Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 16 of Chicago Marathon training

I am getting so close that I can hear the trains and smell the pizza!!!!  Chicago, here I come!!!  As usual, here are some random pictures of the week.  The weather has been more summer like with heat indices in the 100s and humidity back at 100% as well.  Come on Kansas, can we please have a fall before winter????

Monday:  Rest day.  Well, rest day, but also a nice little work out with the GOTR group.  Most girls are attempting a walk/run at this point, but I have a few that still want to walk pretty much the entire time.  While I just need them to be moving forward, the practice 5 K in a few weeks is going to be tough.  I hope that it shows them what they need to do in order to be able to finish their 5K strong, but I worry that a few may get discouraged at how much work this really is.  I so wish I could run with them 3 days a week and not just 2 :(

Mel knows me well.  She brings me the best presents!
Tuesday:  Speed work 6 miles.  I originally saw speed work 9 miles on my schedule, but with the way my body was beat up post that last 20 miler, there was no way.  I switched work outs, hoping that would help my body get with the program.  I also had a new friend who has moved to Wamego and works at KSU that wanted to join us, so I thought 6 miles might be a little nicer introduction to our craziness than 9 miles.  Let's just say the humidity kicked all of our butts, but especially hers, and there was a ton of walking.  I think it really helped her to see where she was at realistically, and honestly, with my hip angry again, I didn't mind the lack of speed one bit.

Why is it that any time I take a pic with a hat on that no matter what the hat, the hat is always on sideways???

Wednesday:  Cross training.  Got some miles in with my bike.  They still haven't started harvesting the corn on our side of the fields, so I didn't have to dodge too many tractors or grain trucks.

Thursday:  9 miles of speed work  8 miles of survival.  Couldn't get my butt out of bed and when I did, it was 75 and 100% humidity.  Sigh. I am so OVER HUMIDITY.  I went back to bed after texting Mel that I was not feeling well enough to run.  That meant that post GOTR, we HAD to get our run done.  Feels like 105 with 20 mph winds?  Sure why not.  We tried using our buffs and soaking them to cool us down, and that helped not only with the heat, but also with the dust on the roads.  I can tell the grain trucks are traveling down our road, even if it isn't quite time for our corn and bean fields to be harvested.  The road is almost pure soft dirt at this point, due to heavy traffic.  There was no speed, only survive the miles set before us.

Friday:  5 miles of recovery.  I had nothing really to do at KSU so I headed out post taking andrew to school for a quick 5.  I am so ready for fall.  It was almost 80 with 90% humidity, but like the day before, we had a nice breeze blowing and the clouds kept the sun mostly covered.

Saturday:  Long run or get in as many miles as you can pre soccer.  I had 14 miles on my plate, but I also had an 8:15 soccer game and a race I was volunteering at on Sunday.  Friday night we had headed to manhattan to hit up Jeff's pizza buffet for carb loading.  Unfortunately, something on Jeff's pizza buffet did not agree with me, and I had indigestion that did not respond to zantac all night long.  I tried sleeping sitting up to keep the stomach acid down, and for some odd reason, that didn't work at all.  4 am came way to early.  My throat was super sore from acid all night, my tummy was very unsettled, plus I was super tired.  Andrew also decided to get up when I got up, as well as Tony, who had spent the entire night down stairs coughing.  It took me a little longer to eat, as my throat was so swollen, but I managed to get my pre long run fuel down by 4:20.  I was out the door by 5:20, but that was not enough time to get all of my run done.  I also had to make numerous pit stops due to a very unhappy tummy.  I called it done at 10 and headed home to go coach soccer.  We had the early game, and let me say that I was SO happy we did.  While it was super humid, the heat hadn't really set in yet. I really feel sorry for the later games.  Post my silver sharks playing an awesome game, I just didn't have it in me to go back out and finish.  I consulted with my coach, and we decided due to my tummy not being happy and me not feeling 100 percent, that it was not worth going back out right away. Plus, I am pretty sure I got 4 miles running around the soccer field coaching my kiddos.

Sunday:  Rest day and volunteering. I love volunteering for local races, especially races in which many of my running friends are running.  This is a super tough 25 K and 10 K, Konquer the Konza.  This is a race I run every other year depending on if I am doing a marathon or not or how close to my big race is to this race.

I as usual, was stationed at the top of the toughest hill on the course.   This year, other than the horrible heat, the race went very smoothly with no injuries and only a few people dropping from the 25K to the 10K.  I was done in record time this year and headed back to wamego to hang out with the family.  We spent the rest of the day playing on the deck and riding our bikes around town.

