Sunday, February 3, 2019

The REAL week 3: Training for the Rockin K Trail Marathon

Week 3 and my first time of doing two Cross fit classes early in the morning.  Pass the coffee and the advil please!

Monday:  Cross fit class.  I slept like CRAP.  Let me rephrase that, the little sleep I got was nice, but I mostly was wide awake from midnight on with some Britney spears song on loop in my head. I have no clue why, but I just couldn't sleep and I started playing that, well, if I go to sleep right now I will get 4 hours of sleep and then 3 hours and then 2.  I finally fell asleep, but I got maybe 4 or so good hours of sleep total.  I even tried going down stairs and sleeping in the guest room but nope, the sandman had blessed me with falling asleep initially, but once I was up, I was up.  I was wide awake at 4 am and ready to go and get my butt kicked in Cross Fit.  I had noticed the words Death By 10 meters and I was excited to learn what that meant.  After our normal back squat series (I bumped all of my weights up by 5 lbs this time), we go to the WOD.  Basically every minute, you ran.  The first minute it was 10 meters.  Whatever time you had left over you rested.  Then the next minute 20 meters and so on.  I was able to get 130 meters in before I was basically getting done and starting again.  I was toast.  I was on the side nearest the heaters and they were blowing full blast on me and Mel.  I also tried to sprint as hard as I could at first, and honestly, taking it easy on the smaller distances probably would have been the smarter thing to do.

Getting boom use to his running set up by run/walking him to school
Tuesday:  Easy 5.  Some days I think am doing so well and some days I feel like I am falling apart.  Out of no where during my very easy run, my right knee started aching.  I have NEVER had knee issues, so this was so weird.  The only thing I can think of is that I somehow tweaked it when I was doing the sprinting part of the WOD yesterday and just didn't feel it??  I had pain on and off all day, nothing major, but enough to make me a little worried about doing Cross fit again Wednesday and or running Thursday. I don't have time for knee issues.  I did try rolling out everything above my knee just to make sure nothing was tight and pulling on anything, and I tried icing when I was sitting as well as took a naproxen before bed.  I got a little angry because this was the first day my gravel roads were neither icy nor muddy, and I could actually run.

lifting math at 5:30 am

Wednesday:  First time doing Cross Fit class on this morning.  I was a little nervous because there wasn't a strength portion listed on our app we use to reserve classes, and the WOD was a partner WOD for time that included dead lifts.  I honestly almost didn't go because I wanted the strength more than the WOD.  Luckily for me, the strength was on the board when I walked in, which meant a few moments of panic as I had to do some quick math.  Y'all, feel free to total make fun of me here because I have a spreadsheet that does all of this math for me and I hadn't made it because I thought we weren't doing the series.  A few panicked moments with my calculator on my phone and viola!  I really like the fact that we are repeating this series and also bumping our weights up each week.  I like the comfort of doing similar things.  The WOD was a partner WOD and I was a little worried.  Two of the exercises I had to scale  and the dead lift portion I had to try a lighter weight, but we got it done.  I don't like doing lifting for time or as a race, so I took it easy and my poor partner had to suffer with the slowest time, meaning no T shirt winning for us.  Oh well, form is the most important to me right now. I was very excited that I was able to get my knee ups on the bar successfully and quickly.  #Progress.  Oddly enough my knee was fine during the work out and afterwards.  Thinking maybe I need knee sleeves but I have heard they are just a trend and don't really do anything?

Now we have lost both of our front teeth!
Thursday/Friday:  REST days.  I decided to give my knee a couple of days off in hopes that whatever was wrong would resolve its self.    Next week is a cut back week and I thought about switching the weeks, but since I am not a running coach, I wasn't sure if that was a good idea.  I figured one run wouldn't hurt me, and Friday is my new total day off so it worked.  I tried to ice my knee anytime I was sitting still and I did take some anti inflammatory meds at night.

Saturday:  Long run day.  Since we have a tournament and then super bowl on Sunday (I'm watching for the commercials, NOT the game), today was the day.  We were blessed with a warm but overcast day. It's funny how upper 30s feels like a heat wave when it's been in the negative real feels.  Granted we got lucky and it wasn't as bad as some places this week!  My hubby had work to do and didn't know what time he would be done, so I had to eat normally and be ready to go at any minute.

