Sunday, January 3, 2021

Week 3 of 18: Training for the Flint Hills 50 miler

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  By the time this goes live it will be 2021!  I have no prophetic words about last year or the coming year, other than I am ready for whatever challenges the new year brings and I hope you are too.

The week started out with my second podcast recorded!  I was on Ben and Barry's Running podcast, a local podcast that I just love.  We talked all things running with dogs and I could have talked all day.  Of course they cut me off at 50 minutes and we didn't get many stories in about the races we have done, but I feel like we got lots of great information out to the public about running with your dog.  I have also done a podcast on the Instinctive Australian Shepherd where we delve in to all things aussie and running with dogs.

Tuesday was met with ice and rain.  I don't mind snow now that I work so close to home, but I don't do ice at all.  For the week, I needed to do three runs, a 2, 4, and 6.  I decided to run 3 and 3 since the ice meant a treadmill run was inventible.  I was hoping my new watch would be a little more in sync with my treadmill, but alas, it was not meant to be.  I know there is a way to calibrate them where they are little closer, but I am still learning how to use my watch and I haven't come across that function yet.  I think when my treadmill hit 3 miles my watch still said 2.66. Sigh.  Also, my new watch didn't even last a week charged up.  I thought it was just a function of my old watch getting older, but nope, it's something I am doing.  I am wondering if it has something to do with the intervals.  The watch has to work super hard to call those intervals maybe?  I do have my new watch set up to alert me when certain things happen on my phone, so I will turn function off to see if that helps.  

Since they were predicting a major snow storm to hit towards new year's eve/new year's day we decided to get our 6 miler in on Wednesday night with hopes we could at least get three in on Thursday.  It was a beautiful night to get in 6.  Boom stayed at home as he has a hurt paw.   Not sure what is going on but post our run Sunday I noticed him chewing and licking one of his back feet.  There was no obvious injury, but as the week went on, he would not leave it alone.  

In looking at upcoming spring races I realized my training calendar didn't jive.  I was a week off when I tried to map out certain races and runs and I couldn't figure out why.  I had a paper copy at work and when I got to work to reference it against my spreadsheet, I figured out we started a week early.  Whoops.  No big deal, we are going to repeat the previous week (so this title will also be week 3, sorry for the confusion) instead of adding another week in at the end of taper.  

New Year's eve was a pretty informal and low key affair this year.  We had plans to celebrate with my running partner just like we did for Christmas Eve, but she got the call 30 minutes before we were to head down that a family member had tested positive, one that she had been around last weekend, and was contact traced back to being a direct contact.  Luckily, we had not really been around each other this week with one of my runs being on the mill and the other she was ahead of me the whole time as I was not feeling the run at all being all pavement.  Hubby went to the grocery store and got us some fun finger foods and we settled in watching Bridgerton (have you watched?  What did you think? I was not a fan but it wasn't horrible) while Andrew watched YouTube in the other room.  I think my hubby was out by 7:45 pm and Andrew and I were awake till at least 2 am.  I couldn't sleep even after I went to bed, so finally at 2:30 am I got up and took a melatonin.  I even slept in New Year's day till 10 am! I can't really ever remember the last time I had slept that late.  

New Years day was pretty low key too, lots of board games, all PJs, and our traditional Southern New Year's meal.  I don't eat greens or cabbage, so I guess no money for me?  I loved watching everyone's posts about running and biking and frolicking in the snow, but my main objective for the day was be as lazy as possible and I think I achieved it!

Saturday was long run day and i again slept in till 7:30.  Who am I lately?  Since rocking Robin was in quarantine, we had to get out and run separately which meant a late start for me thanks to oversleeping my alarm.  We had gotten a dusting of snow on New Year's day and it has mostly melted and disappeared from town.  Unfortunately, I do have some pavement and some shaded pavement on my way out to gravel that was a SOLID sheet of ice. I had not worn my screwed shoes since in town was fine.  I also had not put on my Yaktracks for snow, so when I hit the gravel and it was thin layer of snow that had turned into ice, I was in a mess.  At first I was in a real crappy mood, I didn't want to be out there running on ice and I didn't want to go home and run on Satan's sidewalk either.  Lucky for me, once I hit the turn around at the end of the gravel, the sun was starting to melt some of the snow which made going back a little easier.  I still felt like it was a slog fest and was really tempted to stop at mile 10 by my house and not finish 12.  In the end I took a loop through town and got it done and over with in time to see our sponsored cars race.  I also took Boom who has no concept of taking it easy on ice.  His foot seemed fine so he will be off of the DL next week as long as there is no more ice.

I have to pause a minute from running.  I can't say enough about these kids.  All three of them Hank, Micah, and Evan stepped out of their comfort zones to race on dirt in cars they barley had practice in at a HUGE race.  I loved watching them try their hardest and be brave.  The above driver is Hank and while he is older than Andrew, I truly love this kiddo to bits.  He has infinite patience with Andrew, is always there to give him advice and play with him, and shares his love of legos and Among Us.  He started in Novice with Andrew and I have loved watching him grow to be one amazing little driver.  He as well as Micah and Evan have a super bright future, and it's been a honor getting to know them over the past 2 years.  

Sunday meant short long run and since we were suppose to have freezing fog, I made the hard decision to not take Boom as well as go out later.  Stella is way better at taking it easy on ice as well as listening to me when I let her loose.  We did 7 miles together on the tacky mud that was my running route.  I had not slept much or well the night before, even with the help of melatonin so it was more of a slog than a run once again.  

Have a great week!  Hope you are safe and healthy!  I am ready to get back into a routine of some sorts as all of this late night/late mornings have been fun but have affected my running for sure.  

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