Sunday, September 1, 2024

Confessional time!

How about some confessionals to end the month?  I don't do link ups anymore because I don't have time to read lots and lots of blogs, but I still love their prompts.  Also, you are welcome for some random AF memes about fall, adhd, and my overthinking.  

I confess I haven't missed the battles that equal my neurotypical child and our school system.  Andrew was gone with an excused absence for the race last week.  I had emailed his teachers to make sure we had any and all class work done before we left as I knew we would be in a car without WIFI to power his IPAD which is where the majority of his work is done (and for the record I HATE).  He got an F on an assignment that he was supposed to get done that I NEVER knew he had because that teacher chose to not communicate with me.  YES, he has an IPAD with google classroom that tells what assignments are due when but when it just says class work, how am I to know what that actually means?  Sometimes class work is on paper, sometimes on the board, sometimes it's on the IPAD, but I never know that.  Anyway, he was offered to do the assignment during class on Monday but was never explicitly told it HAD to be done by end of day Monday, so he didn't get it done, choosing instead to do the classwork for that day.  Now, do I think my kid is 100 percent innocent in all of this, no. He had pride time (homeroom) to get this assignment done before his math class and he still didn't get it done.  His thought process was that since he had an excused absence, the work was excused which is totally not correct, but heck that is how his little brain works.  He's 12 and in 7th grade and every day I regret putting him in school right after he turned 5.  After consulting the handbook that he indeed had to have any and all assignments turned in prior to his trip (which he did for all other classes), the teacher decided to have grace and let him finish the assignment.  I was ready to battle for my child and didn't have to thankfully, but I honestly cannot do this all semester, and I am sure that is what is about to happen.  I am a HUGE advocate for my child and will continue to be, but what about the kids that fall through the cracks?  The ones whose parents don't have time to care or just simply don't?  It makes me sad.

I also confess that i am very disappointed in the school system for NOT getting the services in place for my child.  Again, the squeaky wheel gets the grease but why does it take a almost a year to get this going?  I know that our school system is not doing well with regards to retention of teachers and staff due to horrible pay and benefits.  I am trying to be full of grace but it's hard when it directly affects your own child.

I will end this with I confess middle school is hard and I am so proud of my kiddo for knowing who he is and what his worth is.  There are lots of kids trying to fit in, trying to figure out who they are, and they are being not very nice to him.  He's always been different due to his interests and his maturity being one of the youngest without an older sibling in his class, so he's unfortunately used to being the brunt of a lot of jokes and mean things.  He told me about a few things people had said lately in football and while it makes me shake my head, I am proud of him for not letting them get him down.  

Two runs, one walk, and one work out class done.  Ready to get back into the groove with some cooler weather on the way! Have a great week y'all!

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