Monday, June 8, 2020

Week 5: Training for the Hawk 50

Monday:  Rest day + rehab exercises.  Let me back up a day and tell you a little bit about our sunday afternoon.  We headed to the track to practice.  We have been a few times now, always careful to go late in the day when hopefully no one will be there.  We went last friday night and there was another family there and we just couldn't resist visiting while social distanced of course.  Andrew had been running some good laps when we where given the green light to start practicing, but lately the car hadn't been handling well due to some changes Tony had made.  Instead of using his words, words he may not even have in his vocabulary, Andrew had been having meltdowns at the track due to the fact that his car is not handling the way he wants. I had not been going to practices as I felt that he does better when I am not there.  Well, I was wrong, so no more missing practices for me as I was able to talk him down from a meltdown Friday night.  Anyway, we decided to head out Sunday afternoon to get some laps after changing the car back to where it was previously.  About 10 laps in and running some good lap times i should add, Andrew smacked the wall and flipped over.  He was fine, but I can't get the sound out of my head.  I was talking to someone when it happened, so I am not sure why he even hit the wall where he did, but as soon as I heard the sound I went sprinting.  

They quickly got him turned over and he was fine thanks to all of the safety gear he wears.  The video above was taken by my mother in law.   Luckily after a break and fixing the car, he went back out several more times and got some good laps in.   The safety director was also there so he talked with him about good patterns and gave him some really good visuals to sight with.  I love the racing community!!!!

Tuesday:  4 miles.  Summer running is here to stay and I am SO not ready.  We decided since it was just 4 miles we could stick to the 5:45 am routine for now, but know that the time will have to be bumped earlier, possibly even later this week.  It seems the sun is coming up super early lately (or maybe it is just my imagination).  We don't even need headlamps when we head out anymore and that does not bode well for the dogs.  We want to go to all of the trails, but with most if not all of them being at least an hour away and us not wanting to get up at 3:30 am and then possible have to leave the trail early if the dogs get too hot leaves us wanting to stay closer to home.  Anyway, my calf muscles as usual ached and were sore for the first 3 miles and then finally shut up. I have been massaging, putting on CBD cream, and wearing my compression socks, and nothing is helping.  Yes,  the pain goes away, but it makes the first 3 miles not fun at all.   I love the way my altra shoes feel, but maybe they just aren't the shoes for my body :(  I also had to make 2 ditch dives in just 4 miles.  Not sure what is going on with my tummy other than my mother in laws awesome cooking?

Wednesday:  4 miles.  I like that this week had some easy low mileage to start the week.  My body needed it.  I had another ditch dive again thanks to my tummy.  I need to start getting up an hour before no matter what to get my digestive system started and cleaned out.  I also had pretty severe calf pain for almost 2 miles yet again.  I was super glad to see my chiro and talk over what we could do.  I don't want to give up on my altras, plus I have a brand new pair that I haven't even tried to run in yet.  After talking to my local running store shoe guru and my chiro, we are going to try to make my zero drop shoes  4mm drop shoes by adding my heel cups that I used for my PF pain last year.  Basically, I am stretching the hell out of my calf muscles and I have to stop this before I damage them.  I had some pretty intense cupping and fascia blasting that hurt so bad, but I know will help me so much.  

Thursday:  6 miles.  The big test.  I had had MIL cooking again and one beer, plus I was armed and ready with my heel cups in my shoes.  Y'all, I am SO happy to report that the heel cups plus the work I had done magically worked.  I had 0 pain the entire 6 miles!!!!  I am so glad it was that simple of a fix, but I am going to try and find a good trail shoe that has a 4-6 mm heel drop AND a wide toe box. I feel like the journey for the perfect shoe will never end for me.

Friday:  Rest day.  We had flirted with the idea of running our 10 miler on this day since I was contemplating being gone Sunday to head down to Tulsa for a quarter midget race.  Then all of my calf muscle issues really got bad and we decided not such a great idea.  If i miss a run, it won't be the end of the world (who am I????),  but we are still hoping to get to run Sunday morning super duper early.  