By the time we got started, it was 60 degrees!  Stella and I decided to hit the local paved trail to stay a little less muddy and to hopefully see some eagles.  We weren't disappointed as we saw lots and lots of eagles!

While I am not a fan of running on pavement anymore, it's nice to get to look around and not stare at your feet.  I really do enjoy running out at the Rocky Ford/Tuttle Creek area.  I used the 4:1 intervals again and my knee felt fine.  Other things hurt on and off, but so goes running.  It started getting dark and I still had about 3.5 miles to go, so I did a bunch of out and backs until I hit my mileage.  We even did the giant hill that we run down for one of the local 10Ks and we ran most of it UP!

Sunday:  Tournament day and easy run.  We were up early to head to a little town called Silver Lake for our fourth tournament.  When I looked the brackets early in the morning, Andrew only had 3 kids in his bracket.  WHAT?  They had taken a weight class with 6 kids and split them into two.  Instead of wrestling 4-5 times with a 6 man bracket, he wrestled twice.  The gym was TINY and it was packed by the time we got there (which was an hour before anything even started).  We ended up camped out in a hallway, which honestly is my fav place to be at big tournaments BUT we could barely make it to our mat due to how things were set up.  Needless to say the first match wasn't his best but still better than most and he fought hard but got pinned.  Hoping for a better second match and the chance to medal, we headed back to the mat to not have an opponent.  Hmmm.  They called for him and he came, crying and clutching his tummy.  

The ref immediately grabbed the coach who talked to the parent and the kid forfeited.  Poor Andrew was SO confused.

Then the ref made a HUGE deal about Andrew winning and Andrew was even more confused.  He ended up winning second place but we didn't stay for medals.  We just wanted to get out of that place and never go back.  We have two more tournaments the next two weekends so hoping for a better experience with the next two (and no illnesses because it is going around for sure).  

Since we got done so early I was able to get some running done.  It was quite windy but 68 degrees!!!!  Amazing weather!  Although it looks like cold and snow will re join us this next week.  BOOO!  My knee isn't hurting but it still feels off.  I am looking forward to a nice cut back week :)  Glad I am coaching myself and put those in on purpose!

As always, I am linking up with HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home for the weekly wrap up!  Check out some amazing blogs in the link up, you won't be disappointed!  I have found a few new ones i really, really enjoy.


  1. I have knee sleeves--my coach let me borrow hers when my knees were aching one day. They helped me--I felt like they warmed up my knees and loosened things up. I don't use them often, tho.

    Love that you had 68 degrees! We weren't nearly as warm, but even the 40s felt good!

    1. That is what my coach told me, use them in warm up and then take them off. I am still kind of thinking i might get a pair anyway. I found some with dogs on them and they are reasonably priced so I might just have to get them!

  2. I also feel the same that some days my running feels so good and some days I just think I can't run a mile without walking.

    1. Ever since I turned 40 I feel like my body is hard core rebelling against me!

  3. I loved our weekend warm-up, but alas, it promptly ended once Monday arrived LOL I notice my left knee (the one that didn't have surgery AND is better aligned) started feeling a little off last week. I seriously think (for me, at least) it's from all the treadmill runs I had to do in the past couple weeks. Another reason to detest that apparatus....LOL

    1. When i had my massage yesterday the other knee/quad was WAY more touchy and painful than the one that hurt during my run! I am going to try some CBD oil and see if that helps get things calmed down too.

  4. That was your son's first match?! My son just had his first match a couple weeks ago, too! I wasn't sure what to expect for the first one. It was good to get that first one out of the way and ended up being a lot of fun. Hope you all can stay healthy - sick bugs are going around for sure.

    And as for waking up with Britney Spears looping in your head... I'm so sorry! hehe ;)

    1. This was his fourth tournament of the year and one that we won't go back to. He has wrestled for three years now but this is really the first year he has listened to the coaches and tried and won a few matches. We are so proud of him! What did you think about the first tourny that you kiddo did?

  5. Wow 68 degrees? Amazing! We were thrilled with 50 here, although it was very short lived and followed by ice. Glad your knee is feeling better. Sorry the tournament was disappointing.

    1. We have had two days this week of ice and looks like I will be running on the mill today :(
