Sunday, April 17, 2022

Mile 0 Flint Hill's Trail Race 50K

 Where to start?  I guess the night before?  Let's do this!

Started by laying everything out first.  It was suppose to be cold at the start with a little bit of warm up to the lower 50s by the end.  I decided to go with shorts, a long sleeved light weight tech T and my wind breaker Brooks jacket.  I decided against my new Brooks bra, but went with a tried and true newer bra by runderware that I had road tested quite a bit.  I had some sweat pants to go over my shorts till go time and my gloves.   Fuel was honeystinger that I cut in half and eat a half every 30 minutes.  I had one bottle of water and one bottle of tailwind to supplement and get caffeine in me.  I packed in my drop box some more tail wind/funnel, the second half of my fuel, and band aides, tums, and some other small things I always think I need and I don't.  Stella was NOT happy that I was packing.  I think she knows that she doesn't get to go anymore and she is NOT having it.  Sorry baby girl, you have earned your rest!

The night before I needed to be in bed by 8 pm to get up at 3:00 am so we could head out around 4ish.  I had had several nights of good sleep with no issues, so I figured this would be much the same.  Took my CBD full spectrum gummy around 8 pm when I got in bed, played on my phone, sat the phone down around 9 and.......nothing.  I wasn't nervous, I wasn't stressed about anything, just nothing, no sleepiness and no sleep.  I figured laying there quietly was better than getting up and doing stuff, so I did just that. I am sure I did get some sort of sleep in and out, but I am pretty sure there wasn't much continual deep sleep till about 1 am, as that was the last time I remember looking at the clock till my alarm went off.  

Up at 3:00 to drink some coffee and try and eat a little to make my tummy not so mad.  These early morning drives always tear up my stomach as it gets so confused (isn't it time to fuel brain since we are up?), so I was hoping that if I got something in, maybe it wouldn't be so angry.  I was also hoping by doing some fueling that I would also get some pooping.  Nope, that's a negative ghost rider.  Anyway, got everything ready to go, met Robin at the curb at 4:20 am and we headed out to Osawatomie Kansas.  

The drive was uneventful and the parking was plentiful.  Next time we know to park a little closer to the start/finish LOL.  We were greeted with a beautiful full moon at the start/finish.  I am hoping Mile 90 got some better shots than me of it as they were both standing in my picture looking at it.  I will probably put those pictures in my good:bad:ugly post.  

It was pretty cold to start out and even my legs were a little red from the wind.  I am totally fine with cold and cross wind any day as it keeps the dogs cool.  The trail is pretty flat, but very scenic, much like the rails to trail trail we run on in Marysville Kansas.  Lots of streams, a river, lots of cool old bridges, and farmland.  Boom got to see cows and horses and unfortunately a few loose dogs.


We were cruising along doing our 4 minute run: 1 minute walk that helped so much on our last 50K.  I noticed when we got to the aid station at mile 15 that I had a little dull headache.  Nothing bad, more annoying than anything.  On the way back from the turn around at mile 15.5, we shed our jackets to go into our drop box, and I contemplated taking Advil. I know it's a big no no, but I wanted to quell the headache before it got worse.  I was still fueling fine, taking tailwind in with no issues and goodies at the aid stations, and we were cruising.  

I noticed as we continued, I started having bouts with dizziness and nausea.  Every time I would will it away, keep pushing forward, and it would quiet down.  About 6 miles to go, it won, whatever it was.  I had at this point fully started my period so maybe that was what was happening?  I knew I needed to keep fueling to finish strong, but my stomach had a closed for business sign.  


I could no longer run, as running exacerbated the symptoms, so I had to settle for power walking. I kept telling my brain that was saying this will take forever and you should just give up to SHUT UP.  I even told Rockin Robin to go ahead and finish strong, but she refused to leave me.  I laughed and told her to just call 911 if I passed out and she did NOT think that was funny.  I turned on my headphones and tried to find any music I had downloaded.  The only thing that worked was Hamilton and I took it as a sign.

At one time I thought we might have a chance at a time PR.  We really were keeping some great paces.  Then the wheels fell off and my goal was to keep it below 20 mph, so we only had 2 more hours till finishing. I liked seeing 16-17 on my watch and that became my new goal.  Between Boom pulling, Robin rocking it out keeping my spirits up, and me just wanting to be done so I could sit down and maybe puke, we crossed the line at 7 hours and 13 minutes and 13 seconds for me and 12 seconds for Robin.  

I never did puke my stomach would not accept much of anything till about 9 pm that night.  I have heard others have this problem but this is a first for me.  I couldn't even stomach Tailwind or bananas.  Nothing.

It was so weird because at a point post race, I was super hungry, but everything I put in my mouth, my stomach threatened to evict quickly.  I finally managed to eat three lays chips at a time and wait a bit and eat three more on the ride home and maybe got 12 down.  Post race they had a huge variety of free food for the runners, which I thought was a very nice touch, even thought I couldn't eat.  This race was very well organized.  There were several places for pictures with backdrops, nice BIG porta potties, post race food, and vendors including my favorite CBD ZO CBD.  

The medals were very unique, the shirts super soft, and the swag bag was full of goodies.  I saw Mile 90 out on the course numerous places, so I know the photos will be AMAZING.  Every aid station was full of very enthusiastic, happy volunteers and many ultra runners themselves who could take care of you.  This type of course is my kind of jam, so I may have to come back and avenge our time next year.  Winter/early spring are the best times for me to train with how crazy our lives are lately with sports and racing.  

April is a crap shoot in Kansas, we could have 80 degrees or 30 degrees.  We got lucky and got 0 humidity and 30s.  

God Bless Happy Hawk massage for working on my nasty feet.  David got a good tip post massage for helping me out.  Rockin Robin and I both got massages and I am glad we did because running 31 miles and then riding in a car for 2 hours equals lots of soreness.

Right after the race and most of the night I thought, why do I do this to myself?  I was horribly sore and running a low grade fever.  My body couldn't seem to stop shaking post a good warm shower.  I took one CBD gummy and it did nothing.  My neighbors new dog was crying and screaming in the back yard preventing me from sleeping.  BUT I finally got some significant food down around 9 pm, which made my stomach stop hurting due to hunger, I took some Advil finally and the headache went away, and I took a second CBD gummy which finally did the trick and knocked me out.  As I am sitting here on Easter Sunday I am already planning my next ultra :)  And rockin Robin even said she was run 20 miles or less or crew me for longer races.  I am back to being all in!  Boom needs redemption on a race we run the entire race.  I need redemption.  I also need to loose 30 lbs and strength train but I digress.  Onwards!!!!

Look for my the good: the bad: the ugly post with amazing mile 90 photos!  This truly is a great race for someone like me who loves trails but isn't a mountain goat.  The 50K had a very generous 10 hour cut off.  The trail is gorgeous even if it's flat.  Congrats to Midwest Endurance for one heck of an amazing well ran race!


  1. Nice job on finishing in spite of feeling so badly! Heck, I felt bad towards the end of my 15 miler and for most of the day as well. Running does a number on us, doesn't it? Congrats!

    1. Thanks Wendy! I sometimes wonder if we have lost our minds!
