Monday: Rest day.
Lots of lego building lately and I love it! He did this helicopter with minimal help from me! |
Tuesday: Speed work. 1 mile repeats x 3. I honestly hoped that this work out would get canceled somehow. When I woke up, the dew point was at 72, which I felt was too high for us to attempt any type of speed work. Mel said, let's just warm up and then decide. We started out and I felt okay, but we were warming up, so not going very fast. Then the first mile hit and Mel said, eh, let's try it. I was suppose to stay between 9:05 and 8:55 per mile, and the first one was dead on at 8:58. The second one was not quite as good 9:14, but then I was able to get it back at 9:01. Let me tell you, my stomach was NOT happy. Heat makes my tummy so mad, and it was raging at me. I managed to sip water the entire time but man oh man, I got so sick when I got home. The heat and I just don't get along, and I am okay with that.
These two crack me up. Playing in the sprinkler with an umbrella |
Wednesday: Strength and Cross training. Holy moly. Coach Jenny sent me a killer work out and I LOVED it! I was like jello post the work out, but it took only 30 minutes and was totally doable!!!! I really feel like strength is helping me so much this time around, and I am actually enjoying it for once.
Found this gem and had to take a pic of it. Tony's first big panel that he built 1998. |
Thursday: 6 easy. Woke up to rain and the rumble of thunder. I HAD to get my run in no matter what as I had a PTO meeting that night and we meet at a bar so enough said. I set my alarm for an hour later (I normally get up around 4-4:15) and when it went off, I simply turned it off and went back to sleep. Bad me! Post work, I snuck out a little early and ran around town in the heat of the day. I didn't get the 6 miles I was suppose to, but got 4.5 and was good to go. Went to the meeting drenched in sweat, but no one cared. I kind of love this PTO!
Friday: Cross and rehab or should I say pre hab. I had to get back on the getting up early train and get up and ride my bike. I have been having some insomnia issues again, and I hope by getting up super early every morning again, maybe I can circumvent those issues. I really hate not being able to get to sleep. I sent a message to Robin to meet me at 5:45 am, so I had accountability. The plan worked and we rode for over an hour and caught up on life. What I had forgotten though? The sun doesn't come up till later now, so we rode in complete dark for a bit. I sure do need a bike light!!!!
Saturday: Long run day! I guess I am going to have to go back to taking melatonin before bed. I could NOT go to sleep. I remember looking at the clock around 11:30 and thinking this is going to hurt so bad in the morning. The weather was suppose to be a little cooler in the morning, but I still wanted to get out and going by 5 am, so I could catch some meteors and possibly bring the dogs. The run itself was pretty good, even though it was 100 percent humidity. I was able to only take walk breaks for my fueling, which I did every hour (so times three), and at the half way point. I did still HAVE to take two bathroom breaks in ditches, so still haven't figured out my new found tummy woes. It has to be my night before meal of cheese pizza, but I have been doing that for years, so why is it suddenly not making my tummy happy? I even tried just carrying water this time, no Nuun, to see if that is what is tearing up my stomach.
I did have something odd happen. I decided to do an 8 mile loop with each dog, so brought enough water in my UD hard water bottle and the collapsible water bowl. As Stella and I progressed, she was doing so well that I decided to keep her out with me more and do a few more miles. I had stashed her bigger bottle a couple of times on the route, when I knew we were coming back through because it sloshes very loudly when it is in my pack and drives me nuts. I did so again at around mile 9 as we were going to do another out and back. When I got back, there was no bottle. Hmmmmm.... Well, the volunteers that walk the dogs for the humane society were out, but they usually don't walk that far. The only other runner I saw is a good friend, so I know she didn't grab it. I didn't see anyone else out so I have NO clue who might have had gotten it. I was pretty miffed and ended up having to take Stella home, but I got to switch out dogs then so there is that. Still hoping that bottle shows back up!
Sunday: Recovery run 6 miles. Andrew had his first sleep over in Topeka with his friends Anderson and Brooks, so running first thing in the morning was not a choice. We had some mommy time as well , which included a few beers (and about 15 minutes of La La Land before we had to go separate the boys for being naughty when they should be sleeping). Sherry was a grad student in the lab I work in back when I first started in biology, and she had moved away for a few years as her hubby had some amazing job opportunities. As they added kiddos and wanted to put down roots, they felt the need to come back to Kansas to be closer to family, so they settled back in Topeka. We are SO glad they are SO close and can't wait to do many more sleep overs. Their son Anderson LOVES board games, which is also a love of mine, so got introduced to many board games over the night and morning. Anyway, the weather was conducive for an afternoon run so I took advantage of it and ran later in the day. It was feels like 85 but hardly any humidity. Funny, I took just a plain plastic water bottle and stashed it on my out and back and no one took it.
Total mileage for the week: 32.42
I am REALLY looking forward to a cooler week, and by cooler, I mean highs in the upper 80s. This also marks the beginning of some very busy weeks after work and school so I have to start getting up and getting everything done in the morning and not sleeping in and putting it off till after work. I also have a race this weekend (10K) and an 18 miler. YIKES!
Have a great week!