Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the weekend!  I am hoping for an early bedtime tonight too!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Morning Running and playing hookey

I have gotten out two mornings this week....GASP! I know, I know, I am NOT a morning runner, even though I do all of my long runs fairly early in the AM.  In the past, I have trained in the morning to beat the Kansas heat, but my little one is a night owl, so I can't get into bed as early as I hope to most nights.  Well, with my hubby laid off this week (Thank GOD it is only a week as many of the guys have been sitting for months), I decided to try and get to bed as early as possible and get up early.  Since he wasn't leaving for work, I could get up a little later (if you call 5 AM later) and get out the door by 5:30-6.  While I do kind of feel like a zombie, I have enjoyed getting my run done, but, unless I can get in bed earlier next week (would have to get up at 4 or 4:30 to go out by 5 to be back), I will be switching back to night running.  Next week does look nicer for somewhat cooler temps (if you call highs in the low 90s), so I should be able to get out no matter what.

Now on to playing hookey:)  We had a fairly easy schedule planned in the lab and two of my three kids said they could handle it, so I headed out after my lab meeting.  I wanted to surprise andrew at preschool and take him to do some fun stuff with daddy and I.  Well, our plan kind of started out rough as I didn't get gone as early as i had hoped, and he already got served and ate lunch.
This was as we were leaving.

This was about five minutes after we left.  Oh well, daddy and I got to have a car picnic while he snoozed.  We wanted him to get at least an hour of sleeping in before we woke him up, so we drove around and just sat and talked.  Yes, guy looking at us like we are crazy, we are sitting in a vehicle with it running to keep our sleeping toddler cool and happy.
From there we headed to the Flint Hill's Discovery center.  I have blogged about it before, as they have a really neat play area for toddlers.  Sadly, it is no longer free to play up there and we had to make a decision whether or not we wanted to pay over 20 bucks for basically a slide.  In the end, we decided to pay the money, as it was a nice cool place to hang out and was for the most part deserted.
I sent my mom a joking text that we paid 22 bucks for him to play with the same trains we have at home.  

This was down in the tunnel that has the slide. I am extremely claustrophobic, so it is amazing I made myself get in there.  

They also have a model train down the museum part that we had to go watch.  It was nice to be inside versus outside I guess.  We did end up going out to the lazy river/splash park outside.  We as always, weren't prepared with any towels or even shorts for me (i have to wear long pants in the lab), but we made do and Andrew just got into the water in his shorts.  We couldn't stay for too long, because I didn't have any sunscreen on me, and I bet he would burn like crazy with his fair skin.
Even the gift shop had a train so we walked away with a cool choo choo for his collection.

We also stopped for ice cream, because that was really the only way to bribe him away from the splash park.  Glad that we have a baskin robbins on this side of town now.  I LOVE their rocky road ice cream.  One scoop fills me up plenty.  Apparently, little red decided to wear his.  I am happy to say all of the chocolate stain came out of his shorts and he of course washed.  Since he had so much fun at the splash park, we put on our suits and headed over to our city park's pool.  We haven't really gone much this year or last year but he LOVED it and I see us getting a pool pass next year for sure.  I had to laugh, he didn't realize that there were steps going down into the pool and went in at a run and went straight under water. I was right there to retrieve him and the life gaurd was also right where he went up but we got him up and out quickly.  He just coughed a little and then laughed and went on his business.  We managed to get him to go under a couple of more times and he wants to swim so badly, so I guess we need to get him back in lessons ASAP.  

It really ended up being the perfect day and I am hoping for an early bed time from him tonight:)  I have two more early week runs this week, a 3 mile recovery run from today's 6 mile tempo run, and then my 15 mile long run.  After this week, I will probably be surpassing my longest run ever (I did a 25 K last year) so I am looking forward to the challenge!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The weekly runs: Training week 6, 14 weeks till chicago

We saw Minions yesterday!  It was a very cute movie and other than little red getting up and walking down our empty aisle once, he stayed glued to the screen and enjoyed the movie.  He and I got a little annoyed at the 30 minutes of previews before and he asked after each one, Is minions next?, which got some laughs.  We went to an early showing at 11 and the theater was mostly all kiddos.  Most if not all of the kids were very well behaved, which made for a very enjoyable experience for all.  5 stars for cuteness, funniness, and a fairly good storyline.  I loved Bob and would love a cute little stuffed Bob.

This is stella's really face this weekend.  Andrew has stopped napping regularly, which in a way is good, because it more usually than not means he goes to bed early.  The problem is, he can be a handful until he goes to sleep.  See him in the background rolling around on the floor?  Yep.  He did go to bed around 7:30 last night which is really, really early for my little night owl.  The hubs and I got to watch a movie!  It was really nice to be able to watch something with violence and no cartoons.  I am so behind on the Hunger Games movies so we watched the 3rd one FINALLY.   Two movies in one day, a new record for me.  I think the 10 miles and getting up at 5 am, plus the 100 + degree heat outside made me tired and more apt to sit still.  

I had to post a pic of my budda belly.   I am kind of proud, although I still have a long ways to go.  It's kind of hard to see, but I am getting some definition there!  I am also getting a waist!  I have always been kind of thick in the middle, so any chiseling away of that is a bonus.  Plus the cellulite on my upper legs is slowly melting away.  Part of that is running, but also the strength/toning I have been doing per Coach Jenny's work outs.  I have always had big thighs due to sports and riding horses , and it is nice now to be able to wear shorts with confidence.  Ignore the naked baby in the background.  My hubs just pointed out he was in the pic too LOL!  He likes to play trains while I work out since i work out in our bedroom, and it gives my hubby a break from always having to watch him while I do my running so it is a win/win situation.  Keeping clothes on this child is another story.  Let's just say he likes to be naked pretty much all the time.

