Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Hawk marathon: The Good, the bad, and the ugly (or lack of ugly)

Okay, so once again I totally am copying this idea from another blogger and I give her full credit for these types of posts.  I also did a recap like this for the Rockin K marathon we did in the spring here.  Plus, I need a place to dump the amazing photos from Mile 90 as always!  Note:  I didn't even know the photographer was in some the places they were, so my facial expressions are not on point LOL!

Let's start with the GOOD:  Gear. ON point again.  I wore a tank I got from Running with the Cows and my ever favorite Gypsy runner shorts. I had just gotten this new design in a couple of weeks ago and just LOVE them.  They are a softer material and I just love the feather design.  My pack was full and I was carrying a bladder with Stella's water in the back but nothing chaffed or felt wrong.  I made sure I put lots of deodorant in all of the usual chaffing spots and it worked like a charm!  I did have some chaffing on the inside of my legs from my undies not getting back in the right position post pee break in the woods, but that happens often and doesn't really bother me all that much anymore.  I actually wore my older Stinsons since I hadn't put in a good long run in the newer version, and they were perfect. I only had one mishap where my Velcro I had just attached to the backs of my shoes came off that keeps my gaiters in place, but oddly enough they still stayed down and in place without the attachment point.  Dirty Girl Gaiters for the WIN!  I wore my usual Belaga socks (no mohair, just the performance line) and other than a couple of small blisters on the balls of my feet from probably the rocks, my feet felt great.  

GOOD:  My nutrition seemed on point.  I never felt bad or bonky, or too full of water or sloshy.  I started with my 200 calories of Tailwind every hour in 17 oz bottles and alternated between the naked version and the cola.  I also started out with some Run Gum to make sure I had plenty of caffeine to avoid any post run headaches.  I usually wait till after the first hour to begin fueling, but I had eaten breakfast about 3 hours before we started as i had to get on the road early and my body likes to eat as soon as i get up or I feel icky.  I did my normal pre race breakfast, the belvita dark chocolate sandwich pack (2 little sandwiches) and my pumpkin coffee because a girl can wish for fall can't she :).  I don't know how many bottles I actually got through because I lost count and forgot to count how many packets I brought with me.  I think i went through about 5 bottles and one honey stinger waffle and lots and lots of watermelon.  I didn't see any nutella wraps at the aid stations, but someone said they were there.  I did get a little behind from the last aid station on, so really the last two hours I probably needed more and will HAVE to stay on top of this for the 50 miler.  I think I probably got through 1 bottle of Tailwind in that time, which is not enough for 8 plus miles that took me over 2 hours to do.  I had 0 stomach issues and only peed twice and those time were not a "I have to pee" but a more like "this is a very safe and secluded spot pee".  

GOOD:  I felt very strong on the trails even though I haven't been lifting OR running on trails.  I need to get back to doing both post race, and yes I will hit it hard soon, but here lately I just haven't had the time or direction for either.  My body felt STRONG on this trail and that made me smile.    Other than the front of my right hip being a little tight and sore, I feel really good post race and ready to train when I get over this stupid cold.  

BAD:  I had that same tooth issue again I had at Rockin K.  I couldn't chew on one side during the race and post race, I couldn't  even gum the softest of melted waffles.  It is the Tailwind and I am not sure why it does this in races but not always in training.  This will be a problem at the 50 because I want to consume solid foods versus all liquid. I would like to mix it up and maybe just take a bottle of caffeinated cola every 3 or so hours and use my Honey Stinger Waffles/aid station food instead. I have tried multiple times just breaking my waffles into 4  pieces and taking them about every 15 minutes and I have felt great.  I like doing this method versus just eating a whole one every hour, kind of mimicking the slow intake of the Tail Wind.  Plus,  I won't need the hydration and electrolytes as much as I did in this race since it shouldn't be as hot in November.

The Ugly:  Well, I really don't have any ugly to share which I think makes this go back into the GOOD category?  I couldn't really eat post race even though I kind of wanted to due to not being able to chew.  I really, really wanted some salty chips and I just couldn't chew them.  I settled for some liquid calories in Coke and then tried to gum a pork quesadilla.  I felt good though, just a little off thanks to the cold i have been battling for a few weeks (spoiler alert, I was running fever post race but pretty low grade).  I was worried it would get ugly when it did get hot and didn't let up, but Stella and I just power walked like a boss and got it done.  I can't really run the White trail anyway, so power walking was the best option for both of us.  I did not do my 4:1 intervals, just ran the sections I could and walked when it was impossible and i felt fine.  Hopefully this means I am fully heat adapted at this point. I never did exactly look at the temps and humidity, but someone said it got up to feels like 90s with pretty high humidity.  

As always the pictures from Mile 90 are amazing and I just love them.  The one of me talking to Stella over the finish line is going to have to be printed and framed.  She did so amazingly well and after a short recovery for us both, we will be back on the training train strong as ever!   THis race was a HUGE booster to me to know that i can do hard things and we can conquer this upcoming 50 miler.  Thanks for joining me for the Good, the bad, and the not so ugly!  


  1. So so so awesome and wow! Congrats! I'm so glad you didn't have any ugly from this race. I wonder why the Tailwind is giving you tooth pain. I hope you don't have any cavities going on...

    1. Thanks!I just had my 6 month check up last week or I would suspect that too! It moves sometimes it is right side and some times it is left side or it changes top to bottom. Last marathon I thought I was clinching my teeth but this one I don't think that was the case. It just sucks because the tailwind works so good for me!

  2. Very nicely done! I'm glad that you were able to knock out the Hawk this year! I'm actually a bit jealous that my non-running body wasn't able to take part in it again this year.
