Sunday, November 22, 2020

Better news?

To follow up my previous post on bad news, I thought I would give a bit of good news to start out.  Here goes.  Again GIRL TALK AHEAD.  You have been warned.  If you don't want to hear about lady bits and lady problems, stop reading now:)

You have been warned.  Here goes.  I got a lot of my tests results back and everything seems pretty normal.  Mammogram was normal, no new lumps to investigate, old lumps have not changed.  The new digital mammogram is the, but still hurts like a mofo when they do the side shot.  OUCH.  Pretty sure that even though she is super quick when she does the shots, I didn't breath the whole time she was doing side shots, and she had to in fact remind me a few times to breath.  HPV test came back normal, which I figure it would on that one.  Pap came back normal as well so big sigh of relief on that one.  Still waiting for the imaging clinic to call me back, but at this point there is no point in rushing into a surgery.  While I wouldn't mind a full hysterectomy, with the COVID spikes around here I wouldn't mind putting it off till next year spring or even later.   Grumpy cat is also feeling much better and we still have no clue what he got or got into.  We are starting to let him have more freedom because super grumpy cat was getting a little bit too much to handle.  

We did get a few runs done during the week.  We are having second summer (or is it 3rd at this point?) complete with some warm temps and some CRAZY wind.  Welcome to the prairie where the wind comes whipping down the plains LOL.  One day we had 50 mph wind gusts and I seriously though the shop was going to be ripped apart.  Lucky for us, it mostly dies down at night.  We did a 5 together and then I did a 4 solo in 75 degrees.  Let's just say it's been weird to go from shorts and tanks to full winter gear and then back to shorts and tanks.  

And I am a super bad mom.  I noticed that they were doing an Ecto-1 from Lego to celebrate the new Ghostbusters movie.  Well, my kid is obsessed with GhostBusters, see below.  He draws the movie, thinks the movie, plays the movie, talks the movie, and would be the movie if he could.

 I had to buy the set for him and was thinking this would be an awesome Christmas present.  Well....I couldn't contain myself and hold off another monthish, so I gave it to him early.  I did tell him it was a part of his Christmas, but I am sure he will forget, as will we.  He has already in one night put together half of it!  

He amazes me with his mind and his ability to hyperfocus.  He worked from the time he got out of school till I made him leave the shop at 9:00 so we could read and head to bed.  I was really worried about this set as when it came it claimed it was for 18+, but thus far he hasn't even had one question or needed help.  I want his brain when it comes to spatial things!!!!

Just a couple of nights later he finished it!  This build had over 2,000 pieces and he did the whole build without any help from Tony or I and all the moving parts move and work correctly.  

I did a longish run on Saturday post hubby getting off work.  One of the roads we run on was closed and then I had an encounter with a strange man picking up recycling on the side of the road, so I was happy to get what I got and be done. I wanted 10 but the universe wanted me to get 9 so 9 it was.

Then my birthday celebration began.  I wanted to do five things: long run, have soup and fru fru coffee at Radinas, go to Eclectic Charm and look at antiques and handmade goodies, spend my gift certificate at the Manhattan Running Company, and then finish the day at Manhattan Brewery having some good brews.  


Mission accomplished!!!  Got some hand made items from Eclectic Charm that were SUPER cute.  Spent my gift certificate (thanks MOM!!!)  on some needs including new Balega socks, new Mizuno winter running tights, and new hat since most of my look pretty gross.  Ended the night at Manhattan Brewery where we had some tasty beers, watched KSU get their butts beat in a blow out, and played all kinds of board games.  They even played a few Prince songs so we could "dance" before we left.  I am ready to tackle 43!!!

Have a great week!  Might get another short run in today but wanted to get this posted before I started cleaning the house and being uber productive.  

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