Sunday, July 12, 2020

Week 10: Training for the Hawk 50

And just like that, we are done training.  Sigh.  Read on.

Monday:  Rest day.  Say bye to my mommy day :(  Mom and Tommy headed back to TN and I already miss them terribly.  

I did this to cheer myself up.   I have a ton of sun damage to my hair as I wear my hair in a pony tail with a hat on.  I wanted any and all damage cut out and then my hair lightened to match the color :)  I didn't want big stripes of color  but I trusted my hairdresser who I dearly love and she did an amazing job.  She even curled it and gave it a new part and volume, something that i can't do but she does wonderfully.  I wish I could do this to my hair every day, but I have neither the skill nor the patience.  Andrew said he loved it because we matched.  Andrew also had football practice again with masks pre practice and lots of social distancing at stations.  I am so glad they are back to some sort of routine and am hoping the Covid spikes from the students coming back to KSU and partying is over with.  

Tuesday:  4 miles on the mill.  My running partner was out of town meaning I needed to run solo.  When I awoke at 5:45 the temp was 77 and the humidity was 96% and the desire to run by myself in the darkish was 0.  I decided the mill would work and I could get a little extra sleep as well.    Since i can work from home, I put my laptop and work phone by the mill and got started.  My body was not cooperating and i probably got off 4 or 5 times to visit the bathroom.  Geez body!  I finally got 4 miles done but boy it took way longer than on the road and i felt like I worked way harder than normal just to get done.  

Wednesday:  10 miles.  Another late night the night before meant waking up early SUCKED.  My hubby has been on a steak kick and it takes time to get the potatoes going and the grill going but it is OH so good when we finally 9:00 pm.  My running partner was back, which totally helps with motivation to go otu when it is super icky out.  The humidity was low enough that I decided to take Stella with my hubby on alert if I needed to call him to come and get her.  I am happy to say we all made it through :)

Later on in the day I saw an announcement of a race that had previously been postponed out at the trails I train at being flat out canceled.  I wasn't shocked, the race was suppose to be in July and had been pushed back till August already.  What I was shocked about was that no virtual option was offered and no swag was even ordered.  I get it, but I figured at least the swag would have been ordered as they have amazing swag that I have bought previously even though I didn't' even do the race.  Interesting.  I started thinking please don't let this happen to my race.  My 50 is put on by the same crew, but different RDs and a month later starting date.  I was kind of shocked that later on in the day we got the same news for our race as well.  As I said on FB, I don't envy ANY RDs out there making these tough decisions. I had hoped that with the cap on runners entered (normally 100 per race distance x 3, this year 50 x 3) would help and that we could do a wave start and be okay, but I guess not and it is what it is.  I am not mad at all at the Trail Hawks or the amazing RDs, just more sad about all the time and training I put into getting rehabbed and back so I could do this kick ass race.  I had also held out a glimmer of hope that if the race was canceled, that the handmade mugs and medals would already be done, so that I could do the event virtually and earn that mug with the help of my parents and hubby as my aid stations.  Nope.  No swag, no virtual options I guess to discourage large groups from doing this race at the same time?  Not sure but I am super sad.  I immediately video called my running partner and got my other running partner on messenger and we laid out our options.

1.  We could find a race the same weekend and pray they will stay on schedule and we won't loose our money again.  Yes, we were offered deferrals for the Hawk, which is super duper awesome, but I have vowed this is my last summer training for anything over the 50 K distance.  The thought of training another summer next year makes me ill, seriously.  There is a race in IL that weekend but the shortest distance to get anything is the 50K and you get a coin.  Sigh.  There is another race in MO that same weekend, but MO is a hotspot for the virus right now, so not sure I want to go there. Heck we are a hotspot here thanks to the college, so maybe I don't want to go there to take anything with me.  

2.  We could find a race in October or November and again pray that it doesn't cancel.  Some races are going to wait listed entry, so your money is not spent unless the race is on.  Unfortunately, the two I am looking at are not like that, so I am a little gun shy at this point.  The other problem with finding a later in the year race is that I will need to start training for my spring 50 in December.  As I have experienced before, I need a month or more of down time, easy running or no running for that matter, to let my body heal or it rebels.  Plus, I am already 10 weeks in so starting over is kind of mentally defeating right now.  