Total miles run: 32 miles

Really glad that this is a taper week and that the missed mileage won't hurt me too badly.  I missed one mile on my speed work and 4 miles on my long run, but I am in full taper mode so it's all good.

 Have a great week next week!  I will be enjoying more tapering before we leave for Chicago.  It's getting SO close!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week 15 of Chicago marathon Training

I kind of knew it in my gut that I wouldn't just be running one 20 miler this go around.  My coach loads my running sessions in one week at a time, per my request, and BAM, here you go, another 20 miler and another big week.  I can do this right?  Here are also some random pictures of my life to break up the words, since we run in the dark most days and daylight is getting later and later.

Lego train we got at Legoland.  Over 200 pieces and it took him maybe 30 minutes!
Monday:  Rest day.  My first day of coaching Girls on the Run.  We have 6 girls, and after the first lesson, I am already super excited for this season.  While the first session was a little rough due to it being my very first time with the girls (and having to do stuff alone because our head coach had to leave), we made it through and I already have some new buddies that I can't wait to see on Thursday. My plan was to just coach on Mondays, but I can't not help twice a week!!!  Guess Monday and Thursdays might have to be my Coleman Electric days, and I will have to do work once I get home.

Three cheeseburgers later and he can barely keep his eyes open

Tuesday:  Speed work.  Did my marathon pace speed work session today, instead of my big speed work session of 3 mile repeats.  Felt great even despite waking up to almost 100 percent humidity. Stupid Kansas and it's beautiful low morning temps and 100 % humidity complete with humidity fog. I am so done with humidity.  Actually was cold during my run, but my arm sleeves were being held captive in the guest bedroom.  My hubby has a chest cold the man flu, and has been sleeping down stairs as to not keep andrew and I up, which means if I don't get all of my gear out before morning, I risk waking him up getting it out. I want him to get over this cold near death flu but only if you are a man that we are all passing around, so trying to let him sleep as much as possible.

Not feeling great, but got his homework done anyway
Wednesday:  another rest day.  I had one sick little boy post school to take care of.  High fever was the main symptom, but he has been battling a little head cold and a tummy issues previously.  He had been building more lego creations but complaining of pain in his neck, which I totally thought was maybe growing pains.  Felt of him while rubbing his neck and boom, 101.5 degree fever.  When he is sick, he wants to be held, so there was lots of holding and loving and i don't regret one minute (although I miss my bike and am not looking forward to riding only on the weekend for daylight).

Some days at the end of the day, you just need a beer.  Abita Purple Haze

Thursday:  Speed work.  After a long night of andrew waking up and crying most likely due to pain from fever, I called off our morning run.  I had some hopes that he would be okay to go to school in the morning, but when we got up, he still had a very low grade fever and technically had not been 24 hours post the original fever.  I had planned on taking the day off due to him having an afternoon dental appointment anyway, but wanted to get some stuff done for Coleman Electric at the house and check out the co working space. Post taking care of andrew all day and then coaching for Girls on the Run, I was toast for the night.  I think I should get to count the walking/running/skipping/strength training we do for GOTR as cross training!

Tony, Andrew, and I looking at the stars
Friday:  2nd attempt at Speed work.  Something about seeing  2 mile repeats on my schedule just scares the hell out of me.  Give me 400s or 800s and I got this.  1 mile repeats and 2 mile repeats equals YIKES!  I almost went back to sleep and said forget about it, but with my marathon schedule post work friday, I knew if I didn't get up to do this work out that it wouldn't get done period.  Stella and I headed out to do 9 miles of 2 mile repeats, with warm up and and cool down.  Thanks to the humidity being super low, I was able to master these repeats easily and stay within the pace prescribed by coach.  I really wish the humidity didn't zap me so, because nailing this work out gave me so much confidence!

Post work and seeing one of my bosses do his tenure talk, I headed over to talk to the local Girl Scout Troop.  They are trying to design and implement a dog park in Wamego, and I am eager to help them see their dream come true.  They had great ideas, had done their homework on other dog parks nearby, and had some GREAT ideas on things to make and sell dog themed items to raise money.  I also encouraged them to get donations from local businesses (they have a grant as well) and give those businesses due credit on benches or on signs in or around the dog park.  The city seems really behind this idea, so I think in the near future, this idea will be a reality.

