Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week 7 of 18: Training for the Flint Hills 50 miler

 The week started out with much anticipated excitement.  The Chiefs had another play-off win meaning another super bowl appearance and the forecasters were saying we were going to get a major snow storm, well major for our area.  Our little town was right on the line of either 12 inches of snow or nothing.  All the schools canceled immediately and we were instantly doomed to get nothing but rain.  Hey, at least the kids got a free day off right? I know my little was SUPER excited to be able to sleep in one more day.  

Post a day full of grey rain (thank goodness it was a rest day), we finally got a few inches of snow that night.  The roads were a horrible mess the next morning, but lucky for us, we didn't have to worry about going to school because Andrew's tummy, which has been surprisingly good for quite some time now, decided to be off.  He woke up at 3 am burping sour burps and having horrible stomach cramps.  After a full day of sour burps, he finally started cleaning his system out via the back end thankfully.  I don't know about you but I would rather sit on the toilet any day versus puking.  Of course that meant we couldn't go to school for two more days since he had to be 24 hour poop free.  He was super excited to go back to school Friday after 3 days off and so was I :)

While I still had to work all the days he was out, at least we had a slower start to our mornings with lots of coffee, cuddles, and books.  I will take it over the mess that  most school mornings are with my slower than a sloth at getting ready child that totally does not mesh with my Type A GOT TO GET GOING AND GET TO SCHOOL personality.  

I had three weekly runs and thanks to the thaw/freeze cycle, two had to be done inside and one had to be done outside during the work day.  It's nice to have a boss that understands one more day on the treadmill at 8 miles will break you mentally and physically.  I had to play all sorts of mind games both on my 4 miler and my 6 miler on Satan's sidewalk.  I still did my 4:1 run walk ratio, but I tried to mix in some sort of speed work every run interval.  It's funny how I can run that same speed (5-6 mph) on the road and not even feel like I am working that hard, but on the treadmill I feel like I am running 10 mph and dying a slow death.  I really envy runners who can just hop on Satan's sidewalk and just run like it's no big deal.  I feel like a dying cow and have always felt that way and it's mentally defeating to feel that taxed at the same speed and incline as your normal running route.  The belt does all the work for you apparently, but not my belt???  I am going to look on the bright side, at least I got to wear my new Gypsy Runner shorts that otherwise would have languished till the spring/summer.  Aren't the multi colored paw prints on the black background cute????

As I said earlier, Thursday's run was outside and I mentally and physically needed that break and the dogs needed a run.  Since I have transitioned to running post work, my hubby has really had to start doing a lot of things he previously did not do.  He now has to get Andrew ready to wrestle including feeding him and getting him dressed, and get him dropped off with all of his accessories like head gear and cold water and shoe covers.  Plus, some nights if I am running big miles, he has to pick him up as well.  Yes, this isn't a big ask, we should be doing things 50:50 when it comes to our kid and our home, but that is not how we have traditionally broken up our duties.  He is trying to run a small business as well, and I just can't thank him enough for stepping up so I can get my runs done post work.  He even let me go a little earlier, so I could get the dogs fed and rested and me dressed to hit the road in daylight to avoid ice AND he met me at the shop so I could get an emergency potty break done not in a ditch.  I got most of my run done in the light, but had about 3 miles left in darkness.

I am a sucker for a good Kansas sunset.  Unfortunately due to the freeze thaw, the gravel was a huge mess meaning I had to stick to as much pavement as I could.  The industrial complex out where our office is located had mostly dry roads, so I did tons of loops and out and backs trying to stay off any potential ice.  I ended up finishing out at our rec complex path for about 2 loops, and then was able to head for home.  About the time I hit my 8 mile mark, we hit ice, so the end of the run was done at a penguin's shuffle.  

I don't think I have mentioned this on my blog, but I have memory issues when I am writing so maybe I have.  About the time I fell, I noticed weird what appeared to be bruising on my left leg.  I just assumed it was from the fall and would fade.  Kind of forgot about it till I noticed after a long run, my whole leg was splotchy and bruised looking.  

The "bruising" comes and goes and does not hurt, has no swelling or heat, and generally I don't even think about it because of that.  I can't really figure out a pattern because sometimes it looks like the above picture post run and sometimes it doesn't.  I brought it up to my chiro on my weekly visit and she was concerned.  We tried taping it for drainage, but the tape only lasted a few hours and I didn't see any improvement.  I have been rubbing CBD oil on it as well just in case that helps but again, not seeing any improvement.  We decided the best course of action was a visit to my MD, who happens to be a runner.  My Dr just looked at it and threw up his hands and said let's watch it, so I guess that is what we are going to do.  

We had a 10  miler and a 20 miler on tap for the weekend and not the greatest forecast predicted.  Saturday was suppose to be rain all day up to 2 inches!  Sunday was suppose to be clear but cold, which could mean ice.  We decided to switch runs around and do the 10 on Saturday in the rain and pray for no ice the next day.  Since we are in freeze thaw, the gravel was a muddy mess which left us all pavement if we wanted us and the dogs to stay somewhat clean.  We also decided to try to go out  little earlier to see if we could stay dry.  We met at the rec complex to do loops and always be close to our cars if we did get a downpour.  This run was brought to you by the letter P as in POOP.  I had to stop 2 times, both Stella and Ebby filled 3 poop bags each, and we made an emergency stop at the shop.  I woke up with an angry stomach and it just went south from there.  Despite my angry tummy, we got 10 in with many loops and backtracks, all on pavement AND missed all of the rain!

We woke up to cold and wind but no ice and no moisture Sunday.  Robin and I had decided to head to Tuttle Creek to run and watch Eagles and hopefully avoid mud. Instead of parking at the Rocky Ford area, we parked in the park by the bathrooms, so our car was centrally located and used it as an aid station.  We made a 5 mile loop that took us by the camp toilets as well as the car and got it done!  20 miles on pavement, not my favorite, but with robin there and ALL of the eagles living their best life, we got it done.  

The eagles were so far way that my camera couldn't get any good shots,  but Robin got this picture of two of them on a log out in the middle of the lake.  So majestic!  

I hate to end this blog on a sad note, but we lost our second family member to Covid this week.  If you are the praying kind, please pray for Clay's family including his wife and young daughter (who has downs), his two older kiddos and his brand new grandbaby.  Clay's story is so inspirational, basically he was about to loose his bait and tackle store, so he reinvented himself and started selling his amazing BBQ to his customers.  This turned into a world famous BBQ joint that people traveled from all over the world to eat at.  He is Tony's cousin and he fought hard, but in the end on Saturday Covid won.  He was only 49 and fought hard not to be put on the vent, but in the end, it was their only option. I am glad they got to see him before they put him under, but I hate that they didn't get to say goodbye.  Someone said on a FB post, he is probably upstairs cooking the best ever ribs for the big man and I think that is so true.  You are in our hearts Jinnie and family and the Kansas Colemans wish we could be there to say goodbye.  

Have a good week y'all.  My body tolerated a BIG mileage week and I can't wait for a nice cut back week next week.   

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