Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week One: Training for the Hawk 50

Here we are!  Week 1 and excited and nervous, but determined.  I am doubling down on all of my rehab exercises so I can get to the start line this time!

Monday: Rest day and chiro day.  Got to work on a few of my exercises I had been struggling with.   I know, I probably shouldn't be paying 50 bucks a pop for an adjustment and to work on rehab exercises, but mentally I need it. It's my therapy and my ability to make sure this pain (which still comes and goes periodically) stays at bay.  Plus, just like I love my two massage therapists, I love my chiro.  Even though she doesn't understand why i would want to run massive amounts of miles for no reason other than to say I did, she is committed to helping me stay pain and injury free.   Monday was also Stella's 9th Barkday!  How is it possible that this dog is 9 years old???  She certainly doesn't act like it!  For some cute pictures, check out my blog post here that I did for a birthday years ago.

Tuesday:  Got up at 5:20 to hit the road by 5:45 am.  Meant to get up at 4:45 am to let my stomach settle and I hit snooze and went back to sleep.  GAH.  It was a chilly morning, but I totally overdressed and felt toasty warm.  I still am totally loving my vest I got from Another Mother Runner.  I had my first ditch dive in a long time as my stomach rebelled.  Must remember to NOT drink beer the night before a run, as I am sure that doesn't help.

Wednesday:  Right now this is a rest day, but it is not complete rest thanks to my rehab exercises.  I need to talk to my chiro about the kick stands.  Any time I do those exercises, they really irritate that nerve, and I am sore for rest of that day and the next day.  I know we need to strengthen things, but maybe this is a key to the puzzle that is whatever this injury truly is.

Thursday:  Another run.  Was suppose to be 3, but we went 4.  Oh well, the weekly mileage this week on the plan was less than what we had been doing, so I don't think going over by 1 or 2 miles is going to be a bad thing.    We tried not waiting around at the beginning to try and avoid Boom's screams, instead timing it where Robin came out of the house with her dogs and we immediately started our watches and went.  That worked.  Till we came to the last house on our way out and the little yappy dog that lives there was out in his yard.   Dear lord, boom sounded like he was a dying  animal as he was trying to return the volley coming from the little dog and or reach him.  I was trying to wrestle him away from pulling me sideways to my death via face plant on asphalt and get back on our path.  Once we got passed all of that fun, he was fine other than pulling.  He pulls like a sled dog, which is nice in a race, but not so nice on an easy run.  We have a lot of work to do before he is going to be the best running dog ever, but I am up for the challenge.  

my new goodrs and my new mask

Friday:  Rest day.  Do rehab exercises and drink yummy beer at night day.  Sigh.  My weight is up so much right now that I really need to stop with the yummy beers and cookies, but a girl has to support her favorite local eateries right?

Saturday:  8 miles at Clinton Lake

We wanted to get to the trails, but we weren't sure where to go. I want to go explore the Randolph area except those are horse trails and not well maintained.  Plus, a fellow runner said she had gone out there last spring and gotten covered in ticks and chiggers.  NO THANK YOU!  Clinton had gotten a bit of rain, but they do a trail report on FB, so we waited to see what they would post.  Was almost asleep when my phone dinged and I had been tagged in the trail report.  Some mud but OPEN!  Yipeee!!!!!  Since it was suppose to get cold the night before, we figured we didn't have to go out quite so early, as most people wouldn't be out so early clogging up the trails.  We saw two little boys on their bikes and some what appeared to be high school kids on another trail above us out hiking.  Other than that we had the trail to ourselves.  The streams were flowing, there was a tiny bit of mud here and there, and the flowers were all blooming.  I got to show Robin several places where we do trail hawks races, and let her see the beauty and the technicality of the white trail.  We did drop down on blue a couple of times just to see how bad it was and the parts we were on, they were fine.  We also went down to Lake Henry and I showed her different connectors and how you could loop.  My hammy was not angry at all which means my rehab has to be working!  Knock on wood that this continues as my mileage goes up!

Sunday:  We decided to check out a local trail that was new to me.  I figured if it was a dud we didn't have to go back to it again.  After digging around I found a document that said the trail itself was a 1.5 mile trail.  Not the greatest to get 4-5 miles on, but doable, especially if it was pretty.  The trail itself was pretty smooth and had several little connectors that lead down to the river and back up and also to the park itself.  The park had some playground equipment, a big disc golf course, and two dog parks.  We had heard that there were lots of people who went out with loose dogs, which kind of scared me, but hoped that if we got out there early enough, we should be okay.  Melly met us out there, rockin robin and I drove together, and a new friend Jennifer met us at the dog park and we set out.  I am happy that we only saw 2 loose dogs and both were under vocal control and did not bother our dogs at all.  We had a nice run together, staying 6 feet apart I might add, and would love to go back to that trail when we need an easy short run.  Jennifer even told us that this was her first trail run and we can't wait to show her more trails in the area!

Happy Mother's day!  Have a great week! I am going to enjoy my present, a percussion massager from our local running store.  I think we can all use it so bonus for all of us.  See ya next week!

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