Goober fish
Saturday:  Easy 4 and soccer.  My goal was to go to bed early and sleep in and then go out for a run.  Of course Andrew was wide awake at 7 am ready to go, so up we went.  I finally made it out of the door to run around 9 am, which is super late for me.  It was hot, but the humidity was manageable.  Soccer was eh.  Andrew sort of tried, didn't cry, but did leave the field for an unscheduled water break which got us in trouble.  My whole team was kind of on the edge of not bad but not great.  The other team was actually playing positions, having two forwards and one defender who was parking him or herself in front of our goal.  While technically it wasn't playing goalie, my kids had never had someone just camp out near the goal so all attempts at getting a goal were met with great resistance by a player who had basically had been standing in one spot resting.  While I commend the coaches on having a strategy and wished i would have thought of it myself, I am pretty sure the kiddos playing "defender" were in the goal box which technically makes them goalie.  Oh well, we learned something new and may have to try this next game (minus being in the goal box or goal area since that is technically not allowed).

Sunday:  Long run.  Last 20 miler before Chicago!  I was kind of excited, because when I woke up, the temps were in the low 50s.  Unfortunately, as I scrolled down, I saw 100% humidity.  NOOOOOO!  It was so humid it was misty outside.  I started out with arm sleeves, but quickly shucked them as the humidity kept me from enjoying that cool air.  I started out with Stella with plans to get 15-16 with her before trading off with Deuce, since he got to do mileage yesterday.  I really would have enjoyed this run if the humidity had been manageable and my tummy had been nicer to me.  I still haven't fully gotten my tummy issues under control, and they were super bad during this run.  Add in day 2 of my period and well, I won't elaborate, but it wasn't pretty.  After picking deuce up at mile 15, I was suppose to have a fast finish, but the last 3 or 4 miles were just me trying not to quit.  My hip was tight and not 100% and my left upper back toward the end started having spasms (probably thanks to my hip).  I was trying to restrict my walking to fueling only, but towards the end it was when I needed it.  Thank goodness I have been doing this long enough to know that the taper heals the body, and that one truly bad run doesn't mean anything in the long run.

Total mileage for the week:  40


Have a good week!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week 14 of Chicago Marathon Training...5 ish weeks till go time!

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Monday:  Rest day.  Well, I was feeling froggy and the day was beautiful, so to give myself a break from all the cleaning/reorganizing I was doing, I hit my bike for a bliss free hour of pedaling.  Labor day for the win!

Tuesday:  Speed work.  My body was unfortunately not up for speedwork at all.  Mel had run her long run late monday, so she wasn't feeling it either, so we dropped back to just 8 miles, no speed.  I was shocked that my body felt as good as it did actually.  I had some little niggles under my left calf muscle and my right hip felt a tiny bit tight, but that was it.  We took a couple of walk breaks as needed.

This is most nights.  Out by 5:30 or 6:00 pm.  Gets up around 8:00.  Back out by 9:30!
Wednesday:  Rest day since I rode my bike monday. I should have gotten in a strength training, but I didn't.  Sigh. Someone please grab me and throw me back on the diet/strength training wagon, PLEASE!

Thursday:  6 easy miles.  Well, we went back and forth about doing this run pre work or post work.  We decided to try and get up because the weather is so cold in the morning lately (and I LOVE it).  Well, we both got up and said, nope, under the covers is nice, so we decided to run post work.  Well, that would have been fine except it was 87 degrees at that point.  We took water, took stella and her water bowl, and took walk breaks when needed.

Friday:  Cross and Strength. I found out that KSU had their band Pub Crawl scheduled Friday night, so we headed into town to pub crawl with the band and meet up with Willie.  We had SO much fun!  I so love band and cheering and being a huge band nerd!  Willie even picked andrew up and held him, but I was taking a video so couldn't take pictures! I couldn't get my phone to switch over and had to take a screen shot of the video!

Saturday:  soccer and easy run.  Hubby had to get up and go to work first thing, so no morning run.  No problem, we had stayed out late after the pub crawl and getting up at 4 am didn't sound like a good idea at all.  Hubby ended up getting back in time for me to do a quick 5 before the game.

A little bit about the game.  This was our second game and it went much much better.  We were evenly matched with a team as small and on the same level as we were, which was super nice.  It wasn't a goal fest at all, so we got to really practice skills like ball control and defense.  I think there was a total of 6 goals scored the whole game and four from my team.  While passing really didn't happen at all, there were so many good parts that I had to walk away happy.  Andrew got kicked in the butt with a cleat and cried, got a ball to the face and cried BUT scored a goal and that erased it all. Plus he was tough on defense, actually getting in there and trying to get the ball back or hanging back and intercepting passes.  That is the kiddo I know and for playing hard, we are going to check out lego land on sunday!

