Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week 6 of 18: Training for the Flint Hills 50


SO much good things this week!  Finally got to see the photos we took before Christmas of Andrew and his car.  We inaugurated very peaceful I might add our new President and Vice President.  While I was working and in meetings most of the day, I did see some of it via my phone on closed captions and then watched the replays of several of the key moments.  I also had a much needed adjustment to address the pelvic bone pain AND am trying a new brand of tumeric that my chiro insists is the best on the market.  

This was definitely the week for meetings.  I had pre work meetings, post work meetings, meetings out of town, meetings on zoom, and meetings for lunch.  I think i must have scheduled every meeting I needed for the month in this week.  

The sunrises and sunsets have been spectacular this winter along with the weather.  Whomever did a sacrifice to the winter weather gods, thank you.  I know we have a lot of winter to go, but by this time we usually have had multiple snow storms.  I have probably jinxed it by typing this.  

We had two night runs and one day time run thanks to a full day of meetings before and after work.  I can't get good night time photos yet of us and the pups, but I do get portrait pictures of them post run.  I had to get one of Deuce so he doesn't feel left out.   He might not go on runs anymore, but he is one sweet cuddle bug and at 12 years of age, still getting around pretty awesome.  

I did have a funny story to share that I totally had a big laugh at.  Others who don't run or don't have overactive bladders and stomachs might not appreciate this.  I run on rural gravel roads.  When the urge hits me, I usually have a ditch to jump into.  A lot of times on night runs if it is complete dark and there is no traffic AND I just have to pee, I will just squat on the side of the road.  I was doing just that when I lost my footing as I was squatting and my body already had started the process of letting go, so I ended up falling and pretty much peeing all over myself.  Thanks for black tights, black nights, and my running partner for laughing with me when I caught up to her.  

Saturday was long run day dependent on the weather. We had heard possibility of freezing rain and snow all weekend, plus my hubby was possibly working out of town Saturday as well.  We woke up to grey skies, but no ice or snow and my hubby still at home and or promising to take Andrew to the jobsite with him so I could get my longer run done.  While it was super cold, we got to see our Eagle friends multiple times, once even hunting!!!!  I looked up and one of the eagles was in a dead flying sprint trying to catch a smaller bird.  The dipped and rolled and zigged and zagged while we watched in awe.  We thought the smaller bird had gotten away when the eagle came flying up in front of us with it in her talons.  We then got to see her kill the bird and then pluck the feathers one mouthful at a time.  We couldn't get very good pictures because we were trying to stay far enough away to not concern her.  You can see the feathers flying in the picture though.  

Rockin Robin and I did one 10 mile out and back and then stopped by our houses and refueled, pottied, got the dogs to drink, and headed back out for another 8 mile loop.  We also ended in the park so we could get shots with Toto all masked up.

Stella always poses so nicely and Boom, well Boom has a lot to learn.  

Post run I tried a new thing that I have been wanting to do forever.  It's called put your feet up and rest and don't feel guilty about said rest.  My family pretty much laid around all day and watched screens and I also participated in watching the latest season of Cobra Kai from start to finish.  I did not once fret about all the chores I needed to be doing or how my family is spending too much time being lazy.  We all rested together and had fun in being lazy together.  My body was SO much happier for it and my mind finally gave in and enjoyed it as well.  Plus, my cat thought it was the greatest thing ever and kept my lap warm.  

I honestly was dreading my 10 miler on Sunday but I guess my plan of taking it easy on Saturday post run worked because I felt amazing.  I slept in, went out mid morning, and enjoyed the cold minus the wind.  No eagles out but I saw lots of snow geese.  Stella did not show interest in going on the run and I did not push it.  She is almost 10 and I respect her bowing out from any runs. I always ask consent for both dogs before each run and if they refuse, I do NOT make them go.  

It's so awesome to see them all take off in big swirls.  I guess that means snow is on the way?

Have a great week y'all!  Boom went 44 miles this week and isn't showing any signs of slowing down.  I am enjoying taking him for the most part, when he isn't trying to pull me sideways or stopping in front of me.  Maybe, just maybe he is going to make me an awesome replacement for Miss Stella ella someday.  

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