Saturday:  Long run day!  We knew it would be hot + humid, so we had planned on heading out at 5 am.  Now call me crazy, but I remember last year getting at least an hour or more of dark running before the sun came up.  Y'all, the sun was rising at 5:10 am.  NOT FAIR.  What the heck is going on these days?  I am loosing my mind????  Anyway, we used our headlamps for about 5 minutes and then didn't need them anymore.  It was SO hot and humid.  We did NOT take the dogs because even though the dew point was 69 and there was lots of water on the roads, we did not feel like it was safe for them, even for a couple of miles.  We quickly got our 10 and headed back to the house to refill our water bottles and wet down our buffs.  I had put a cooler on the porch with an ice pack and a giant jug of cold water, and it was like heaven.  We headed back out for a final 6 with 0 shade.  We decided on the way back to try walk 2 minutes run 3 minutes, as we were both feeling pretty crummy.  I should say we both were hydrating and we both had cooling towels/buffs we were wetting down, but we just couldn't beat the heat.  With about a mile to go and feeling super horrible, I told Robin I was going to have to just power walk it in.  She was fine with that and we proceeded to walk as quickly as we could without passing out.  Thank GOD for understanding running partners.

Y'all, when we got back to Robin's house, I sat on her porch for like 2 hours trying to recover.  Her hubby took a picture of us post run. I was drenched with sweat.  At one point the sweat that was coming off of my head was dripping off the brim of my hat into my face.  I finally turned it around backwards but that meant my face then got full sun.  I also took my VERY hot pack off as we were walking to try and cool off a tiny bit.  I did not run with my bladder today since we did not take the dogs, but even with it not in the back, it was HOT.  I love my pack so much with ALL.THE.POCKETS though, so I guess I will suffer.  Even after 2 hours of just sitting with my feet up and not moving I had a horrible headache.  I drank a full sugar soda when I finally waddled home.  As I sit and write this, I still have a headache even with advil on board, but my pee looks amazing and I don't feel dehydrated.  

Sunday:  10 miles and RACE DAY.  Woke up to high 70s and humidity in the 80s.  I guess we skipped straight to horrible summer without a transition as always.  No dogs again :(  Up at 4 am to fuel.  Run went much better thanks to a slight breeze.  Quick shower and packing before hitting the road to Tulsa.  It's a long winding drive to Tulsa however the memories of hitting that road to dog shows was so much fun.  

This track is tiny and not as banked as compared to ours but we had fun nonetheless.  They don't qualify and they do one heat race and one main unlike our track which does two heat races and a main.  

They also have blue plate and red plate rookie which is the color of the restrictor plates that keep gas flow lower to go slower and those classes were much bigger, so there were several. I kind of liked some the ways they did stuff, but I am not sure those ways would work at our big track with our big classes. I do like the division of rookie classes, but I am SUPER glad that we had enough for Jr Honda.

Andrew started 1st in the 1st heat race and got passed by our kick ass girl driver, but then held off Brody to hang on to 2nd place.  He started 2nd again in the main and was a little confused by the rules.  In USAC, you can't accelerate and pass till you pass the flag stand.  Well Makayla was in 1st and on the inside and she wanted to GO on start and she kept leaving him because he wouldn't stay with her.  Finally the flag man stopped Andrew and explained why he wasn't letting them go and he stayed with her long enough to get the green flag dropped.  He settled in to 2nd place and stayed there the rest of the race.  It was a HOT day and we all had to stay cool as possible, but we had fun and got ice cream at Braums (a Midwest specialty) post race.  I guess they also had a medal ceremony, but we didn't stay as it was called a "fun run" so we figured no medals.  Luckily some of our track family stayed and picked Andrew's medal up for him.  I am just SO dang proud of him for trying a new thing (not his strong point) and racing hard.  That is our only criteria.  The drive back was horrible as it is a long windy 2 lane high way.  Two nights of 5-6 hours of sleep, plus 26 miles in two days had me super exhausted.  I pounded caffeine so of course when we got home I was wide awake.  Would I do it again?  You bet ya!

I am looking forward to temps in the 80s, which is a sad thing to say.  Hopefully the dogs can also get out and get some much needed miles.  

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