Monday, July 18, 2022


We are in the thick of summer and I am not liking it.  My heat tolerance has gone down to 0.   Last year this time I was grinding it out and getting it done.  This year I am lucky if I get three runs period.  Call it lack of motivation or heat tolerance or whatever,  it just isn't there anymore.  I had hoped me signing up for a race would be motivation enough to suffer through, but it hasn't been.  Oh well. I can always make it through a half marathon with my BRF by my side even with minimal training.

Let me give you a quick Deuce update.  We are still trying to get his first wounds to heal. He has three on one foot including the whole large pad sloughing off.  Now we are battling two on his other foot.  I have had numerous vet opinions that include everything from the meds caused it to the meds kicked off an auto immune response.  All include treatments that we are already doing, so no matter what I guess we are on the right path.  This week included him starting to have sundowner's syndrome.  This means when it gets dark out he starts barking for no reason.  My poor hubby sleeps with him every night and he was up multiple times taking him out to potty and trying to figure out why he was barking.  We are trying a pain relief med that also has some affect on anxiety, which is part of sundowner's syndrome.  I never knew this had a name as several of my older dogs have gone through this towards the end of their time on this side of the rainbow bridge.  I am going to be very honest in that I feel like we are fighting a losing battle but my hubby does not want to give up yet and I am trying to honor that.  

Running wise I got three runs in.  Two before work and one on the weekend way too late on Saturday.  We are trying to maintain some sort of training for the half, but this continual 100 degrees + with 100 percent humidity just isn't working for me this year.  When I get up to run before the sun is even up and it's already 80 + with 100 percent humidity, honestly it defeats me and I can't bring Boom at all.  Yes, could run on the dreadmill in the AC, but post my almost fall on our mill at home, I have horrible balance issues running on the mill and am not trusting myself to not fall fully.   

On another note, Andrew had a full week of finishing up golf, football camp, and swim lessons.  We have had crazy improvement in all of the areas.  We are going to continue with golf lessons which means I will be taking them as well since I can use his clubs (almost the same height now by a couple of inches).  He did his first jump off of the low dive this week and now has morphed into a fish and wants to be at the pool diving and swimming under water constantly (go figure).  AND we had our first football camp of the year in Abilene at the Cody Whitehair clinic where he tackled, ran, and caught balls like I have NEVER seen him do before with kids he didn't even know.  He did have 3 kids from his team in his group and I am sure that helped, especially since they were also in his wrestling club.  I still can't get over how he turned 10 and suddenly is morphing into this confident kiddo.  I LOVE seeing him be brave and try new things and step outside of his comfort zone.  

I also got out twice on my bike.  I figure if I can't run, I can at least get 10 milers in on the bike.  Of course I haven't tried on my bike jerseys since i have gained all of this weight so they are a wee bit tight.  Whoops.  

And last but not least our sponsored car/driver had a weekend full of racing and we finally got to see him in action in person!

We ae still learning SO much about dirt racing and boy is it fun!  Micah is driving in the restricted class and is doing several series around Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri.  We drove up to Nebraska (less than 2 hours to get to the border) and watched him tear it up!  Andrew loves watching and even commented he might want to drive a Junior sprint soon.  Not holding my breath, but boy it sure would be fun to see him race on dirt!

Andrew also was super brave and asked a very famous driver Kaylee Bryson for her autograph.  She is amazing and kicked butt at the Chili Bowl last year in Tulsa.  SO nice to see women drivers kicking ass and taking names.  Once again, this kid continues to amaze me with his new found bravery.  Not only did she sign his shirt, she took pictures with both boys separately, and was uber patient with them fan boying out.

Have a great week y'all!  We have a million appointments, football camp, and another week of heat coming up.  Stay cool and stay hydrated!

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