I have zero energy lately and I am not sure exactly why. I know working 11 and 12 hour days probably has something to do with it, but I want my will power and motivation back to run and walk! It has totally left me this week which has caused my anxiety to be through the roof. I need exercise like a drug to keep me calm and collected. I also had lots of day appointments that took me away from work which stressed me out to be behind, but the dog chiro and my 6 month dentist appointment needed to be done no matter what. Meanwhile I am pulling in some serious overtime checks and loving it, but I need to run!
Join me as I journey through life as a mommy to a little red headed boy and four red australian shepherds and wife to an awesome hubby who can't say No. My addictions include distance running and training dogs (specifically in dog agility) and my job is in science so expect a dose of a little bit of all of these things. Running with reds is how I keep my sanity:)
Monday, May 29, 2023
That time I hit zero
Monday, May 22, 2023
So many emotions this week.
Monday, May 15, 2023
Whoop there it is
It was just one of those weeks where work took over my life at both jobs and running just didn't have a spot left over. One day I ended up working 12 hours, working at Coleman Electric, running 3 miles, and then mowing the yard. I only got 2 runs in this week with both being short. I know if running was a priority right now, I would find a way to get it done but it just isn't and that is okay.
As the week progressed, my hubby felt better and got back on ALL of his meds, but I still think we have three issues that need to be tackled, his eyes (blurry vision), his blood sugar (adjustment of meds), and his headaches (2 months of headaches???). Honestly the headaches scare me more than anything because NOTHING touches them. They gave him hydrocodone in the hospital and that did NOTHING. He has gotten so use to having them that he just gets up at night, pukes, and then goes about his business. Sigh. This is NOT normal.
Now on to fun things shall we? We had a rare Saturday race and Mother's day! Saturday's race was another great one for Andrew. He drew P1 in the heat race and smoked all of them by just driving away and winning. Unfortunately when I did the coin flip, he went to the back in P6. Now that he actually passes, I am okay with that because it gives him tons of time to work his way back to the front. He ran in P2 for quite a bit adn then wouldn't pass a lap car and his best friend passed him for P2. They didn't have enough time to hunt down the leader but that is okay, they both got a podium. I am so freaking proud of this kid right now and his desire to try hard and race hard.
Monday, May 8, 2023
This was the first week we tried to get three reps in of our big experiment in one week. To say I am exhausted is an understatement after several 11 and 12 hour days, but who doesn't love OT on their paycheck? We will get results of our Friday experiment tomorrow, but the first two weeks are looking amazing. Plus, add in the end of the month/beginning of the month at Coleman Electric and while I have given up all of my other duties, I am still paying bills and keeping up with supply invoicing and payments, plus sales tax reporting. Add into that, we had meetings at the middle school, which honestly slightly terrified and excited me. He will start band this year on my trumpet that I played all through school. He gets some electives, some labs to help him with math and English, and a much freer-er time at lunch (can sit with whomever he wants instead of by class). I think he will love it, but he he is a little scared of all of the changes and has already asked to repeat 5th grade. Uh that is a big nope.
Monday, May 1, 2023
Short but sweet
I have 10 minutes to write before i need to shower and head to work so here goes.