Monday: Rest day + rehab exercises + Tony's b day + Memorial day. I haven't been to a store in probably 2 months therefor, I had no card and no present since I had banked on amazon being wrong on it's shipping for Tony's new shirt (above). For once it was right:( Oh well, I had a picture of the shirt to show him on the actual day. We woke up, made homemade cards, and Andrew and I fixed breakfast in bed (cereal + coffee+ banana = my kind of cooking).
Tuesday: 5 miles. Woke up to rain which meant running post work. Boom has been feeling better so he subbed in for stella. I am going to keep her at 4 or less runs a week. It was a wee bit humid but again, a nice breeze was blowing and there were plenty of puddles for doggy feet to cool off in.
Wednesday: 4 miles. Again every gravel and trail is mud and we don't run on mud to protect the trails/gravel roads. This means pavement running. Yuck. So hard on my body when it's so use to soft gravel or trails. Oh well, we may be off of the trails for the next couple of weeks with the amount of rain we have been getting. We ran through the industrial complex again to stay somewhat dry. My stomach rebelled and i had to find a ditch quick on the way back. I have been battling some weird indigestion lately and now it has manifested into upsetting my tummy. WTH body? Usually this only happens when I eat certain foods but this time there has been no rhyme or reason and my usual indigestion medicine isn't working. Sigh.
Thursday: 6 miles. Hubby again had a work thing early in the morning (spoiler alert, he did NOT get up), but it also rained so I slept in. Later the rain chances were pretty much gone however it was suppose to be low 80s. I as well as the dogs can handle heat without humidity SO much better than the combo of the two. We headed out with our packs and water for the dogs with the intention of evaluation at every mile. There were also lots of puddles on the road from the rain for them to get in if needed. I honestly think Stella fared better than I did. It was hot enough to my body that I felt sick to my stomach a few times, but heat acclimation has to be done. She was smiling and sprinting all over the place, which usually means she is unfazed. I checked in with her every mile and she kept giving me great response, meaning we finished the entire 6 miles. I was SORE. I am hoping that this is just from the first week of 3 runs in a row, but I felt sluggish, heavy, and sore.
Friday: Rest day + rehab exercises. My plan was work + eat + early to bed. My plan did not happen. We instead went to the track post work and got some laps in. Tony has been changing lots on the car and Andrew has not enjoyed the changes. Last trip the changes were so much to Andrew's little brain that he had a huge meltdown and refused to do any more practicing. Tony had mostly changed the car back except a couple of little things. Well Andrew is SO sensitive to the way that car handles that he had another mini meltdown. We fixed what we could at the track without tools and such and he went out and finished strong, but Tony admitted he needed to change a few things back still. I don't like the meltdowns, but I do appreciate that Andrew can feel the differences, even if they are ever so slight. We as parents need to channel that into words that he can use to tell Tony how he wants his car adjusted instead of huge meltdowns. We got home super late, ate a super crappy dinner, and collapsed in bed.
Saturday: Long run day. With all of the rain, we knew the trails would be a no-go meaning that we had two choices, our normal route or go to Marysville to hit the crushed limestone trail there. Since the temps and humidity were suppose to stay cool and low, we decided to leave around 5:30 am to be at the trail head by 6:30 am in Marysville.
We love the beauty of the Marysville trail and we figured there would be TONS of people out biking or running. We got the trail head and there was one car with a kiddo and a big sister and then two ladies who looked like they were completing a virtual race as they had matching shirts on. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining, but it was a perfect day to run/walk/bike/hike and I can't figure out why more weren't enjoying it.
I ran for the first time this year with my bladder giving the dogs plenty of water. I had used this bladder and hose with my old Ultimate Direction pack, but not my new Salomen Adv Skin 8 pack. Got the bladder in place however I had NOT figured out how to thread the hose. Got creative with it but hoping to find a better way for next time and maybe will be cutting the hose to make it shorter. Had plenty of water for Stella, however I did take only one bottle for me and even thought it was not hot outside, I made it through one whole bottle before we got to the end. No big deal, drank Stella's water instead as we had plenty but yuck, sink water is not my favorite.
I am having issues with my calf muscles again during the run and I am not really sure what to do about it. I think I will try running with my compression sleeves to see if that helps. I would hope that my legs are adapted to the zero drop shoes by now. I only have about 180 miles on my shoes, BUT i have been wearing them 24/7 hoping that wearing nothing but zero drop would help my whole body adjust. I have a new pair of Altras just waiting to be worn and maybe now is the time.
Sunday: 5 miles. I dreaded this run mainly because I was SO sore post long run. I woke up a little stiff, but not too bad on the soreness. My running partner had the same experience soreness wise, not sure what is going on with both of us. Flat should not equal this much soreness! I decided to give stella another rest day and took Boom a loom instead. He was fine till we got back to the neighborhood and everyone had their dogs in their backyards and the squirrels were also out in full force. His brain exploded and leaked out of his ears, which resulted in a big tongue hanging out due to a mini pitched fit. I am liking being able to take them both out separately and may continue 3 runs with stella and 2 runs with boom for now.
I am glad to have made it through another week and looking forward to a little bit lower mileage during the week with some big long runs. Have a great week!