Friday, May 25, 2018

May Runfessions

May Runfessions, I got this!  I was better this month of keeping my runfessions down in a rough form so getting them out was a little bit easier.  I am currently drinking a yummy beer called the Shaven Yak by Wichita Brewing Company so pour your self a cold one and sit down for some runfessions!

T-ball.  Oh boy.  I runfess, I really didn't know how this was going to go and was kind of worried.  I never played T ball, but I played baseball with the boys, so I know the skills needed to be a good player.  Just like soccer with littles, everything has to be fun and covered as a game, not a drill.  I knew two things going in:  Andrew does not like to be wrong/corrected, and Andrew does NOT like heat.  I was super worried because well, duh, we play ball in the heat of summer, plus the games are a hour long and consist of a lot of standing in direct sun waiting for action.  Thus far practices have been okay, with one total melt down because he had had enough of corrections and was hot.  Now mind you, when I say corrections, I mean saying things like "hey, choke up on the bat" or "put your hands together" or "watch the ball".  Nothing big, just little things to help him be more successful.  The good news is that daddy bought a back stop that is living at the shop for throwing and hitting.  I am researching fun games for the kids to play, because we have several 4 year olds and young 5s that have 0 coordination or physical skill YET.  I am hoping this will all directly benefit Andrew and his very fixed mindset.  We have had 4 practices so far, which is more than most teams in the league, so hoping our kiddos are learning and having fun as I learn how to be a T ball coach.

My view from my desk and my giant AC unit
Working in a shop.  All by myself.  All day.  Most days.  I runfess, I need the humans!  I am bringing the dogs and of course have FB on my computer, so I can message people throughout the day, but dang, I am missing humans!  I knew this would be an issue since I do love to talk :)  I do love the flexibility though.  I enjoy being able to pop around and do errands and work. 

My foot.  Here is what I have tried:

Night splint and Strassburg sock
Foot exercises including doming, calf raises, step raises, and toe stretching
Frozen coke bottle and or ice packs that fit in my arch
Little ball with nubs to roll under my foot for 30 minutes
Changing back to my old model of shoes
Lowering my volume of miles significantly/no running
ART/deep tissue massage
Ultrasound therapy
Fascia Busting
Tuli heavy duty heel cups
Taping done by my chiro

I runfess, while I feel like it is getting better, I am still super worried.  PF doesn't go away easily and I feel like even thought it has been over a month of this coming on, recognizing what it was, and battling it, that this could be a long term issue.  I don't like long term issues :(  I have read and watched others go through this stupid injury for months and some even years. I am currently taking some time off and cross training, but what if that isn't enough??? I am always scared of the what ifs. 

There you have it, May runfessions!  I feel better already!

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