Monday, July 19, 2021

Week One Training for the Hell Creek 20 miler

Welcome to a short mileage week of training but nevertheless week 1!!!!!  After a nice long break from formal training, I think I am ready to be back at it. I say think because getting up early is still not one of my most favorite things in the world.  Here is what week one is suppose to look like:

M: Rest

Tues: 2 miles easy

Wed: 3 miles easy

Thurs: Rest

Friday: Cross train

Saturday: 4 miles easy

Sunday: Rest

As you know or maybe you don't, I have a networking meeting every Wednesday in another town, which means an early up and out.  Also Wednesday nights are for either board meetings or club meetings for our racing club, so Wednesday anything is pretty much out unless I can do it over my lunch hour.  This is how the week played out.

Monday:  The day of all the appointments.  Andrew got to go to his favorite dentist and got a mostly clean bill of health.  This kiddo hates brushing his teeth and I am shocked that the sealants are good enough to circumvent that issue.  He has one small cavity in a baby tooth they are watching, but it's in a molar that should be gone soon anyway.  We also went to the track to practice.  We just can't get these cars dialed in and it's not for lack of trying. I am all for paying someone to go over them and figure out what we are missing.  The black and green car wouldn't fire up at all, but we aren't racing that one anyway, just practicing.  It was still a frustrating practice for all us since we just can't find the speed and seem to be going backwards.  Again, I know it's the cars and not the kid in practice because his lines are tight, he is driving hard, it's just some small thing we have to be missing on the cars.  Everyone else has their cars dialed in at this point and we are still just flat out struggling which erodes Andrew's already low confidence.  The best or maybe worst part was all of us pushing the 160 around the track praying it would start and just not getting anything but exhausted.  Tony and Uncle Cayce are not runners, but they were that night!

Tuesday:  3 miles easy.  First of all, late night getting home  (we didn't even get to eat dinner till almost 9 in Topeka) meant a wind down period which meant an early morning was not happening.  I was able to sneak out around 8 and get a quick 3 miler in before work and shuttling Andrew to Manhattan for art class.  The temps and humidity were still low enough for me to bring boom boom and there was still tons of mud/water on our running route for him to get in and cool off if needed.  

Wednesday:  Since I have no time really to run with BNI in the morning and board meetings at night for the racing club, I had to settle for a 30 minute lifting session at the shop.  I am keeping it simple, 4 rounds with front squats (20 lbs on the bar), kettle bell swings (20-25 since I have a light weight), dead lifts (20 lbs on the bar), and 30 second planks.  Nothing fancy, simple basic lifts.  I kept a big eye on my form and I am dripping with sweat by the end without doing anything crazy.  On the coaching front, I have contacted a few coaches and while I do feel like the prices they charge are warranted for what they do, the cost is just not fitting into my current budget for what I want.  It makes me sad as I really want to do some sort of strength cycle and be professionally followed while doing so for form and safety, but I may have to put that desire on hold for now.  I would rather spend that money at the chiropractor getting fixed :)

Thursday:  Woke up to heavy rain, lightning and thunder.  Sigh.  Waited and still storming.  Had hoped while Andrew was in art class I could get out somewhere in Manhattan and get a run in.  We pretty much had rain all day and by the time it stopped, it was hot and humid and jungle like, and I had to desire to run.  Took it as a rest day instead.  I love watching Andrew create.  He didn't know I was sitting there watching.  He was so deep in thought with his painting.  

Friday:  3 miles.  It's so weird to just be running 3 miles, but at the same time with my hatred for all things summer running, I am enjoying running "just" three miles.  Post running Andrew had his last day of art class.  God bless his teacher, she was amazing and patient and I think she will do so well teaching elementary art.  We decided to stick around and paint some ceramics, which I found to be way harder than I thought it would be.  You have to paint 3 coats of every color to make it look good and that takes a long while.  I will be back for sure on a rainy or bad weather day as it was a fun way to pass the time.  I can't wait to see the final product.  Andrew painted a Mandalorian helmet mug and i painted a plate that said one spoiled dog.

He worked so hard to make it look "weathered".  I love that he loves to be creative!  I was the same way as a kiddo and I outgrew it but I hope his love of all things art stays. I can still remember begging my mom for those paint by number velvet things at Walmart. Remember those????

Saturday:  Long run day!  4 miles LOL!  Again due to my lack of good sleep I am not getting out early enough.  Robin and I both commented that we got out too late and when we get longer runs this will have to change.  Sigh.  Can someone figure out how to make me sleep 8 hours straight so I can get up early and not feel like a zombie?  Post running we got cleaned up and headed to Hutchinson Kansas to the salt mines.  I had seen several people post about this place and with it only being 2 hours away, had to get to there and check it out.  I need to do a post about it on it's own because we had SO much fun!  We did three tours: a train ride through the mines, the dark tour on a tram through another part of the mines, and a salt safari which was a more in depth tour of the 1950s part of the mines.  Who knew salt mines could be so educational and fun!   Who also knew that this existed 650 feet below ground thanks to Kansas at one time being an ocean?  Plus, the film industry uses this very mine to store film props and old film because of it's safety from natural disasters and it's constant temperature and low humidity.  Here are a few pictures from our adventure:

I had been warned about the dark elevator ride to go down into the mines.  It's 90 seconds of being crammed in an elevator in the dark while going down.  Not my jam since I am not a fan of tight spaces, but since I was prepared for it, I was able to breath through it and not freak out.  On the way back up was a different story as some sensor got tripped and we had to sit for a few minutes in the dark, but again, I was able to hold it together and not completely loose my you know what in front of my kiddo.  

Sunday:  Race day/Rest day.    I wish I could write that things went well, but I can't.  I am going to keep it super real.  We can't get the cars fast enough for Andrew to be competitive.  He is feeling that we are struggling and he like me is super sensitive to that and it's killing his confidence.  Whereas at the beginning of the year, even if he wouldn't pass he would hold his position and line, now he is clearly stepping on the brakes and moving himself to the back no matter what.  He had great positioning twice at the race and didn't even try to keep it.  His confidence is shot and I am not sure how we are going to bring it back.  Stay tuned.  We aren't giving up, but I am not sure what we are going to do at this point.  We are not quitters and things can change if and only if we can get the cars faster, BUT I am not sure how we are going to do that.   

So here is what I actually got for the week.

M: Rest

Tues: 3 miles

Wed: Cross train/Strength

Thurs: Rest

Fri: 3 miles

Saturday: 4 miles

Sunday:  Race day/Rest

Have a great week y'all!  Football camp starts this week and we have yet another race.  Plus, we may go paint ceramics again :)

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