Sunday, September 5, 2021

Week 8 of 12: Training for the Hell Creek 20 mile

 Another week, more craziness, and  little bit of running thrown in.

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: 6 miles

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 4 miles

Friday:  Cross train

Saturday: 17 miles

Sunday: 3 miles

Monday:  Rest day.  I meant to at least get strength done, but with a shop full of guys and football and back to school night all wrapped into one thing, I just didn't have the time or energy.  I did get my new kettlebell and my 25 lb plates in, so that is exciting!!!!!  Fringe sports is the place to be!  Fast and friendly customer service and great products that seem to be lasting.  So excited to start my kettle bell collection, finally.  I did get to meet Andrew's teacher at back to school night and have a long discussion with her.  She seems to be very wonderful and full of great ideas and a partner to us to make sure Andrew has a clear path forward.  

Tuesday:  4-6 miles.  I am giving myself ranges so the plan called for 6 and I decided anywhere between 4-6 would work.  Rockin Robin started out before me since she had an early morning meeting and I joined her at 5:15 am to get some miles.  I ended up at 5 miles at about 6:30 am and called it good so I could have some coffee and relax a minute before getting in the swing of things for school/work.  

Almost as tall as me!

Wednesday:  Rest day.  Not a great day for me all around.  Ended well though at the track.  Andrew ran the fastest he has ever run in his Honda car running a 6.63.  The really good drivers run around a 6.3 so we have work to do, but he was driving hard and wheeling that car like NO OTHER!  Now if we can transfer that from practice to the actually races, he may be able to get a boost that he needs to know he belongs on that track too. 

Thursday:  4 miles.  Totally forgot to set my alarm, but was wide awake before it went off anyway.   Boom got to go again thanks to lower humidity.  Stella is really wanting to go again so hurry up fall!

Friday:  Cross train.  Fall are you there?  Sigh.  Andrew woke up not feeling great.  I was on the fence about sending him but right before we left I took his temp and it was 99.6.  That was too high for me so called the school and kept him home.  Apparently there is a little virus going around with the same symptoms as what Andrew has (snotty nose, sore throat, low grade fever).  Luckily it isn't Covid and we shouldn't (KNOCK ON A HUGE PIECE OF WOOD) get it again.  Between running back and forth to to the shop to print and call people back, I didn't get any cross training done but it is what it is.  

Saturday:  3 miles.  Decided to switch things up since it was suppose to be much cooler on Sunday.  I know the point of the shorter run is to get out post a long run, but again, life.  Stella and I got a quick 3 in before we started the day.  Andrew was pretty much fever free since 8:30 am the day before, so we decided to venture out and enjoy Manhattan since it was an away football game.  We started out with coffee and quiche at our favorite coffee shop.

We painted ceramic pumpkins at our favorite paint and sip shop in Aggieville.

We shopped at our favorite local gift store and got new stickers for Andrew's water bottle and some mini poppits.

We had a couple of beers at our favorite local brewery.

And we ended the night at our favorite Japanese steakhouse for dinner.

Sunday:  Long run 13-15.  Ended up with 13 and horrible chaffing....again.  I used all the things and it didn't work.  Honestly it was a very nice day, humidity in the 80s, with the sun in and out of the clouds.  I did have moments drenched in sweat, but the nice breeze and lots of clean fresh puddles kept us both cooled off enough.  I just didn't have enough in me to go any further, so when I hit the house at 12.75 I decided 13 was good.  

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: 5 miles

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 4 miles

Friday:  Cross train

Saturday: 3 miles

Sunday: 13 miles

Have a great week y'all!  I am looking forward to some mornings in the 50/60s with maybe some lower humidity and a slower paced Monday (although we will still work more than likely).    

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