Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ollie and racing

A better week for working out for sure, still not the best.  Three short runs of 3 miles and one work out class.  Post football things should lighten up or so I hope, because we go right into wrestling before football is even over.  

First let's talk about football.  We won 50 something to 6.  My child got in for 4 plays total.  We still had starters in till the 4th quarter.  Make it make sense?  I feel that you can maintain your insane lead AND sub in kids who aren't starters.  I've talked about this before, but I won't beat a dead horse.  Let's just say Andrew was incredibly sad that he didn't get much playing time as he has been working his ass off in practice.  It's hard as a mom to watch your kid get so down because they actually care now, and they see the writing on the wall.  Next year may be an easy decision on football versus racing, especially if we travel more.

Ollie update:  If you remember, Ollie was the dog that we received from a family who was in over their heads. She loved them and they loved her, but she was driving their cats and the family bonkers.  We were going to just take her and help her find a home, but we fell in love with her weird ass and kept her.  We've had issues ourselves but have worked through them and seem to be on the other side with a lot of them.  Her impulse control is better, she isn't door bolting as much, and she is a lot less reactive.  She is still a bit much on runs and overheats easily unless there is mud/puddles for her to get in.  I am so ready for fall so that maybe she will stop getting so hot.  This last weekend i had to not only bring her home and hose her down, but I also had to the next day run to the park and dunk her in the pond to cool her down quickly.  She just gets SO worked up about running and cars and birds in the sky, and and and.  I am hoping longer mileage out on our gravel roads will help calm her down a bit, but she is still a bit young and it's still too hot to do too long.  

Lastly, I will end on racing.  Madden, the kiddo that races nationally was gone for a big national race, so we actually had a chance for a podium.  Noah had a super-fast car in Heavy Honda, but it kept breaking again and Andrew was able to pass for the win.  We won the heat race in Heavy 160, even with Dash moving up this week.  He is an amazing driver with a heck of a race team supporting him and will be hard to beat next year.  We will give it our all for sure!  Dash and Noah ended up getting him in the feature as he bobbled coming out of turn 4.  He battled the rest of the race but couldn't get it done.  Doesn't matter for me, I will take 3rd and a big battle.  

I will end on a funny story.  Andrew has become quite brazen lately and mentioned to Dash that this was his house before the heat race.  After he won the heat race he said it again. If you know my kid, he NEVER does stuff like that.  Well, we explained to him that if you are going to shit talk, you'd better bring it.  All of the dads out there have been on the journey with Andrew and quite frankly a lot of them cheer him on to beat their own kids.  SO, Dash's dad thought it was pretty funny to see Andrew saying things that weren't typical of the ginger racer.  After Dash did beat him in heavy 160, he told Andrew, "Thanks for letting us visit your house.  You have a nice house", and I think Andrew died a little inside LOL!!!!!  I can't wait for the next few races and the end of the year shoot out!  It's going to be super fun!

Y'all have a great week!

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