Post soccer and resting, we headed out to the Huff and Puff festival in Topeka. While it was too windy for the balloons to fly, they did blow them up and tether them, and we could all see them in their full glory. I highly recommend this festival as it is free parking and lots of amazing food and activities. I don't recommend this festival IF you have no patience for post event traffic.  Geez.  We sat in crawling traffic for over an hour until we got to a main road.

Sunday:  16 miles.  Why does 16 feel like nothing after 20?  We didn't get in from the festival till after 10 and then my brain wouldn't shut off.  I knew 4 am was going to be painful and boy was it.  I was drowning myself in pumpkin coffee.  The run itself, while super slow thanks to 90% humidity, was pretty good. I limited most of the run to walk breaks to fuel only.  I really didn't have to stop and give deuce or stella much water thanks to the lower temps.  Deuce did 15 or so with me and stella did the final 1 ish.  She was NOT happy about getting 1 but I am still trying to be careful with her running mileage totals.  I am still not happy with the easy run numbers I am seeing but I am hoping that the healing my body will do during the taper and the decrease in humidity will help that number change.  It better or I am screwed with my 50 K in 6 hours plan.

This ride went way to high for those little seat belts.  Let's just say I kind of hung on to andrew the whole time!

Post running, we headed to KC to visit Lego Land and Sea Life.  I could write a whole post on this place as we loved it!  I will just leave a few pics here and save words:)

Watching the 4 D movie.  We got wet!

Master builder class

Total mileage for the week:  35

I am getting SO excited for Chicago!  It won't be as fast as I would like for it to be, but I am fine with my PR being my first time I ran Chicago.  I was hoping the fall temps would stay around, but it looks like warmer temps are coming back to stay.  I also am starting to coach Girls on the Run with Rocking Robin this coming week and I can't wait to meet my girls!

Have a great week!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Runfessions September

I had to laugh, I have so many of these in my draft's box that were started by never finished.  I love getting my thoughts out on the screen, I just hate hitting publish apparently.  Grab a beer, some coffee, or whatever your poison is, and pull up a chair while I spill the beans!

I runfess, while sipping some nice pumpkin beer, that I am really thinking about going to one full or ultra a year.  This year was an experiment to see how it felt to do two marathons and two ultras and I think the results are in.  This training cycle, while injury free (knock on a giant piece of wood), has just been tough for me.  I am not enjoying like I normally do, and have had several longer runs where I honestly just didn't want to do them at all for no reason.  I don't want to loose my joy for running, and I don't want to wear my body out.  I was thinking about doing a spring marathon and or ultra, and then just doing some half marathons next fall.  We shall see, because that basically does not give me the break I think I mentally and physically need, if I do the race I want to do this spring.  I hate going to bed before everyone else and missing out on pretty much everything, because I am either sleeping or running, or exhausted from running.

I also runfess that while I am super enjoying coaching kiddos in soccer, I think we can safely say that Andrew is not a soccer player.  It doesn't break my heart that he doesn't love the sport like i had hoped, but it does break my heart to not see him trying, especially when the WHOLE TEAM is trying but him.  I can't focus on one kid, so I have to just keep going and ignore the crying and theatrics, but it is kind of embarrassing in a way that the coach's kid is sitting on the ground while the rest of the team is playing their heart out.  He was the one that wanted to play this year, so he has to finish out the season no matter what.  It may be a long couple of months for him, but we will make it through (i hope:).  After yesterday's game, we were walking to the park to play a bit.  He looked up at me and said the following:  "Mom, I want to wrestle.  Big boys wrestle.  Big boys don't play soccer. " Sigh.  Yes they do andrew.  I guess we need to go to a professional soccer game to show him that big boys do indeed play soccer.

I also runfess that while school is great at wearing him out, that means he lives in a constant state of tiredness and whiny-ness.  School has helped us get him in bed much, much earlier, but it seems like no matter the time, it still isn't early enough.  Practice is usually after school, and short of giving the child caffeine, i don't know how we are going to make it till his little body adjusts.  I also think that this is creating his issues at school. Yes, it has only been a few weeks, and I already have a parent teacher meeting scheduled.  It's nothing major, more like issues with not respecting personal space, not keeping his hands to himself, and not behaving in the bathroom, but I have no clue how to correct those things at home when he doesn't do them at home.  I have talked to him on several occasions, but I am not sure that our talks are doing anything, since he basically denies any accusations of things that happen at school.  I am super excited that the color chart will be starting next week because at least we have consequences for specific colors already in place thanks to his daycare and their color chart. I know this is another phase and this to shall pass, so let's hope the pumpkin beer stays in stock so I can make it through :)

