Friday, March 19, 2021

Countdown to Flint Hill's 50 miler (5 weeks) and Prairie Spirit 50K (2 weeks)


I saw this above meme on one of my friend's timelines first thing Monday morning and had to steal it.  I seriously need to say these things over and over and over.   Since we didn't have girls on the run this week thanks to spring break, I didn't have to run Monday.  If you read my blog last week, my right leg has what I think is a compensation owie.  It feels like the worst case of shin splints, but it's on the inside of my shin.  I cut a run out last week and took 3 rest days to see if I could make it a little less ouchy and thus far, it's working.  This week on our new plan is technically taper time, so back to 4 much less mileage runs.  

We had one last dinner with mom before she headed back.  It hasn't been the best of trips thanks to the weather and rain keeping us inside an unable to do anything.  Also, mom fell in our dining room and really banged herself up.  Our cat was the culprit and mom was bloody and black and blue.  She not only took a huge hunk out of her arm, but also twisted her knee to the point that she could barely limp around.  I was at work at the time and Andrew was home with mom, but I guess the cat made a god awful noise and scared Andrew really badly, and he was more worried about the cat than mom.  Sigh.  Our dinner was not good at all and was one of the weirdest experiences we have ever had.  This restaurant is a new to us and fairly new to Manhattan restaurants.  I had heard amazing things about the food and the pictures look scrumptious.  We headed out to have a nice meal for the last meal before mom headed back, and was met with some weird things.  Long story short, we didn't get half of our food,  they kept bringing my hubby the wrong stuff when they brought anything at all, and Andrew hated the food, so didn't eat.  Sigh.  Fun family times right?  We ended up getting 75% of our bill comped, and won't make the mistake of eating there again.  I seriously felt like I was in an episode of the twilight zone.    I don't like to say things like this, but our poor waitress seemed to have some serious memory issues like the fact that my hubby was the first to order, talked with her at length about his order, and then she said he never ordered when they didn't bring his food out.   What was even odder was no other table she was waiting on was having the same issue.  

Mom left Tuesday morning and I also had a nice run on Tuesday.  She had no issues driving back other than when she needed to stop and get out to pump gas or pee.   Her knee is now swollen and full of fluid, so a doctor's visit will probably happen:(  We finally got to go out on the gravel again and got 4 easy peasy miles in.  I took Stella since it was pretty dry and she was pretty happy to be back running.


I know this isn't running, but I have to share, proud mom moment here.  My kiddo's entire school does what is called a mini society where they make a society and currency, interview for jobs, start up businesses, and make products to sell.  He gets a 7 dollar budget to buy supplies for something he can make and sell at their mini maker market.  While walking through Walmart, he found some mini canvases and got 2 packs of 6 for just under 7 bucks.  He has been hard at work drawing and painting.  He blows me away.  At his age all I could or would draw was horses.  These drawings are free hand, him not looking at a picture or anything, and even with the mistakes, I just love them.  I hope he keeps at his drawings for a long long time!  These are just 2 of the twelve he made to sell.

Since I had scooched the schedule around thanks to mother nature, my three miles with speed happened on Thursday.  Chose to have both dogs pulling me for speed and it worked LOL.  While it may not look fast on the outside, if you look at my run portions of my run walk, several of my runs portions were down in the high 10s.  I am calling this a win for speed! My right leg is still bothering me and it's worse when I put on my running shoes.  For reference, I wear my old running shoes as everyday shoes, so I have several pairs of the same looking shoes floating around my house.  When I put on my current running pair, my shin feels like it is on fire on my right leg almost immediately.  They are the same damn shoe, just a little more padding as my running version is newer but WTH???  I almost feel like I am wearing high heels.  I said it before if felt like one shoe was different than the other.  Now they feel equal, but both feel odd so what to do?  I can't change shoes 2 weeks out from our 50K and risk injuring myself due to a new shoe model.  Sigh.  I guess I can always pack a pair of my older running shoes and have them at the turn around in my drop box just in case.  They will have 400+ miles of running and then just everyday wear, but it's worth having them just in case.  I guess post races I will have to either try the newer model for my Altras or go back into the shoe hunt yet again.  URGH!

Saturday was 9 miles and all I wanted to do was sleep.  My body is still not adjusting well to the time change, staying up later, and then not wanting to get up.  My very understanding running partner waited till I got up and fueled and then we headed out together.  If we are lucky enough to have this weather next weekend, we will have a great race.  Right now the weather gods are smiling and the rain chances have gone out of the forecast, but it will be cloudy and high of 65.  PLEASE stay this way.  We have not heat acclimated at all.  I still am really undecided about who to take.  I want to take Stella, she is running great, but we haven't done the long runs we normally do for this race (only one 20 miler).  Boom has only done one 20 miler ever, so he is kind of a wild card too.  To be decided I guess, stay tuned.  We started out in full cold layers and then quickly stripped layers as we got hot.  I can totally deal with this kind of weather!

Sunday meant 4 miles, and Robin and I's schedule did not mesh, so I took both dogs out for the easy run.  Except they were not interested in easy and my pace was actually down in the high 11s overall LOL!  I have to say knock on a huge piece of wood, all of the aches and pains I have been feeling have eased up, and I am feeling so ready for my race.  Thanks body for giving me hope and healing right before this race, so I can have fun with my running partner and get her to her first ultra finish line.  

Sunday also meant we finally got the to the track with our new car!  Tony hasn't had a ton of time to work on it thanks to running our very busy business, but devoted his whole weekend to get it put together so Andrew could turn some laps.  We have less than 40 days till our first race and I was so excited to finally see him in it.  I am SO excited for this season as everyone had told us that having cars alike chassis wise would make a huge difference in his driving and they weren't wrong!!!!!  He turned some of the fastest laps he has EVER turned in a 120 car.  We are still a work in progress on his lines, which means he could be turning even faster laps as he gets confidence and better lines.  Now to also work on confidence for passing!!

Have a great week y'all!  

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