Sunday, December 18, 2022

Joy to the Run Week 3

This week was all about just getting through, shuffling days, and dealing with life.  I had meetings several nights and both Robin and I had some aches and pains that made the runs not so great.  Apparently neither of us are ready to get back into serious speedwork, even if this isn't totally serious and short.  I feel like I am falling apart and so does she.  I just want to be a well rounded runner and do all of the things.  Apparently my body doesn't agree and just wanted to be round.  Also, got my Strava recap fun for the year.  Going to be short again this year for hitting 1K miles, but that is okay since it wasn't an official goal anyway.  Me and summer running are not friends and that is just not going to change anytime soon. I know I said I was going to do a day by day recap, but I am tired and I have a million things to do on my to do list for the day.

Monday: Easy run

Tuesday: X to the T #2

Wednesday: Recovery

Thursday: Easy run

Friday:  Strength circuit

Saturday: Yoga or recovery

Sunday: Long run

We easy ran through rain. Nothing like being cold and wet.

We did speedwork that kicked our butts, but left out dogs super happy.  10 minute warm up followed by 5 rounds of 20 seconds hard, 20 seconds easy.  Then take those five rounds and multiple it by 3 sets with a 10 minute cool down.  

I had a board meeting Wednesday night that lasted 2 hours and post that meeting, I had no desire to do anything productive.  A glass of wine and bed was all I had in me.  

I did give my BRF Robin her Christmas present early.  I had gotten us both Noxgear vests after a great cyber monday deal and several close calls lately with drivers.  While I am still getting use to running with it on and getting it adjusted properly, I do think I will eventually like it.  I know for sure drivers could see us no problem while running and all of the light choices were fun.  I think based on where we have been running lately, it's mainly very distracted community college kids almost hitting us, and they should be done for the semester after this week.  She got me a trailhead's hat I had been eyeing for quite some time.  One word: AMAZING!  It has part trucker design, so I can have my headlamp light on the front and it stay put and not dig into my head, and super warm fleece in the back to keep my head warm, plus it comes down over my ears!

I did do yoga this week and the strength training work out which was a single leg circuit.  Both were challenging and I learned some new moves with the strength training again.  

I got my long run/Bingo run done on Sunday.  Usually I long run on Saturday, but I put yoga there instead just in case our Friday night Christmas party got a little out of hand.  I was only one square away from BINGO dang it!  Should have looked at the squares pre run but decided not to be influenced by it and just run and see what happened.  Decided to just do 6 since my official training starts next week for my 12 hour race. 

Have a great week y'all!  I have more meetings, but little A is done with school meaning I can sleep a full hour later in the mornings, and hopefully work will be quiet since most people don't want to spend money around Christmas and tend to not need us (plus we are super booked anyway).  

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