Sunday, February 21, 2021

Week 10 of 18: New hope?

 This is going to be a bit long on words and a bit short on pictures.  I am entering week 2 of no running, high stress thanks to the weather, and obligations upon obligations.  Please forgive me for laying it all out there and I totally understand if you don't want to read my word diarrhea since no running is involved till the end of the week.  

The week started out with a bang.  The kids were off for president's day, which was a good thing due to the cold and the snow.  School canceled for Tuesday because of predictions of  -35 degree wind chills.  I decided to work from the house both days due to our pipes freezing up that feed our washing machine. We have been dripping water and having the heat on much higher than we normally have it set at for over a week to combat this and yet this still didn't work.  On the positive side, at least the pipes on the north facing wall didn't freeze up for more than a day?  AND nothing has burst as of yet?

I had a plan to rest all last week and then get back to it this week with some half of the distance I needed run runs.  Anything is better than nothing right?  I eagerly awaited Tuesday to get back onto satan's sidewalk since our roads were covered in ice and snow.  I knew almost immediately it was a bad idea and I should stop.  But stupid me kept going till I hit about .6 of a mile.  My leg was not only saying no, it was saying HELL NO.  I got off of the treadmill very defeated and very much headed into a downward spiral.  If you are reading this and are a runner you get it.  Yes, running is not my total identity, but it is a HUGE part of me and what I do and it's my stress relief.  Owning your own business is hugely stressful.  Being a mom to an atypical child is very stressful.  Being on the board in three of the organizations you are a  part of is very stressful.  We all have stress and I am not saying I am any different.  It's just right now I have most certainly bitten off more than I can chew, and I am at the top of the level of stress I can take before totally breaking.  Taking away my ability to run it off is a blow.  I knew this was potentially something that would take me out for more than one week, but I had hope.  I had hope that resting and being a bum would certainly help get me back on the road.  I was wrong and I knew I would probably be last week.  When you can't even walk, it's kind of a sign. 

I decided the best plan of action is to make a list and start checking things off.  My brain likes that and it helps me keep my head above water and in control.  I quickly checked my bank account and ordered  a women's bar for lifting.  I am back at 0 right now anyway with lifting, so a bar and maybe a pair of 10 lb bumpers is all I need.  I got my protein shakes out and made a bunch for breakfast and dinner making it where I had no excuse to get my butt back on a good plan for nutrition.  I texted my chiro and let her know we were dealing with a full blown injury that was going to require her and I to do research and figure this out.  I also talked to several ultra runners who have dealt with this injury or similar to manage my expectations.  The good news is my friends are awesome and all said that I would be fine running both races even if I had  few weeks off.  They are right, it won't be pretty, but I am taking the summer off from any serious training to enjoy my kiddo racing and be a board member, so I will have a lot of time for recovery and then gentle base building.  God I love running friends.  I also changed my mindset for dealing with this and went from full on rest to active rest. I  had been doing my rehab exercises on and off, but not enough and I vowed to get back to it and be serious.  Yes, I hate that it takes an injury to get serious, but I want to get this last 50 miler so badly I can taste it.  Once I had plans in place and some advil on board, I felt so much clarity and done with the hopelessness.  

Thursday was chiro day.  After listening to my symptoms and already having had my texts to set her up, we went to work. I don't do needles, so no needling, but we did do some pretty painful cupping.  She did not only sliding cupping but also some stationary cupping with some range of motion exercises.  Lots of adjustments and lots of massage gun on some oh so tender areas. I am still not use to the whole, oh this hurts?  Let's smack it, poke it, rub it, mess with it till it doesn't hurt anymore plan of action.  It seems to always work, so okay, I am on board.  I walked out of her office with more exercises and an appointment next week.  She also wanted me to try running this weekend for a couple of miles outside.  I am very nervous but also I need something, some bit of hope.  

I did come home to a super surprise Friday.  My bar from Rogue came in already as well as my collars for my weights!!! I didn't even get an email that it had shipped so this was so nice to see already.  Tony and I made a little circuit to remind my body about form with just the bar including front squats, back squats, deadlifts (regular, sumo, and negative), and squat presses.  I made it through 4 rounds of 10 of each with a substitute of shoulder presses with my kettle bell for squat presses.  I plan on getting some foam squares for my bedroom for my weights and I have ordered one set of 10 lbs bumpers, but they are coming from Texas so it may be a while.  

I tried one run this week.  I honestly thought I would not even got half a mile.  I was pleasantly surprised, even though I was huffing and puffing like I had never run that I had little to no pain in my leg.  Now i will be honest in that other areas seem to be sore from maybe compensation and I was a little sore from lifting, but other than that, I was good to go!!!!!  I am still keeping up my heating pad any time I am sitting down on both the back and front of my legs, advil x 2 a day, and my daily tumeric.  

Also on Saturday we met some of our track family for a lunch, some beers, some dinner, and some fun time for the kiddos.  Their son Hank is 11 and did the rookie training with Andrew 2 years ago.  They both love the same video games, so even though there is an age gap, they speak the same language.  We were able to snag a place in the back at our local brewery and have fun trying new beers, playing card and dice games, and just having a great time talking.  It's hard to find and make adult friends and I feel blessed we have had so many thanks to the track.  They live in KC and I can't wait to head their way and check out their favorite tasting rooms.  I am also super excited for racing season as they have bought a new bigger trailer that can haul both their cars and Andrew's cars.  

I am hopeful again.  I hope that I can be smart and play it safe and get to both start lines. I think hearing that even if I have to be off for 6 weeks that I will still be fine helped my mind set.  I just have to think of it as the longest taper ever. I am going to try and get back to half mileage next week and see how it goes.  Maybe just 4 runs instead of 5 for this week and taking time off between runs.  I may just play it by ear. Who am I???  I am super excited to get back at it, no matter how small the mileage is. I need my stress relief back!!!!  Have a great week y'all!

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