Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Happy Thanksgiving week y'all!!!!!  Let's just get into it as this will be short and sweet.

We decided not to go to Huntsville to race and that started off our week sad.  The rise in COVID cases in our area and throughout the USA plus the fact that we have had 0 time to work on cars made the decision a little easier.  We will miss everyone terribly and can't wait to see everyone on the live feed racing.  With most classes having between 15 and 25 cars per class, should be awesome racing with lots of lower mains to race out of!

I did get a few runs in during the week.  I didn't think rain was in the forecast, but it hampered by desire to run at the beginning of the week for sure.  We headed out in short sleeves and shorts Tuesday night and got caught in rain and dropping temps on our way back home.  Luckily drowned rat aussies dry pretty quickly.  

Turkey day turned out super nice and we got 6 miles before we had to get back to help. I am part of the deviled egg crew and head of the cleaning crew while my hubby does 99% of the work cooking and making the BEST food ever.  

Since we had no turkey when we decided not to travel, we signed up for one at a local BBQ place, as well as a few sides, just in case we couldn't find everything.  We still found sweat potatoes and my hubby made my favorite chicken and dressing and gravy, and last but not least, cranberry in a can :)

We did our long run on Saturday.  I wanted 12 miles but the excitement of wanting to watch our kiddos race in Huntsville through the various FB live videos won out.  We ran as quick as we could and got 10 and cleaned up super quickly, so we could cheer them on.  I will say here lately, my runs have felt SO good. I think it's partially because I am a for sure winter weather runner, and also because my body likes just running 3 days a week and getting a nice big break from a never ending training cycle.

I decided to run Sunday to try and get back to four runs a week and also to burn off some stress.  I awoke very full of anxiety and kind of sad honestly for missing out on several things lately.  I know I have it much easier than most, other than the full lock down I have been able to live my life pretty much as normal with mask on my face and sanitizer at the ready.  I have nothing to be sad about, but sad can hit anyone no matter where they are or what they are doing.  I tried a major deep cleaning of my house and while I got a lot done that hasn't been done in way to long (thanks race season and training for races), it didn't help my mood.  I went for a nice 4 mile run and while it was super windy, it helped me mentally so much.  I also just got in my car and drove around a bit looking for eagles and talking to my mom.  I came back home with a much clearer head and a much better mindset.  I am glad I could shake the funk and move on.  

Have a great week!!!!!  I am ready for some real winter weather running and I have heard the S word in the forecast!


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