Sunday, December 27, 2020

Week 3 of 18: Training for the Flint Hill's 50 and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Merry Christmas!  Hope this post finds you healthy and well.  Several people close to me are dealing with Covid right now and my prayers are with them and their families.  Here are a few pictures from our week of Christmas.  While we didn't have any family with us this year, we did have a fun week and Christmas regardless.

Stella says I love you and you and you.  Keep your fingers crossed that she can keep up this training cycle as we are ramping up.  She seems fine and I hope it stays that way but I am always ready to pull the plug and just take her on shorter runs.  I will probably keep her at 4 runs a week when we scale up to 5 runs eventually.

Boom is always a goober.  While he is a big momma's boy, he is starting to really love cuddling with daddy at night in the recliner. I regularly catch them doing this.  We are addicted to The Crown right now, and while we have watched the current season with Princess Diana, we are going back to the beginning and working our way to present times.  I have always loved British history and this show makes me do lots of research on issues I totally forgot about.

I have little man at the shop with me right now on his Christmas break and he is on creative overload.  If he isn't drawing, he is making Lego creations.  He made a Pikachu with the design just out of his brain the other day and it was amazing.  I didn't get a picture before he destroyed it and made something brand new which was equally amazing and not a character I know.  

Christmas eve brought to you by veggie trays, local cheese, and immediate family i.e. my running partner and her daughter.  Things have been super quiet at the shop, so I worked from home and got cleaning, prepping, and laundry done.  Confession time, I had a tree up with lights, but no ornaments this year. I just haven't had the energy to get all of that out and up.  I kind of like just a pretty real tree with lights honestly.  

Christmas Day was all about the presents, the food, and the rest and relaxation.  Andrew got several Lego sets, so he spent his day building while we watched The Crown and Wonder Woman 84.  Even though all of family is still in Tennessee, we had a great day just hanging out and spending time together.  My hubby really surprised me this year by giving me a new running watch.  I was looking at the Garmin 245 just because some smart watches out smart me.  He saw the Fenix 6 sapphire and it was on sale so he was sold:)  I am not complaining, just may need another master's degree to figure this watch out.  At least I got my watch face fixed.  

There was of course lots of running this week too.  Still on four days a week.  One run in the dark with the goobers, one run on Christmas eve with the same goobers.    We must have some deer on our running route because Boom seems to find every pile of poo they leave.  Gross.  I am also a little gun shy lately as my elbow still hurts so badly, so my runs have been slower.  

Long runs happened on the weekend.  I was tempted to run on Christmas day just because the weather was SOOOOO nice, but resisted the urge and enjoyed being fully lazy for one day in my life (still did two loads of laundry).  We got 12 done on Saturday and I did an 8 miler on Sunday.  


Robin did my 12 miler with me and Melly ran my 8 miler with me.  I love this weather, cold but not super windy.  I even had to shed a few layers running Sunday thanks to the sun.  

I mean, who would have thought we would be able to have dinner outside on a patio at the end of December?

Just glad it's colder up North so the Eagles are back.  Love seeing them every run!

So here is what we did this week:

M: Rest
Tues: 4
Wed: Rest
Thur: 4
Fri: Rest
Sat: 12
Sun: 8

28 total miles for the week.  I still combined two runs to get  one 4 mile run.  

Hope you had a safe and Merry Christmas!  Looks like the weather may get a little tricky this week, so I may be milling it very soon.  Have a great week!

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