Sunday, January 1, 2023

2022 Crunching the Numbers

Okay so my first thought I have to write this?  YES!  I love going back and reading over these posts and seeing what I did or didn't do.  It's good to see the bad or the good that happens in a year.  It motivates me or it let's me know that it's okay.  Here goes nothing (a whole bunch of inspirational quotes that have spoken to me all year long)!

Races in 2022:

Only two this year a 50k and a half.  Had a third planned but Andrew's football tournament took over and I am so glad I watched him play instead of running.  That may be the theme for the next 8 years but I am okay with that.  It may mean waiting till the last minute to enter races instead of my usual entering wayyyy in advance.  

First was the 0 Mile Flint Hills 50K.  This was a new race and a new racing RD and they knocked it out of the park.  Mile 90 photographs, mostly flat fun gravel and scenic views, and cold temps made it a great race......till my body shut down with 6 miles to go.  We were able to walk and run as much as we could and got it done.  SO excited to have Boom get his first ultra under his belt.  He did am amazing job and I have no doubt he will be a great dog to race with.

The second race was the Ultrapalooza out at the same trail and same RDs.  I love this "trail" because it's just like what I train on.  I know there can be arguments that it isn't technically a trail since it's just crushed limestone over a rail bed, but I still count it as a trail race.    Unfortunately on this day, this race was SUPER humid and the only thing that kept us from dropping was the overcast skies and the constant misting of humidity moisture.  I was ready to pull boom at any moment if that sun came out, but it stayed behind the clouds and we got it done.  I am so proud and amazed by the people who ran 50 miles and 100 miles in those conditions.  WOW.      Fall races just aren't going to be our jam unless they are super late fall.  Even in October in Kansas, you might be up against 100 degree days and super high humidity.  

Check out the recaps on both and the good, the bad, and the ugly recaps with the amazing Mile 90 photos.  

Total miles:

As always Garmin and Strava differ.  Strava had me at 794.2 miles total, but I may be able to stretch that to a little over 800 by year end.  At one time it said 900 and something and then it changed.  Not sure why.  I feel like 800 is probably more accurate with me making my base 3 miles versus the 5 I use to do.  Garmin had me at 797.2 with the miles I will run this week.  Either way both is much lower than I normally do and that again is okay.  I had no goals this year other than run my two races and honor my body.

2022 Goals

Which brings me to my goals based on last year:

1.  Strength training once a week:  A big fat F.  I had hoped based on my doing the Joy to the Run program that I would be able to take the at least once session a week into the new year.  It just didn't work.  I am super busy and this year just getting in my runs was enough with my kid's busy schedule.  Yes, I can get up super early and get stuff done, but not going to lie, putting all my runs and work outs back to night time has made my life SO much better.  I no longer feel like a walking zombie, even when I am a little amped up and can't go to sleep right at 10 pm.  This only puts my running partners and I at odds because they are both earlier risers, but we still get occasional weekend runs together.

2.  Nutrition.  This was also an F and I have GOT to get it under control.  I am almost the weight I was when I was 9 months pregnant with Andrew, and that is about 40 lbs more than my goal weight, which is still way more than what I need to be at according to the doctor.  My eating is out of control, my beer consumption is out of control, and my sweets are off the chart.  I have looked into several very expensive programs as well as medical weight loss options, but I haven't been able to pull that pin and commit.  My knees and joints are complaining loudly ,but I trudge on and the scale keeps going up.  Not sure what to do with this one as the motivation has to come from within and it's just not there yet.  

3.  Listen to my body:  FINALLY AN A + . I have kept up with my weekly or every other week chiro appointments and that is probably the ONLY way I have stayed on the road with the extra 40 lbs.  If I have an ache or pain, I get with Dr. Kelli and we get a plan in place for exercises and adjustments.  I also have not felt guilty for any rest days or missing any runs.  If anything this year has taught me I can do hard things on way less mileage than any plan has on it, and that gets me to the start line healthy and injury free.  

2023 Goals

1. Strength training:  I am excited to say that I am going to take a class this winter that I am hoping will ignite that desire to get back to lifting and all the things. My chiro is starting up a Pilates class in Wamego and I beyond excited to join.  Her focus is form not speed, with small movements in small muscle groups that equal healthy gains.  It will be over my lunch hour and in downtown wamego, so I have no excuses.  My biggest complaint with local classes has been there is too much cardio involved, and I don't need cardio, I get that with running.  This is going to be perfect for me!

2.  Nutrition.  Not sure what this is going to look like, but I am miserable, I look horrible in pictures, am destroying my joints with the extra weight, and have seen others have success with myriad of programs out there, just can't get the motivation to join.  I am not wanting to spend a ton of money or starve myself, so I am just not sure which way to go.  I know there is a way to cut things out like beer and sweets, as I have been over indulging for sure. I am writing this down now so I can revisit it and see where I am at throughout the year.  One of my good friends has been going to a weight loss doctor, which is covered by her insurance and taking some oral medications which has helped her a ton.  I may see if that would be of help to me as well, as long as it doesn't interfere with my running and the carbs I use to fuel.  

3.  Keep working on my mental health.  I started back into therapy and while it's been a wild ride thus far and I am not sure I am with the therapist I am meant to be with (I think we would make awesome friends, just not sure the professional side is where it needs to be), I am also not sure I want to start over with this journey with someone new, so kind of stuck.   I think therapy is vital for me in navigating a world where I struggle with conflict, friendships, and past trauma.  I also want to be very much a part of what my kiddo does via boards and volunteering, and unfortunately in this day and time, youth sports is a hot bed for conflict.  I am reading and going to be taking some conflict resolution classes to learn how to keep escalation from happening, and how to deal with truly difficult people.  I know some people will never change, but I can work on me as much as possible.  

4.  Continue to surround myself with amazing women that lift me up and keep me honest.  I have in the past year surrounded myself with an amazing tribe of football moms, racing moms, my mommy, and my BRFs and THEY have truly been the reason that I have kept my sanity.

2023 Races:

I know, I know, I have said time and time again that I was done signing up for races.  That I was just enjoying running for fun.  That I didn't want to have to abide by a training plan.  Whelp, thanks to a great black Friday deal, both of my BRFs and I are all signed up for the timed race at the Miola Madness timed run.  In fact my mom may come out as well as my whole family to crew us since it's a timed/looped race.  Who knows what I will accomplish in 12 hours.  Maybe 40 miles?  Maybe more? I guess let's see how training goes and how my body reacts.  

That is all I am committing to in the new year.  We are going to hit it pretty hard racing wise this year and maybe travel some and we are playing football again this year, which reeks havoc on fall racing.  I am also helping with many wrestling tournaments the beginning of this year.  These next few years are all about my kiddo, and I am so excited to see what he does this year.  Plus, not sure where this new found love of singing is going to lead us, but hoping maybe some theater or show choir is in his future because I think he would love it. This is the season of life I am in and I am okay with that.    

There we have it!  I am proud of what I got accomplished even if it is less than I have in years.  Here's to an amazing 2023 and whatever adventures it brings!

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