Sunday, April 5, 2020

What day is it again?

Andrew's emoji check in.  I feel ya son!
I am so confused at this point.  I love that meme going around about needing underwear with the day on again because I really do need it!  I've been doing lots of random FB live videos.  Y'all, it was hard enough to go from my lab in a large building of other labs and lots of people to an office in an industrial complex where I see 1-3 people maybe a day. I  am a HUGE extrovert making the move itself painful.  This is as well, but I am doing my part and staying away from the people.  In fact my hubby wants me to start working out of the house and not even coming into the office, but I am afraid that not getting that little bit of outside-ness a day may really drive me over the edge.

graduation to a big boy bike!  Hand brakes, have mercy on us :)
Several people have asked me about our business.  The state deems us essential, but we are not doing service calls unless it is extreme emergency or the homeowners can somehow prove to us they are not sick or they can be out of the home while we work.  We haven't really had that many calls for service anyway, which is good, I haven't had to turn too many people down.  My service guys do NOT feel comfortable going in strange people's homes and we do not feel comfortable sending them from house to house not knowing who is sick and who isn't.  They all have families to go home to and we all have to stay safe.  I know there are other electricians still doing service work and to each his own.  We don't think it is worth the risk to our customers or to our service technicians.  We have applied for the PPP loan to try and keep all of our electricians on our payroll.  We don't want to loose anyone, we want all that want to work to get a paycheck.  Our main industrial client has shuttered it's doors to outside contractors, so we are taking a huge hit not having them to service.  We do have several commercial projects due to start next week, which will take all that want to work. Two of the projects are due to go all spring and summer.  Fingers crossed that the job sites stay free of Corona virus and that we can keep our guys safe with PPE.   The general contractors are going to have strict rules and our guys will do their part to stick to these rules.   These guys are our family and I just want them to be safe, even if we all just have to hunker down at the shop for a few months.

Running was still 3 days a week with our general plan of walk one, run 3 with our 4:1 intervals, and finish with a walk.  I still have pain every now and again but as long as i pay attention to my cadence and take short steps and do ALL of my exercises.  Robin and I are still running together but we stay 6 feet apart at all times and we are doing some video chats in between, so we don't have to be so close to talk.  The Kansas spring wind kind of takes care of talking anyway. I am also trying to do yoga a few days a week since I am only running 3 days a week.  Those classes kick my ASS in such a good way.  I am still hoping to get to a few virtual barre classes and or find a good BOSU class since I have a BOSU ball that is just being used for PT right now.  I use to take BOSU classes when I was in grad school and LOVED them.  SO HARD! 

Home schooling is going well.  We got choice boards from the school this week with the requirement being to do 2-3 tasks a day.  The state wants our 2nd graders to be "in" school for no more than 1 hour a day.  We usually do a little more than that, but I always leave it totally up to him as to what he wants to do.  We do math pages every day and then he chooses usually handwriting or sentence practices or reading.  I am also letting him add a creative side to things since he LOVES to create.  He had to write a story the other day and I let him illustrate his story.  He was also suppose to take a picture of his work space and write about it, and since he is just working next to me on the big break table, I let him draw a picture of where he would LIKE to work.

He LOVED this and of course with his sponge bob Lego creation he had to draw a picture of him studying in bikini bottoms.  Honestly I always knew he would do well in a single homeschooling situation and he really is loving it as am I to a point. I am still trying to work so when I am working I need him to be independent and we are still a work in progress. We try to play at least one board game a day that incorporates math and reading to bring it all back to fun. 

Have a happy week y'all!  We got in 15 run/walk miles this week and I am so excited to be sort of back!  I am jealous of those long running but I know soon I will be back at it!  Have a great week and stay safe.

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