Sunday, August 21, 2016

7 weeks till Hell Creek on Heels 50K! Training Week 12

A week of changes.  A new job sort of and a kiddo starting PreK.  I am pretty much exhausted 24/7 and soccer hasn't even started (assistant coach here:) I have such a love hate relationship with getting up at 4 am four mornings a week.  I love the me time, and the time to get computer work done and read emails and blogs, but I hate feeling like I am ready to go to bed at 8 pm every night.   I usually switch over to after work runs after it gets cooler, but I am liking having nights free to do whatever I need to do (like watching the olympics for three straight hours).

Monday:  Rest day, or should I say grocery shopping day.  Andrew's first day of Pre-K.  He really is growing up too quickly.
We had already taken the supplies in earlier, but I wasn't sure if he needed a back pack or what.  So we improvised with Thomas and stuffed our daytime blanket in there to look official.  
Everyone asked if I cried.  I was pretty much busy with my new job yesterday (more on that later), and didn't have time to reflect. It isn't that big of a change really, since he is still in the same building, and has been transitioning to Miss Kim's room for a while anyway.  

Tuesday: 7 miles with 4 miles of repeats "comfortably hard", with 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down.  Quarter mile recovery between each repeat.  This work out felt GOOD.  We were able to maintain a 9:30 pace for our repeats.   The temperature was wonderful, but we still had 90% humidity.  
We started our pooch to 5 K program, since the weather was so nice.  Day one was running for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds, for a total of 20 minutes.  We did a 5 minute warm up/cool down.  She tucked in once like she was tired, but then was fine the rest of time.  

Wednesday:  Planned strength and or cross training.  I am not going to make excuses, I just didn't want to even get on my bike, and my hubby was working late, so I didn't.  Will this lack of strength training come back to bite me, Yep, you bet it will.

Thursday:  6 miles planned.  Woke up to lightening in the north west.  Storms were hours away, so we decided to chance it and run anyway.  The storms stayed way to the north, so no problems.  Pretty cool to see the thunderheads building and the lightening between them.  Got done and grabbed the dogs for day 2 of Pooch to five 5K.  I am kind of modifying it, and doing a full 30 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down. In the middle, we did the same we did Tuesday, run for 60 seconds, walk for 90 seconds. I think if I mapped it right, we did about 2 miles of walking/running.  

Friday:  Planned strength and or cross training.  I got off a little early due to them waxing the floor in my new lab, so grabbed my bike and headed out to beat the storms.  I got a little over 12 miles in before I had to stop.

Okay, a little about my new sort of job.  I work at KSU, and our lab is a service center for a company called Bionano Genomics.  We have not always been a service center, this happened about 4 years ago when our grant did not get funded for our developmental research, and we decided to keep the lab open by other means.  We don't get paid by the company we are a service center for, we just take clients and use their technology,  but they do give us LOTS of technical support and help.   The last few months we have had one, maybe two clients.  Usually summer is my super busy season, but this summer, not so much.  So we started planning long term.  There is another professor we work with, and he needed some projects finished in his lab, and was willing to give me a temporary home for now.  He has given me the option that it could become permanent IF the service center doesn't have anymore clients in the future.  I am so torn, I LOVE what I do, but learning something new in a new lab with a big group of undergrads, grads, and postdocs is fun too.  Right now I am learning all new techniques, and while slightly overwhelmed, am really enjoying it.  

Saturday:  20 miles planned.  It rained much of the night, so I was super worried my route would be pretty mud slogged.  I also would be tackling the route and this distance by myself, as Melly had to go out of town.  It turned out while super humid, the morning was wonderful!  The temps were in the 60s, a breeze was blowing from the north to keep it nice and cool, and no crazy wild life tried to kill me!  I did see a possum and some odd birds but that was about it!

This train did scare the daylights out of me.  We have several rural crossings where there is no rails that come down.  I couldn't see him coming because of the corn so when he appeared and honked his horn, I just about jumped out of my skin.  I was able to get my phone out quickly and snap a few pictures for Andrew.  This train was LOADED with tanks probably headed to Fort Riley.
And while I am still not a huge fan of getting up early, this makes it all worth it!
It's crazy how the sky will turn all sorts of colors quickly and be done as quickly as it starts.  I always stop and take a pic and seeing this NEVER gets old.  Since I had done 20 before, this wasn't too scary, like last year.  I didn't have any issues, fueled every hour, and had plenty of water.  

Later in the evening, we attended our town's Agricultural Heritage day.  There were so many kid friendly events!  Andrew got to participate in his first tractor pull as well as sit on many cool tractors!
He told me later that, pedaling that tractor was super hard mom!  I don't think he made it quite past the point of them pushing him (they give the youngest guys a push to get them started) but he had fun and got a cute little tractor key chain just for trying.  I am super proud of him trying because there was a huge crowd and he gets stage fright sometimes when that many people are watching.  
Sunday:  Planned 8 miles.  Day 3 of Pooch to 5K.  I decided to split up my runs and do 6 miles on my own and 2 miles with the dogs since that is what they are up to with their walk/run intervals.  It was a cool but humid morning.  I am loving the temps but NOT the humidity still.  ENOUGH KANSAS!  

41 miles total.  

What a week.  I will be honest in that my tib/fib thing that I battled with 2 years ago seems to be flaring up, so I am being super careful by icing and doing lots of stretching and compression.  I think my body just doesn't like running that much on Konza, although it has been fine up until now.  Maybe it is a cumulative effect.  Needless to say, I took a break from trails this week just in case.  I would love to be a trail runner, but once again I am scared that the trails just don't love me.  

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