3.  We could run for fun, keep our weekly runs at 4 or 5 runs with 4-6 miles each and a long run of 10-15 miles and just have fun.   I could enjoy Andrew's race season and not have to worry about back to back long runs or having 5 runs in a row and wearing myself out.  Yes, we would still have to get up at 4 am to get runs done to avoid this brutal heat, but the volume would be MUCH lower. 

Stay tuned. I need to make a decision this week one way or the other.  I am leaning towards screw it, run for fun, if you can ever say summer running is fun BUT my running partner Robin had JUST committed to the marathon distance and I want her to take that momentum and use it.   

Thursday:  Got up to do our new normal for now which is run as much as we wanted to.  Unfortunately KS has other ideas as it sent severe storms our way.  Decided to wait to run.  Felt like crap later.  Thanks monthly friend.  Friday looked better and we aren't officially training right now so why not take the day off?

Friday:  Totally slept through my alarm.  Woke up at 6 am (When I was planning on meeting robin) in a panic.  Told her give me 15 minutes.  Threw on some clothes as quickly as possible and got out the door.  It was hot and humid, but not too bad, so the dogs got to come and Stella politely declined but boom boom stepped up and took her place.  He still won't drink water while we are running and gets way to overly hyped when other dogs bark at him, but he is doing really well with not pulling the entire run and listening to commands.  

Saturday:  Long run day!    While we are totally off of any plan, we decided to keep our long runs between 10-15 miles at a time.  That still means getting up at 4 am to beat the sun:(  They had forecasted storms, which I didn't mind as we had nothing concrete to get done Saturday. When we woke up, it was just hot and humid, too humid for even the dogs.  I had hoped the storms would blow thorugh and cool things down but nope, not a chance.  We had 13 on our brain and as we were headed back from out 10 out and back, I told Robin if we got near the house I would probably want to give up.  We decided to stay out, get as much on the gravel as we could, and then head home.  We ended up getting our 13 but boy was it a suckfest.  The only thing positive about this run was we both had some talk therapy and we found a new big patch of milkweed that had a monarch caterpillar munching on it.  Post running I hit up a few garage sales from a few of my favorite thrift/antique stores.  I have been wanting an antique buffet and had found one but it was a bit pricey.  I decided after 2 weeks of seeing it still there that if I got to the store and it was not sold, I would buy it.  Well lucky me, it was still there so this piece went home with me!

I will do an after post when we future out where it is actually going to go.  We are getting rid of some antiques in our dining room and may have to find a new place for our treadmill but it's beautiful and worth the hassle.  

We also hit up a new to us restaurant in a town over that had very yummy food and beer.  Had some chicken and waffles and some vanilla porter.  YUM!

Sunday:  Race day!!!!  Y'all, not going to lie.  Really liked NOT having to wake up at 4 am and run pre race.  I actually had my wits about me all day and didn't have to binge on caffeine all day.  Plus, as I type this,  I am still wide awake and don't feel the need to go to bed at 7 pm.  

A couple of things first:   we didn't do any practicing this week and we needed a bunch of parts to fix things that we didn't get in the mail even though we paid extra for overnight shipping.  We knew today would be a crap shoot.  I am SUPER happy to report that Andrew was on fire and while his placements did not reflect it 4/5 in Jr. Animal and 8 out of 9 in Jr honda, he did some amazing things today.  He passed at least 6 cars and didn't get hung up behind lap traffic.  He drove hard even when his car was lifting (up on the outside tires with the inside tires off the ground.  He had his first spin out and didn't freak out about it.  He had a big wreck into the wall thanks to one of his friends but he didn't cry and he is excited to race again.  He had 0 big panic attacks, just a few small ones that tony was able to talk him through.  

He also learned the power of the freight train.  If you have seen NASCAR, you know what I am talking about.  One line will go and leave the rest behind.  It's happened to him too many times now and I think he finally got it.  Hook on to a fast car or line and GO!

I am SO proud!!!!!  We are a work in progress but I am excited to see where we are going!  I know that every week will be different but I hope we can keep this momentum up and get our cars dialed in.  We have a ton of season left and I can't wait to see what happens!

It's been a long week with disappointment, but I will live, life goes on, I can still run and that is what is the most important.  I am glad I was only 10 weeks in to training, I have another 50 in the spring anyway.  Oh well, another week of running and another weekend of racing:)

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