Monday, October 14, 2024

Mom, mom, mom

Last home game of the year!  One of the moms got great pictures on the field and several of Andrew.  We of course had tears again, not because of playing time, but because he felt like he just didn't do a good job.  Several times they told him to get off of the field and he ran to the sidelines only to be told to get back on the field and he either didn't make it or barely made it.  He thankfully got to play his position but again, messed up a few times and was very down on himself.  I will tell you that they were very discombobulated on subbing, and I do like that he held his self-accountable, but I don't put 100 percent of the blame on him.  I know baseball is way different, but I always when I was coaching had a scripted sub plan for all of my coaches so there was no confusion.  I feel like this could be done in football as well, but I digress.  

I am glad the season is winding down and we have only one more away game before we are done.  I won't be able to travel to see the game, but Tony is going to give me a play by play :) Work is cranking up and I am going to be working lots of weekends and late nights, but we need the overtime money with the traveling we want to do anyway.  Of course, wrestling starts this week, so more practices and more tournaments.  Oh well, this is the year we try everything and see what sticks.   

I only got two runs in this week and one class but again, that is okay.  It's the season of life I am in and I will take whatever I can get.    I took one run with just Ollie and she gassed out pretty quickly.  She still can only do about 3 miles before she is overheated, even when it is cooler.  Not sure how to help her with this as I don't think increasing her mileage is going to slow her down like it did Deuce.  She is seriously a nut job.  Every bird, every car, ever thing that rustles makes her go ape shit.  She does better with Boom with her but they both get super excited at times and attack each other, and I worry they are going to pull me over.  They really make running not fun right now and this is my favorite time of the year to run.  To be continued.  What am I going to do if running with reds stops entirely :(

Mom came out and spent the week with me when I wasn't working.  We didn't have a race but I had an experiment planned so Sunday was mostly working.  She also helped in the tower for our annual arrive and drive fundraiser for the club on Saturday.  Sad that she has helped so many times that she is an old pro.  

We had a couple of new club members step up and help but it was mostly the same old people.  Not sure what is going to happen to this club when we move on due to Andrew being too big to race.  They seem to think we will be there forever.  No one has stepped up to learn my position which includes taking minutes (easy) and doing points (not as easy).  No one has stepped up to learn how to do the arrive and drive (also easy, I have an SOP) or score in the tower.  I guess I will just have to help this club till I die?

Have a great week y'all!  Last points race of the year, cooler weather, and last football game!

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