Here are the weekly runs for my coach.  Kind of squished them all into three days to enjoy the cooler weather.  I feel pretty good after running three days in a row, so I know my strength training is paying off:

Monday: 5 miles, comfortable pace

Tuesday: Tempo run: 6 miles  of tempo: 1 mile warm up, four miles of 6 minutes at Marathon pace (10:00-10:20 range with an average of 10:00), 6 minutes of easy pace, 1 mile cool down.  I ran this with the speedy Mel so we hit around the 10 minute mark on our hard intervals.  

Wednesday: 4 miles, comfortable pace

Thursday: Strength

Friday: OFF

Saturday: 10 miles, comfortable pace

Sunday: Strength

Total miles for the week: 25 miles

Kind of a cut back week this wee,k but I am good with that.  The mileage is going to start creeping up in the zone that my body tends to crumble in, so any rest and recovery I can give it, the better.  I really do think the strength training is helping, as I only have very minor aches and pains (knocking on a huge piece of wood as  type this).  I take my recovery from each run very seriously, and am making sure I get a good balance of fats and proteins post hard work outs and long runs.  The rest of my diet has kind of been crap this week, and I need to get back to being good, especially at lunch.  Last week we didn't have any sample prep in the lab, so I ate out three days (BAD ME).  I am going to be good this week and stick to my hummus for lunch and my quest bars for my sweet tooth.    

Have a great week!  Since my hubby will be at home all week due to a short lay off, I am going to get to run in the morning.  Pray that my kiddo goes to be early every night!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A week in a blur

Wow, where has the week gone to?  It's saturday already!  Here is some randomness for ya!  This week started out super cool so I got three of my runs done Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday while the highs were in the 70s and there was no humidity.
Four years ago she packed her bags and came to be a part of our house.  She has been the hardest aussie I have ever raised but we LOVE her so much.

So much that we ran in the rain together for our five miler.  We both needed that run and the rain didn't bother us at all.

We also had half priced cones at sonic one night.  It was PACKED but we got our ice cream and enjoyed it.  

Speed work with the speedy Mel.  I love running with her because she is quite a bit faster than me and even though we try to take it easy to stay at my pace, we still end up running a tiny bit faster than I mean to.  It's great to be pushed.  My BRF did it to me when we ran together at first and it helped me become a better runner.  

Rainbows on our 10 miler this morning.  It was almost 100% humidity but 74 when we headed out.  We had to take a few walk breaks due to the high humidity but we got our 10 in.  I think we were both covered in salt by the end, even though I was drinking my Nuun.  Mel went with me this morning and I was SO glad she did.  I needed the distraction from the horrible humidity.  I think we are going to have to start getting up at 4 to beat this crap:(  I say that every weekend but I think I am going to have to next week.  At least sneaking off and going to bed early helps.  I was out by 9:30 last night.  HEAVEN.

Again, four years?  WOW.  
Deuce got to sub in due to the cooler temps this week.  We did 4 together and had so much fun.  He really is starting to enjoy running with me, especially when i just take him.  

I loved the sunrise this morning but I was hoping those clouds would keep that sun behind them.  We were lucky till about mile 7.  Oh well, summer running, here we come.  Gotten lucky so far, probably time for our luck to run out.  

Have a great weekend! We are going to try despite the heat wave predicted. We are taking little red to see Minions today.  I can't wait!  He LOVES minions and I LOVE movie popcorn, so this should be fun.  Plus, the local running store is over by the movie theater so may sneak a visit in.   Talk to y'all later!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The weekly Runs-15 weeks till chicago!

Okay I am a little late with this for my coach.  Last week was kind of crazy with family, having a few days off and then the holiday.  Here were the runs for last week:

Monday: 5 miles, easy pace

Tuesday: 6 miles  of tempo: 1 mile warm up, four miles of 5 minutes at Marathon pace (10:00-10:20 range with an average of 10:13), 5 minutes of easy pace, 1 mile cool down

Wednesday: rest-carnival night

Thursday: off-DATE NIGHT

Friday-14 miles with some of my running group

Saturday- 4 miles for the fourth!


I took three off nights this week.  I felt it was important to spend time with family as much as possible and then by sunday, I was coming down with Andrew's cold so needed the rest.  I am back at it this week.  I may run three nights back to back to take advantage of this cooler weird summer weather this week.  I will resume strength training for sure this week.  Sometimes you just need a break!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy 4th of July part three

Seriously, if you want to celebrate the 4th in a big way, come to Wamego KS.  Not only do we have a carvnival that lasts almost all week, but we have a car show, tractor show, ice cream social, parade, band concert and fireworks.  I probably left out something but for a town of 5 K people, we really put on a great day and week for that matter.  Here are some of the pics we took at the festivities.  IT was amazing as always and I am so glad we got to share it with not only family, but good friends.
Fourth of July Love

Mad max at the car show
You never know what you might find at a car show

my car, waiting for them to deliver it any minute
Uncle Sam

Homemade ice cream social

Fire trucks are the bomb!
Parade watching and candy catching

Sparklers are awesome!
New friends made!
pink smoke bombs
Couldn't wait till dark
Worn out after a long day of fire works, parades, candy and family
Can't wait till next year.  The fire works were amazing as always.  I am not sure how many people we had this year in our little town, last year it was 60 K but it seemed like more this year.  We are all in recovery mode here in casa Coleman with the late night and or the adult beverages taking their toll.  Hope y'all had a great fourth of july as well!