Sunday, February 28, 2021

Week 11 of 18: Training for the Flint Hill's 50 Low and slow

 I entered this week with hope that a return to some sort of running would be possible.  I also was being very realistic in that this return may not look the way I want it to look and that any hope of following a training plan, even if it was half mileage would be foolish.  I had to run what my body thought capable based on any pain/soreness I might encounter.  In writing this on Monday, my left leg still felt stiff and tight with random soreness in my IT band, some on that inner adductor, and then some in the back of the leg, not my hamstring per se, but something back there. 

I thought I would try spacing out my runs and only running 4 runs a week.  If I went to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then Sunday, this strategy might work.  Not sure about a true long run this week.  I told my running partner that if I had pain, I would just turn around and head back, but we were able to do 4 miles without pain for me.  Again, super slow, not going to push it. I had some soreness and I know that sound weird to not call that pain, but it was more soreness from healing than acute pain from injury if that makes sense. I also feel very stiff and tight, which is odd because I am stretching and doing rehab exercises like they are going out of style.  I also have this weird feeling that I will have to somehow articulate to my chiro.  So here goes.  I just got new shoes, not new style or upgrade, same Altras, same release, just new to me.  I bought them off of amazon since the new release has changes that others do not like.  Anyway, as always, I put in them the inserts that I have been using to mitigate some of the zero drop, since my calf muscles still to this date do not like running in 0 drop.  The inserts don't add much, but they do make my calf muscles happy so I continue to use them.  This sounds weird and I have no way to figure this out other than buy a new pair of shoes or run in my old worn out shoes, BUT my right shoe feels more cushioned than my left.  I guess I just need to try a run in my older altras and see if I have the same soreness and or pain than with my new to me shoes.  I really don't think this is my imagination, i do feel like it is real, but when you pay 150 for a pair of shoes, it's really hard to abandon them. 

I also ran on Wednesday with some soreness.  I think sitting all day at my desk gets me kind of sore and tight as I have been doing most of my rehab exercises at home post work instead of throughout the day, like I use to. I guess i need to get a new mat for the shop and try and do some exercises during the day to mitigate this.  Anyway, we did 5 miles but I was a little defeated that i am still sore and still having to take advil daily.  I just feel weak/out of shape and I shudder to think this is from only 2 weeks of rest.  

I had planned on lifting Monday and Thursday.  Monday's session went really well. Still just working with form and the bar, no added weights.  I did 4 rounds of 10 back squats, 10 deadlifts (alternating regular and sumo), 10 good mornings, 10 of ab work including dead bug and tabletop core work, and 10 of hammy work including step ups and kettle bell work.  I gave myself 1 minute between each exercise for recovery and I think it took me about 40 minutes to get through everything.  On Thursday, I was super sore all day and just didn't feel like lifting was a great idea.  During my chiro session Wednesday, I did a ton of work on the reformer for adductor strengthening and did several new to me exercises with kettle bells and balancing.  I love that my chiro is always continuing her education and continuing to evolve what she gives to her clients. She is also going to start me working on some foot strengthening issues with some cowboy sits, which should also help the whole leg and chain.  

Of course I also have to post about picture day.  This kiddo cracks me up so much.  He said this was his model look.  I posted on insta and FB and had several comments that with his red hair and blue eyes that I should think about him going into modeling.  He laughed about it and said sure, let's do it but I don't think he truly understands what that entails.  My mom had a boss whose kids did modeling and it was tough but they did make quite a bit of money for college  by doing so since any money kids make from these endeavors is basically put into trusts that the parents can't blow.  Of course as a mom I am super biased that he is super cute as any mom should be:)

Ran Friday with both dogs, kind of a mistake. My injury is not fond of dogs pulling sideways and while I want both dogs to go and get exercise, I may just have a period of time where I am force to run with just one dog.  I still feel very clumsy, very out of sorts.  I was going to lift post running but instead enjoyed the fact that the boys were out and at the movies and watched a new amazon original show I am digging.   It's called Flack and while it is not safe for any little eyes and has very adult themed issues, I totally enjoyed it thoroughly and enjoyed seeing Anna Paquin back in a good role.  I have missed her since her playing Sookie in True Blood.

Saturday was super busy starting out with me lifting.  I did 4 rounds of 10 back squats, 10 deadlifts, 10 dead bugs (Both arms and legs),  3 x 5 second adductor holds, and 10 kettle bell swings.  I did put my plates on the bar just to again work on form and quickly figured out I need a portable squat rack asap.  I can front rack and get over my head to start, but I don't have enough room to drop it off my back so hubby had to be my unracker LOL.  Next I headed to Topeka for a meeting about quarter midget stuff.  The plan was to have the boys come with and watch a fellow racer race his RC car at slick track nationals and then head back to the shop to work on the racecars that need to be built.  Instead the boys stayed at home and post me getting back from Topeka, we spent the afternoon cleaning the shop out and letting the cars get some vitamin D.  I kid, but we had SO much cleaning and organizing to do before we could even get to the cars, and then once the cars were outside, we had multiple people drive up and ask questions.  One guy easily stayed for an hour just talking.  57 days to race day, EEEEKKKK!!!!! 

Later we had wine and played games.  Let me back up though.  I have gotten in the habit of drinking a cup of coffee at night, decaf of course.  I for some bone head reason didn't grab a decaf K cup, but instead a regular K cup.  I didn't realize this till I had probably drank half the cup.  Uh OH.   I needed a good night's sleep so I could do a longish run the next day.  I decided rather than melatonin, I would try a glass of wine and it sort of did the trick.  I was still awake till past midnight, which is WAY past my bed time, but I blame it more on starting on yet another great amazon show.  

Since I didn't get as much sleep as I normally get, I sent Rockin Robin a very early morning message that I would need to sleep a little more and go out a little later.  She is always up early, so she got it and headed out before I got up and going.  I had decided 8 was the number and while I surprisingly felt really, really good during my run, I didn't let myself go more than that.  Honestly this was the first run I felt mostly normal again.  My leg cooperated, I had little to no soreness, and overall I just felt great.  The wind was a bit much gusting out of the west and north, but I was seeing my normal easy run time without me sucking wind big time.  I did a few things different for this run.  Same shoes, but my first five minute interval was done at a fast walk and I only took Stella, which meant less pulling.  I may not be able to walk later, but it felt wonderful during the run and I hope the lifting, especially with some weight on now, will help heal this whatever it is.  

Have a great week y'all!  While  this training cycle will not go the way I had planned it, I am hoping we can salvage it and get both races done. I am starting to have a little bit of hope that I can do this.  Plus Girls on the Run starts next week and I am SUPER pumped I get to coach this year and get to see my girls again!!!!

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