We went and had pancakes, visited the bank, and made me a hair appointment to finally spend my gift card. We had a great day together and days like this make me not want to work full time ever again.
Tuesday: 5 miles easy. After my calf incident, we decided to take out speed work at least for the beginning of the week. I am really glad that we did because even though I have foam rolled and stick rolled, I was super sore after just 5 miles. Wearing my compression sleeves did help though, as I had no pain during the run at all.
Let me back up a little bit though. I was up all night with a puking dog. Poor deuce ate something that did NOT agree with him. Around 7 pm, he started drinking water obsessively and asking to go out and eat grass. I think that a certain pan of bacon grease got consumed by the two red naughties, Stella and Deuce. Stella had puked earlier in the day, and I didn't even think about why. I stayed downstairs and slept or tried to sleep on the couch, while deuce puked up water over and over again.
Now fast forward again. Daycare sent me a text at 10:30ish saying andrew was running fever again. I rushed to try and get everything done that I could at work, before heading out to pick him up. I was shocked he was running fever, as he was fever free all day Monday and Monday night as well and Tuesday morning. Of course as soon as I got him home, he seemed much better, BUT I decided to call his Dr and see if we should bring him in. I am very glad that I did call and did take him in because he tested positive for Flu A and also had an ear infection. Unfortunately, that meant he had to be quarantined for at least the rest of the week, which meant I had to take off of work. While I super enjoy being with him, being off work as we are super busy is not good:(. My hubby and I decided to take Tamiflu just in case, and I prepared to hunker down and spend the rest of the week in solitude=people free.
Wednesday: Cross or strength train. I elected to get on my bike for a quick 12 miles after my hubby came home and could watch over little man. While Andrew and I had a great day, as soon as we got out to do a little running around and get some fresh air, he passed out. He ended up sleeping for 3 hours and waking up with a low grade fever, sigh.
We did get to take a trip to the pharmacy for more Tamiflu and a treat (Reece's pieces), and to sonic for a drink before heading down to the boat ramp under the wamego bridge to throw some rocks. We actually saw some wasps out and about, so headed back to the car and drove around my running route. Past the feedlot, andrew passed out cold.
Thursday: I really wrestled with running. I had passed out fairly early wednesday night, and I kind of felt like I was coming down with something or the tamiflu was making me feel bad. I ended up going out anyway and while the run was okay, I came back feeling very tired and very yucky. My tummy was not happy either, but running sometimes does that to me anyway. We ended up getting in six, but we both had to walk multiple times. It's kind of funny how we have sympathy pains/aches for each other. I swear its uncanny at times. My left calf hurt this weekend, melly's left calf is bothering her. My tummy starts up, her tummy starts acting up. I think we need to stop sharing so much!!!!
Friday: Cross or strength train. I attempted to do my strength training. I say attempted because this.
Oh well, I am sore, so I know I got something accomplished.
We got er done. It wasn't pretty but it was done. Had my AdvantEdge shake post run. Back up a little, Lindsey from Livinglovingrunner had tagged me in an instagram post and we won a huge supply of chocolate shakes and vanilla protein powder, PLUS a new yoga mat (pictured above) and a t shirt.
I am hugely impressed with the shakes. I was really worried that they would taste like every other protein shake i have ever had before, YUCKY! I would always pinch my nose and chug. Not with these! I was so pleasantly surprised. No weird protein taste, smooth drinkability, and great chocolate taste. Seriously its much like drinking chocolate milk, and I LOVE chocolate milk. I am hoping by changing up my recovery that I can get some of my aches and pains under control. Thanks to Lindsey and thanks to EAS for giving me this awesome give away!!!!
Post run I finally got my hair done. It's been five long years since I have spent money on my hair, and it was so much fun to finally get something done! I totally put my hair in the hands of Katie who owns Family Hair Cutters here in Wamego. She cut a TON of hair off that was sun damaged (thanks running) and put some pretty color and high lights in it. I am loving it!!!! It is so light and airy and PERFECT!
Sunday: Suppose to be 6, but we did 8. Sometimes you just go with it and not ask questions. A beautiful run out on Konza prairie. That is my church. I may or may not have shed a few tears at the beauty in those hills. The flint hills are just my place in life. I so love it here!
Overall, the tamiflu probably saved me, but also made me feel kind of bleh. I would rather have the bleh of the tamiful than the real flu. Little red is back to normal, not spiking any type of fever and back to being a night owl again.
Monday will be tough. I have honestly really enjoyed being home with him (check out my march runfession post). 35 total miles. Ready to work hard some more and get a little closer to my goals, a great marathon in my hometown and a second finish on a fun 50K course. Have a great week!!!!