Monday, July 26, 2021

Week 2: Training for the Hell Creek 20 miler

 What I was suppose to do this week:

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 3 miles

Wednesday:  3 miles

Thursday: Cross train

Friday:  Rest

Saturday:  5 miles

Sunday:  Race day/rest

Monday:  Rest day/Strength training.  I stuck to my normal.  Rear squats (10 lb plates), 30 second plank, dead lifts with 15 lbs of plates, single leg balance with kettle bell in farmer's carry.  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, yet so effective.  

4 miles.  Temperature was wonderful, humidity was not.  I had to get up a little earlier thanks to hubby needing to be at work at 7.  After a previous night of not sleeping, I got a full night's sleep and got my butt out of bed early to get done by 7.  I brought stella ella since it was a little cooler.  

Wednesday:  My usual rest day thanks to the day O' meetings.  Business networking at 7 am and then board meeting later that night.  We had to shuffle things around because hubby had to go into work extra early and I couldn't get to my meeting and drop my kiddo off to boys and girls club for his field trip.  Oh well, I think I can have 2 absences ever so many months.  Honestly, I really am burnt out on the networking group and wouldn't mind stopping my attendance all together. I don't have the time I need to devote to get all the CEUs and networking I need to do to make it work.  I feel horrible, it's a great group of people and businesses, I just have really struggled to do all the things I need to do to stay in the "Green".   Everything I do is done at 110% and if I can't give that 110%, it really, really bothers me.


Thursday:  Another super early morning for the hubby to up and at work, so no running for me.  Plus, after work kiddo had football camp and I had to mow post camp.  Ah the joys of owning your own home.  Andrew had a much nicer day at camp, and bonus, we got our back to school hair cut done at  real barbershop!

Friday:     Didn't get up early to run.  Bad mistake.  Finally got out around 9ish thanks to a busy day at work.  I sure do love being able to work from anywhere even if sometimes the accounting side of it drives me insane.  I also hit the weights later in the day and did front squats, deadlifts, planks, and some hammy exercises.  I still struggle with my front squats so not upping the weight on those any time soon till I can comfortable lift two 10 lbs plate + bar.

Long run day! I totally forgot I had signed up for a Hive Hustle Challenge with Honey Stinger.  I had to do 10 miles to complete the challenge and earn the medal.  At first I was going to hit the trails with Melly mel and get in 10 trail miles.  We were suppose to have 100+ temps and I was dreading it, but I also wanted to support Mel as she trains for her 100, even if it was only for 5 miles.  Then we had a Covid positive at the race track and another mom and I who have our vaccinations and have had Covid decided to meet at the track and clean before the next race.  This meant I needed to be done and out pretty quickly if we were going to meet and clean.  I decided to get up at 4 am and start running at 5 am to be done and showered and on the road.  OF course as usual, I was wide awake till past 11 even with the help of melatonin, so 4 am didn't happen, but 5 am did and I was out by 6 am after coffee and fuel.  The temps actually came down to about 76 around sun rise and the humidity was in the high 80s, but I was drenched after 1 mile.  I also had massive stomach issues and had to make an emergency pit stop in a ditch.  I ended up walking a full five minutes both times i fueled and sometimes taking a 2 minute walk break instead of 1. I am fine with the fact that it took me over 2 hours to get done. I was so over the heat and just trying to stay upright.  I took one bottle of water and one bottle of Tailwind Colorado cola to get me through, plus my honey stinger waffles.  No pups since the dewpoint was at 70 when I headed out.  I draw the line at 69-70 and that much heat for my dogs.  

Sunday:  Rest day.  Post running and cleaning, Andrew practiced both of his cars and then we went to a cook out at one of the family's houses.  The kids played their butts off till almost midnight and we had fun just sitting and talking.  We are all battling some similar issues with our kids and all kind of trying anything and everything we can to keep them successful and happy.  That was Saturday, so fast-forward to Sunday where I slept till 10 am!!!!!   I can't believe how late I slept!  We had planned to go on another day trip, but voted to have a lazy day at home instead.  

On a side note, we had a friend and expert in our chassis go over the cars and he found many things wrong with both.  We don't claim to be experts but we were shocked but happy to find there were reasons why Andrew slowed down over this season.  We all took our kiddos and the cars out to practice and tune.  His animal car, the red one had the most wrong with it, but even after fixing it, his times did not get better.  The white car got slightly better but still not the increase in times we had hoped for.  Sigh.  We even had a kiddo that is really good and his size drive it, same times as Andrew and a kiddo that is much lighter than him and really, really good, same times as Andrew.  We are all very very puzzled.   To be continued.  

What I did this week:

Monday:  Rest/Strength train

Tuesday: 4 miles easy

Wednesday: Rest    

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Strength training/3 hot miles

Saturday: 10 miles

Sunday:  Rest/Race day

I am still really digging this plan, especially with the heat this week. I can wrap my mind around 3-5 miles in the heat.  While I still would prefer to NOT run in the heat at all, I am hoping we can make it through the end of July/August in one piece without passing out.  Onward and upward.  

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