Tuesday, February 11, 2020

For my brain's sanity

I blog to get crap out of my brain so I can function.  Here is what is in my brain right now driving me nuts.

Okay so here is all the things that could be wrong with my leg/butt/hip:

1.  High hamstring tendoniopathy (tear at the sit bone since no pain in muscle bed)
2.  Bursa pissed off on sit bone
3.  Sciatica- no back pain, but have the dull toothache pain in the butt that could be aggravated nerve
3.  Biceps femoris strain (since pain was down in knee inside and also up high at attachment)
4.  Strain or sprain or even tear of some area of my hamstring
5.  Stress fracture in my pelvis/hip


1.  Dull tooth ache pain radiates down the entirety of my leg when I sit
2.  No specific sore spots to touch other than at sits bone/attachment
3.  When I run, pain can shoot down into my calf muscle
4.  Pain doesn't care if I have been active or not.  Almost worse when I rest


1. Advil for 7 days if it is nerve/no Advil if it is muscle tear (although have read lots of conflicting info on this)
2.  Rest-complete rest versus active including walking and some range of motion exercises.  Good for nerve, not good for muscle sprain/strain or if it is a stress fracture.
3.  Percussion massage on muscle if is muscle issues/nerve issues get worse with percussion
4.  Foam rolling if it is muscle/don't if it is nerve
5.  Deep tissues massage-may irritate nerve if it is nerve pain
6.  lots of exercises to strengthen the weakness and increase range of motion.
7.  Nerve flossing 3 x a day

I have checked with my insurance so I can get an MRI if needed.  You can see why I am a bit concerned about how to figure this out.  For some of the diagnosis, one thing works but the other is bad, so if we are treating this wrong, we could be doing damage, not helping.  I don't want to set back healing, I want to promote and get this show in the road so I can train smart and hard for my 50 in the fall.


  1. Oh gosh, Michelle. This sounds painful and so frustrating....I hope you get some answers, and are able to come up with a recovery/rehab plan. ((hugs))

    1. Thanks! I just want an MRI at this point so we know what we are dealing with.
