Sunday, April 12, 2020

Chugging along

Another week down and another week in quarantine.  I am still blessed that I get to get out of the house and go to the shop every day, but that might change soon if we have to keep all of the guys at the shop.  So far the commercial projects are full speed ahead, but unfortunately, it only takes one person being irresponsible to stop the whole job site.  Two of our big industrial clients are still shuttered to us which means one of our guys is drawing unemployment nevertheless, we applied for and got the PPP loan this week, so he should be off of unemployment this week YIPEEEE!!!!

corona bunny
Andrew seems fine with the continual education plans, which are pretty easy thus far for me to implement. He has a choice board with multiple options and he gets to chose 2-3 activities a day.  We try and always do 3 activities with math always being one of the options.   He is getting MUCH better at doing work on his own, including math his nemesis, but there are very few distractions at the shop currently.  The above picture is Andrew's Easter bunny suit for this year for one of his art projects.  I love that he labeled the gloves, but not the googles, suit, or gas mask!  The egg of course is a giant corona virus.  I am glad he is finding a lot of humor in everything and not having any issues with depression or anxiety as many of his classmates are struggling.  Andrew is more like his daddy who is a big homebody, meaning I really don't think he minds at all being restricted in where he goes or what he does.  This trait usually bothers me because I am doer, but right now, I am thankful.

hopscotch for all
We had a couple of good days where we could all be outside, which was really good for all of our souls.  Even daddy got in on the PE bingo action one of the days.  Of course Kansas always likes to say "Hold my beer", so we had some freezing cold weather mixed in this week as well.  I had most of my hostas coming up and my one lone tulip had a bloom, so hoping the cold snap won't kill all of my plants that make me so happy spring and summer.  

helping her boy draw his favorite character

I did get three runs in again this week.  I did two runs where we walked half a mile, ran/walked 4 miles and then cooled down with a half a mile walk for a total of 5 miles.  My final run of the week was a "long run" of 6 total miles with the aforementioned strategy used.  We went out super early to avoid most people and avoid the "heat" that really isn't that hot yet, but still hot to us as we build our tolerance.  We tried the trail that gets us from what part of Tuttle creek to the other thinking we were out earlier enough to avoid people, but we were wrong.  We used our buffs as masks just in case.  It's just so funny that this is my new long run now when last year I was easily doing 20 and 22 miles on my weekend long run.  I am very grateful though that I am getting to run again no matter what.  

6 foot distancing

We have decided to stick to our 3 runs a week for a few weeks and increase our mileage on long run day.  Then if we are both tolerating that, we want to get back to 4 runs a week.  I think for this upcoming training cycle, I will have to stick to a 4 day a week running schedule.  I know it isn't ideal for ultra training, but I am hoping to be back to lifting soon to help me be strong enough to be a little behind on mileage.  

Stella and I laying out

Everyone, have a safe and wonderful week!  Hopefully we are all flattening the curve so we can get back out to some sort of normal soon whatever that is.

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