Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week 16 of 18: Training for Flint Hills 50 and Trail marathon

Three more glorious weeks till race day!  Coach had mentioned the word taper, but I know better than to get all excited about that word because when I opened final surge this week, the first thing I saw staring back at me was 8 miles of speed work.  Gulp.  Here is how the week went with a little bit of good, a little bit of sad, and SNOW!

Monday:  I would like to call this a rest day, but sometimes the fun of working, going to pick kiddo up, racing back to town to Sylvan and then adding on other errands that didn't get done over the weekend isn't very restful.  I am glad we got everything done, but I was ready for bed when we got home!

Tuesday:  I woke up to rain and wind, which is fine because I was going to do my 8 miler post work anyway.  What I didn't want to have to do was speed work like this on the mill, but with the weather throwing a tantrum, I had no choice. I modified my coach's plan again by making my pace my "hard pace" versus her exact pace.  I did 2 x 2 mile repeats with 800 meter recovery in which I walked a little, and then ran easy with a 1 mile warm up and a 1.5 mile cool down.

I have started watching Forensics Files on Netflix and am thoroughly hooked.  The little 30 minute episodes make perfect little markers for how long my work out is going to take. It's funny how dated it looks and feels and it was filmed in the late 90s when I was in college LOL!!!!!

Wednesday:  Track club and Cross/Strength.  I haven't said much about this topic lately, but if you have read my blogs for long, you know I struggle with staying on top of strength. I have never been a gym rat, and even though my coach gives me some great little workouts, I just have trouble fitting them in my busy life.  I know, I know, I fit running in and that takes way more time, so why can't i fit a 30 minute gym session in my life?  I just never have had that strength training bug, even though I know it helps with my running.  I seem to have a knack for doing moves wrong and tweaking things, or getting totally bored doing the same moves over and over.  I have a thought and I am going to try it out a new strategy for me.  Money is a huge motivator for me and i don't like spending it if I don't have to.  This is why weight watchers was such a big success for me because once you loose your goal weight and maintain, you stop paying.   I am going to try and find a group class or some sort of online classes so that I will have another source of motivation to get this done.  Stay tuned.....

Thursday:  Easy 4 and Track club.  I just love doing form drills in track club!  The thing I don't sore I am after coaching track club and running on said track.  OUCH!  I thought running on the track was suppose to be better than asphalt?  Someone please tell my body that???

In non running news, we had a death in the family.  Our eldest aussie Harley (15) passed away while I was gone for my morning run.  We are all really torn up about it.   It was just really a shock because while we knew the end was near, he was alive and awake when I left for my run, and gone by the time I came home.  We are grieving, as he was a member of our family and like one of our kids.  He was the first of many puppies that Tony and i ever owned and trained together.  While I am super glad he is at the bridge with my other two red aussies and no longer in his elderly body, we will miss him so much and his quirky little attitude.  I wrote a little tribute to him here if you want to read all about his amazing and long life.

Friday:  I have no excuses, my plan was to start the free trial with the work out service I found online starting Friday.  I just didn't get it up and get it done, but I am going to get back on the wagon if it kills me.  I did have a nice lunch with my running partner and we exercised restraint by not getting dessert.  Exercising will power is a form of strength training right?????

Saturday:  The plan was to do our long run out on the course where I would be doing the marathon.  I was going to meet up with another local runner and we were going to do my 14 and her 15 together.  As the week came to a close the S word kept getting thrown around for Friday night and I was super worried that the roads would be bad to head to town early Saturday.  Well, we did get snow, but more like a dusting than the inches they predicted.   What we did get was bitterly cold temperatures.  My friend texted me Friday night and said she was hitting up the mill and I didn't mind the thought of a later start or possibly a split long run between outside and in.  We had a very busy schedule for the day including Sylvan and birthday parties, plus KSU was having open house.

While we were two for three hitting up Sylvan and the b day party, we didn't have time for the Open House.  Maybe some day:(  The good news:  We got a much later warmer start and Mel got to run with me.  The bad news: during the run, we found a ball, which I threw for Stella a few times, and she split a nail causing there to be blood everywhere.  I had to call Tony to come and get her, even though she seemed to be okay with it after we got the bleeding to stop.

It's hard to tell in the picture, but it is broken/split and still attached pretty firmly to the quick and the rest of the toe nail.  I clipped as much as I could off without hurting her, but it needs to be cut further up under anesthetic with the quick being cauterized.  I am really beating myself up because I knew better with her wild style of ball chasing that to throw the ball on our gravel route.  This of course comes less than 2 weeks before her marathon debut, and 1 day before one of our favorite 10Ks we were going to do together.  

Sunday:  Dog and Jog 10K.   Okay going to be real about this race, but in another blog post, so check it out here.   This was Deuce's first race, and the first time i had done the race with the new race course.  Long story short,  the race itself was SUPER short.  Not hey you didn't run the tangents short, like .6 miles short.  SO, while the time looks like I had a PR, I did not, but we still had fun.  

I am ready for a full taper week.  I am ready to relax, to do some barre work outs, and run some easy runs.  And yes, I still see the word SNOW in the forecast.  Sigh.  Maybe spring will get here some day?????

Have a great week!!!!

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