Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week 8: Training for the Flint Hill's 50

Easing back into this week.  Andrew got his JR animal car so we can run two cars this year in racing and get Andrew even more experience on the track.  I also got to run some which is super fun!

Monday:  Saw the chiropractor again.  I was suppose to see her last week and with my trip and the ice storm, we missed each other.  She said she could tell i was working hard with my exercises and gave me some variations to try.  Just those tiny variations kicked my butt!  She said she felt like I was ready to start some running 4 days a week and see how it went.  I still am having 0 pain while sitting or just going through life, which is awesome!  We did the gun again and it was wonderful on my IT bands and my hammy.  She did suggest I get some soft tissue work done, which I have booked to have done.  I am also getting my orthotics cast this week so I can start wearing my lift in my shoe again.  Overall, good progress and lots to pass onto my coach.  Again, I really wish I had one of those massage guns.  Wow, so painful but gets the job done so quickly and you feel amazing afterwards.

Tuesday:  Run day!!!!  Since i was at 50% of my normal mileage we got to do 4.5 glorious cold miles on the gravel.  My hammy felt fine till we hit the pavement.  It wasn't sore, it just didn't seem to appreciate the hardness of the pavement.  I also did my strength training and PT and boy did it kick my butt in such a good way.

Wednesday:  Since we want to get back to things slowly, coach decided to not have three days in a row of running.  Now that i have an elliptical, I can use it to break up the running days.  Coach had me doing 4 minutes easy and 1 minute hard.  Tony had moved the elliptical in front of the tv at the shop so I could watch while I worked out versus looking at my tiny cracked phone screen (thanks honey :).  I also did my PT exercises with the new variations.

Thursday:  Run? Massage. My chiro doesn't do any release or soft tissue work so to Trina's table I went.  Lots of painful massage today as we seemed to get to some areas that needed extra love.  I don't understand how i am still so messed up if I haven't been running really.  It really worries me that the shoes I am currently in (my hoka stinsons that I got from ebay) are really messed up and in turn messing me up even though the tread looked good.  Of course course my new shoes the altras are going to be SO different with the zero drop that I can't change to them till we sort out what is wrong with me.  URGH.  I did get cast for my new orthotics and I have sent video of me running, running pictures, and lots of pictures that my chiro took of just my feet standing in my normal position versus a forced straight position.  While every time I go to someone new, they get SO excited about fixing me, I am trying to stay positive, but I know nothing thus far has worked. I  still remember the words of my other massage therapist in my ears.  He was talking about all of the lengths I go to all of the time to keep running and how he would have given up a long time ago.  I will admit, sometimes that crosses my mind.  I have basically 2 months and a week to get ready for my next race and I feel like that might be a loosing battle at this point.  I guess the only saving grace is that it is a looped course so if I do the first loop and things aren't looking good, I can admit defeat and stop. 

Friday:  Snow run.  I needed to do 4.5 miles and we woke up to snow and a 2 hour delay.  Usually I would just hop on the mill and get it done but I am trying to stay off of that surface for now.  I waited till lunch time and headed out to slush, mud, and ice.  FUN STUFF.  I had to walk a lot more than normal or risk falling at times.  The snow plows had even bladed my country roads down to a thin layer of snow that acted like ice and the parts with deep snow seemed to be covering mud pits.  We got it done but it took a lot longer than my lunch hour.  Glad my hubby is my boss and that i took the shop phone with me.
the coffee shop in St. Mary's had books!
Saturday:  Rest day.   We decided to take a road trip and drive to a few small towns in KS and check them out.  We use to do that all the time pre andrew and we found lots of gems out there in some small towns.  We visited Onaga, Havensville, and ended in St. Marys.  We tried a new to us coffee shop and then had sandwiches at Sugar Creek, our favorite deli on Highway 24.  We ended up back at the shop doing some work and talking about the next few weeks in work.

Sunday:  6 miles.  I was hoping this run would go well and I would be pain free.  First of all it was still super muddy on my route and I decided to just embrace the muck and have 5 lbs on mud on my shoes.  This meant an immediate bath upon return with stella.  Unfortunately I had pain on and off during my run and post run.  I am super bummed and not ready to give up on running and or my race, but I am beginning to think it's hopeless.  I am starting to think this is going to take a long extended vacation from running and i need some running in my life.  I have read all sorts of things about hamstrings and how they take so long to heal and i am really, really worried.  We did go to another small town and have some pizza and beer, but I was just bummed. I even tried a walk later on and while i didn't hurt during my walk, I was super sore afterwards.  Part of me hopes that the pain is still from the intense massage, but I know that is probably not right.

Bummed.  Hoping to get some answers from my chiropractor tomorrow. I guess we added running back too soon?  I am tired of this,  just want to run. I am strength training my butt off, doing all of my PT x 2 a day, and getting all of the things done including chiro and massage and nothing is really working 100%.  It will be a few weeks till my orthotics are ready so that won't be available to me yet. I am SO tempted to try my new shoes because why not???    Hope you have a great week and I am going to try to quit freaking out about this and move on. 

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