Eighteen days of quarantine DONE! It could have been worse if I had been negative and Tony had been positive, so I will take it. I am not going to lie, I really did like working from home and staying in my pjs all day. The zoom meetings I had I just put on a polo and kept my pjs on the bottom :)
Join me as I journey through life as a mommy to a little red headed boy and four red australian shepherds and wife to an awesome hubby who can't say No. My addictions include distance running and training dogs (specifically in dog agility) and my job is in science so expect a dose of a little bit of all of these things. Running with reds is how I keep my sanity:)
Monday, June 28, 2021
I'm Breaking FREE!
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Quarantine Week 2
Hello, it's the mutant Colemans here :) We are currently hunkered down for a while, while our bodies process Covid. So far it's been an interesting ride. Get ready for some memes because pictures from my yard and the house are kind of boring and those are the only places I have been lately.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Quarantine Week 1
First let me start out with an Andrew/Covid update. We got the lab call Sunday night that Andrew was positive for Covid. I immediately texted anyone we were around/near the last 48 hours which luckily was mostly my own vaccinated family as my mother in law is here. We also notified boys and girls club since Tuesday through Thursday was his all day gig. We were told by the lab that we would be notified of all things quarantine Monday morning via the health department or KDHE.
Tuesday I got a run in and also started getting calls from the Covid tracers. KDHE called as well as our local health department. Andrew was to be quarantined for 10 days and then my quarantine would start afterwards. Sigh. I figured they wouldn't honor my 2 vaccines since I was only 1 week post the second shot but I mean really, how much more immunity am I going to gain in the 2nd week post the shot versus the first week? I am a rule follower so I am stuck in the house and in my car till June 24th. I will miss yet another race, but Andrew and Tony can go. I did find a statement that I could get tested 7 days post exposure and if negative could forgo quarantining past Andrew's quarantine period, but our health department does not honor it, even though it is a KDHE policy. I do not envy their job, but I do see why people just don't get tested or don't follow their protocols. Andrew's grandma, Uncle Cayce, and Tony all can forgo quarantine because they are more than 2 weeks post their second shot. I guess an invisible forcefield goes around them and they can't transmit or transfer the virus? Sigh. I don't think that is how it works, but at least that means my hubby can get supplies we need to be in lock down. Andrew's grandma made him a chocolate cake and some frosting and helped him turn one of his drawings into a cake. He did all the artwork on the cake and now wants to be a cake maker when he grows up. I could live with that!
Boom also enjoyed his sign since technically his birthday was Friday. Happy 3rd Barkday Boom! We have been heat acclimating this week and he is doing really well. Both he and I have become quite fluffy so we both need to get some weight off. I know why I have, but not sure why he has.
Monday, June 7, 2021
I will say this week starting out much better for me. I was a little more regular with my running and even went as far as contacting a lifting coach to start the process of getting a strength cycle started. I am very low on motivation right now for anything outside of running and my kiddo's racing, but I need to get back to my bike and back to my weights. My hubby made a little home gym area for me at the shop and I am ready to start using it!
Monday was a day "off" which I put in quotations because I truly never take a day off since we own our own business. It was nice that banks had been closed two days and that I couldn't do a lot of the accounting stuff I need to do. I did go for a run in the rain with Stella and then we headed off to a BBQ where I got to cuddle some insanely cute kittens. I would love another cat, but I really really want an indoor only cat and this cat has been outdoors exclusively. It was dog savy but still, it would have to be kept in a room by itself till I felt like it was big enough to defend itself while I was at work. My dogs are sweethearts BUT prey drive can kick in at any moment and I do NOT want the circle of life to happen in my house.
Tuesday we headed to the track to practice. We made the car slower not faster. It's so nice to have andrew not be part of the equation now that his lines are good and he is keeping his foot in the gas. There are SO many moving parts on these cars that need to be fine tuned to get faster (and sometimes slower).