Sunday, January 5, 2020

Week 5: Training for the Flint Hill's 50

Week 5 already?  WOW!  16 more weeks to go!  Plus, another middle of the week holiday to totally screw up my training plan and my mind.  Let's do this!

Monday:  Rest day.   Needed this for sure.  My hammy was a bit sore from the mill still and I needed some resting of it to try and get the inflammation down.  Plus, I made a BIG decision.  I had been debating about my fall race and after talking to one of my BRFs this weekend, we decided to make that race the Hawk 50 miler. I still haven't taken the 100K off of the plate, but it isn't as likely to happen this year.

Tuesday:  New Year's Eve and 7 miles.  This run felt super hard and I am hoping it was just the wind on the way back.  My heart rate showed that it was a struggle for sure.  I felt like I was panting and struggling the whole time.  WTH???  Post run, i took some pictures of Stella and I and went to get into the house and the dang door was locked.

me trying not to freeze to death

Of course hubby was at work, Andrew was with MIL across town, and my phone died post calling the hubby to tell him Stella and i were locked out. I figure that Boom's jumping up at the door probably moved the knob for the dead bolt and thus locked me out. I sat outside in the cold for over an hour waiting on my hubby to come home and finally got so cold that I broke into my BRF's house to warm up.  Don't worry she has an electronic key pad and I know the code, so it was a clean break in LOL!  Finally got my phone charged up enough to call the hubby again, who had called my phone and in not getting an answer decided I was at someone's house warm and fine and just not answering my phone (again WTH?).  When I finally got home I took like an hour long shower and drank a HUGE cup of hot coffee.

Post clean up we had some family time including some wonderful finger foods from our friends at Smokin Willies (local BBQ joint).  We played some Mario Monopoly and watched some Great British Baking show, but none of us made it to midnight.

Crown and cinnamon coke is amazing!
Andrew, Stella and I made it to the New York New Year's celebration and watched the ball drop via YouTube.  We all headed to bed and then were woken up at Kansas midnight by fire works.  I swear Boom town part 2.0 happened, but the dogs didn't' seem to care and couldn't rouse my kiddo to watch.

Wednesday:  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Coach had given me a wild card to do whatever I wanted.  I decided to steal Robin and go do the river trails and hope they were dry enough to run on.  As we approached the trail head we saw lots and lots of standing water and decided to hit up Tuttle Creek/Rocky Ford instead.  Most of their trails are paved or mulched, so a lot less muddy.  What we kind of forgot about was First Day Hike, which we thought we could avoid, but ran smack in the middle of on the narrow trail.  OH well, they kids were all super nice and most of the dogs on the hike were friendly.  We even saw another aussie :)  We ended up getting a little over 4 miles with lots and lots of stops to see the eagles.

Thursday:  Coach wanted between 5-6 miles of hills.  Well, since it is a week day and I can't get out to Konza during the week, Robin and I opted for the hilliest route in town, which means the 6th street hills the track and cross country teams run on.  Plus, we decided to try and get back to our early morning runs since Andrew had wrestling post work and I needed to actually work.  Well, slept like crap, but got up and got going and got our run done.  Robin concocted the craziest hilliest route and the dogs pulled like crazy and we ended up with over 5 miles.  My hammy was pretty quiet, but my left knee is now hurting (probably compensation), so iced and stretched when we got home.

Friday:  Rest day.  Day before the tourny.  Flat Andrew on point.  Had thought about trying to get my run done today, but when the alarm went off at 4 am I just went back to bed.

Saturday:   Tournament day plus shorter long run.  I will do a separate post about the tourny because I videoed all of his matches and I have a lot to say.  It wasn't a bad day overall, but it wasn't a good day either.  The jump to 8 U is a tough one and while I had hoped he would do better as he has been practicing better, scared and cautious Andrew was in full force and he did not wrestle up to his potential I feel.  Anyway, will keep that to another post.  We ended the day with friends at the local ice cream parlor having ice cream and fun.

We got home at a decent hour, so lucky for me my running partner Robin was up for an hour and 20 minute run and I needed some Robin Therapy :)  Saw a beautiful sunset and got lots of things to think about.  Robin had very competitive very good kids who ran track and played just about every sport, so she has really good insight on helping me with my kiddo.  I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Sunday:  18 miles.  Let me back up.  Post running on Saturday, I started feeling not so great.  Dull headache, achy throat, and super fatigue were my symptoms. I just chalked it up to being up super early and being in a high intensity situation the entire day.  Plus, my food that day consisted of a piece of pizza, a kit kat bar, and then a hot fudge sundae. I decided to fix a big salad with some hard boiled eggs for protein and drink some Nuun.  I should have taken some advil before i went to bed but I didn't, and at 11:30 pm I was wide awake with a horrible migraine.  I tried everything to get it to calm down, but nothing was working, not even a dark room, cold compress, ice packs, advil, and finally puking.  I started to kind of panic because usually when I get to the point of puking and puke,  I feel much better. I finally sat in the recliner and wrapped up in a blanket and got some sleep, but not much.   Woke up at 7 am with another headache, but luckily this one responded quickly with sleep and advil.  Slept a few more hours but still woke up not feeling great.  I decided to give it till the afternoon and see how I felt with my coaches blessing of course.  Well, still was not feeling very good so instead of pushing through and doing the 18, went on a nice family hike to look at Eagles at the Rocky Ford fishing area.  Yeah, I could have made myself get through it, but I think whatever I had would have lingered even longer had I not given myself a little bit of a down day.

Glad to get through the holidays and be on the other side.  Excited to get back to some sort of routine and really excited for my upcoming work outs.  I will miss having little man at the shop with me, but I am glad to get him back on some sort of routine as well.  We have had tons of fun and really haven't done much "learning" in a while so it's time.  I am sure his teacher will understand our reading/math logs are a little um, incomplete but I feel like when I was a kid I didn't really do any studying or catching up on breaks.  Have a great week y'all!!!!!

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