Okay last runfession.  Sorry, I shouldn't hold these all in :) . This is my last week working full time at KSU.  After this week, I will work part time in my original lab that I have worked in for 13 years and part time for my hubby's business.  Just to remind you, I had been working part time in my normal lab and part time in another professor's lab that works with algae.  I will be working enough at KSU to retain my health benefits and retirement, and I am super scared/excited about the change.  I hate leaving my kiddos in my other lab.  My hubby's business is booming, but there will also be down time,  plus, we haven't had a steady stream of clients in my service center at the lab, so that could dry up at any moment too.  So many variables up in the air, but I am trusting my gut and going with what it is telling me.  At some point, I am hoping to be a full time employee with my hubby's business, as we want this to be a family endeavor.  I am looking forward to having more free time to do some stuff with andrew at school and the school system (like coaching girls on the run and helping with the middle school track meets), since I can do my hubby's work at any time of the day or the weekends.

Whew.  I feel better already!  Here's to a new and exciting month of fun!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week 13 of 18 Chicago Marathon training

Come on body, just a few more week!  You've got this!

Monday:  Rest day.

Tuesday:  Speed work 2 mile repeats with 400 meter recovery.  I almost didn't get this one done. Warning:  excuses coming.  I woke up with a pounding sinus headache.  Mel and I had already figured out we couldn't get the full 10 miles done that coach wanted us to do pre work, and I have no week nights free this week to get any runs done post work.  Coach had already said we could shorten our recovery times (she had us at 800 meter recovery), and we could also shorten our cool down mile.  We headed out at 4:15ish and we battled with 100% humidity, cars that wouldn't move over and tried to run us down, skunks, and me trying not to puke thanks to my headache.  I just couldn't get the paces coach wanted, but I am proud that I didn't give up and I gave what I could.

Wednesday:  Cross and strength.  Came home to hubby cooking.  He hasn't cooked in forever, so even though I had plans for working out, I quietly took my plate and had my dinner and enjoyed it!  I rested for a bit and then grabbed my bike, messaged Robin, and headed out for at least an hour of riding.  It's getting so dark so early :(

Thursday:  Speed work (5 minutes at MP and 3 minutes easy x 4 for a total of 8 miles).  Mel and I just weren't feeling this work out.  In fact even though it was so cool outside, yet again the damn humidity was at 96%. I am getting really tired of running with a humidity fog hanging on.  I am ready for a wind chill!!!!

Friday:  Cross and strength.  Rest day happened instead. I did not feel well all day and felt on the verge of coming down with something.  I chose to take it easy and rest instead of working out.

Saturday:   5 miles easy.  Let me tell you about saturday and the marathon day we had.   I got up early and got in an easy 5 with both puppers.

Post running i took a quick shower (which was stupid) and got dressed for coaching soccer.  We had our very first game and the Silver Sharks did very well.  We don't keep score, the other team clearly got more goals than us, but I am love how well my team did with only 2 practices under out belt.   Post the game in which I think I ran 5 more miles, Andrew and I went and rode the train and played on the playground.

After that, we headed to the library to play and get some books.  We managed to also sneak over to the doughnut shop and get some doughnuts.  I wanted to carb up for lunch so we then headed out to manhattan to Old Chicago for some carbs.  While in town, we also hit up yet another playground before heading back to Wamego.  Then I somehow got a third or fourth wind and cleaned the living room and organized all of andrew's train stuff.  Sigh. I am one tired puppy as I type this!  Probably going to regret doing so much the day before my 20 miler!

Sunday:  20 miles.  Somehow I didn't set my alarm for the right time, but my body luckily woke itself up right at 4 am.  My plan was to do two ten mile loops, so each dog got 10 miles in with me. 

 Stella was up first and we just felt good, so we kept going till about mile 15.  I switched out dogs and Deuce and I finished strong.  It was amazingly humid, as it has been all summer, so they cooler temperatures got canceled out thanks to the stupid humidity.  I ran for two hours in his humidity fog that left me with a coating of water droplets on my arms and eye lashes.  I wish I could have gotten it to take in the pictures well because it looked like I had frost on my arm hairs.  

Total mileage for the week:  41 miles give or take a few tenths

I am so ready for the Marathon!  While I know my coach and I know she might throw another 20 miler or even 22 miler in the mix, I have a slight hope that this is my last super long run.  She only gives me a week at a time so we shall see!!!!

Have a great week and enjoy your Labor day!