Sunday, January 10, 2021

Will the Real week 4 Please stand up: Week 4 of 18 Training for the Flint Hill's 50 miler

 Ah, finally the winter break time is over.  I have mixed feelings. Part of me LOVES winter break as it affords so much more flexibility in my schedule. I don't have to rush to get andrew to school and quit whatever I am doing to go pick him up.  I don't have worry so much about practices and lessons, we can just Netflix and chill.  BUT that part of my brain that needs those regimented schedules starts getting antsy and wants it back.  

Our first run of the week was Tuesday and both doggos got to come along.  My running partner (2 legger) was still on quarantine which meant it was a two dog night.  Boom's foot seems to be fine, once he left it alone.  Not sure what triggered the excessive licking to begin with, but hope we don't have a repeat of this because he needs to run and run often or his naught quotient goes WAY up.  

My new watch constantly surprises me with little messages like this one.  Thanks watch, I like sleep too!!!!!

Finally got the tree down on Epiphany.  Told my hubby it was bad luck to keep it up post January 6th so he drug it out and now it is sitting in our front flower bed.  SMH.  Only my hubby.  We also both watched in horror all afternoon the events that unfolded in DC.  I try to keep politics off of my social media feeds, but it is super hard mainly because of this right here.

When my candidate lost in the election I did not riot.  Most of my friends of like minded political leanings participated in peaceful protest marches in the name of ideals such as protecting science and promoting women.  I was emotional the next day and for many days and I was told that these feelings were inappropriate and that  I was a "snowflake".  Then all of this happened Wednesday.  There are no words for how sick I felt watching people rush the Capitol building.  I am amazed that more people weren't killed, weren't arrested, weren't dealt with as other groups had been dealt with.  I was proud as both the House and Senate reconvened later and got the electoral college votes counted and certified Joe Biden as our next president, giving these terrorists NO power.  My hubby and I listened to many impassioned speeches on both sides and had so much hope.  I have no clue what those protestors thought they were accomplishing other than terrorism and stupidity.  They un masked posed on camera, took pictures and posted on social media, did damage to federal properties, and just plain acted like idiots.  I hope each one is prosecuted to the fullest amount for their acts under their very own leader's new law as anyone should be for defacing federal property.  If anyone doesn't believe the damage that our current president has done to this country, this day was full evidence.  He has divided us sharply and continues to do so.  While I hope that he is removed from office before any more of this happens and is charged accordingly, I am sure he won't be.  If anything good has come of his presidency (still waiting to hear ONE good thing that has.....crickets chirping) it has made my husband and I more aware of politics and more aware of who represents us.  It has brought to our attention issues we didn't know about or issues we needed to be more involved in.  I am praying that change heals our great nation, but fear the worst honestly.  At lunch the very next day we overheard a couple talking about the "peaceful protests" and how the media made the storming of the Capitol building up, total fake news.  Sigh.  I write all of this here to get it off my chest and out of mind.  I am not going to unfriend anyone for their differences of opinion.  I am not going to change the minds of those who support him, but this is how I feel and I must put it out there.  


Thursday brought another 6 miler.  Since we had had a bunch of moisture and I did not want any muddy dogs, we tried to stick to pavement, my body's nemesis.  I had gotten some work done early in the day at my chiro and figured I would be pretty sore.  As I predicted, my body was SO out of whack from falling and it was causing other issues throughout the kinetic chain.  While my body held it together for all 6 hard road miles, my stomach revolted twice and I had to circle back by the house.    Also in a span of 6 miles my headlamp died and my nox gear harness that stella was wearing also died.  Because of the fact that I was road running and I was not as visible, I was highly nervous the whole run and almost ditched the run altogether when I made a pit stop at the house.  I need to look into the stuff you can spray on your skin and clothes so if this happens again, at least I will have increased visibility.  I can always use the flashlight on my phone, but I feel like both the harness and my very intense headlamp let's drivers know exactly what I am and what I am doing so they can avoid me.  


The weekends are all about long runs now, one long long and one short long.  We decided to avoid any potential mud and any out and backs by going to Tuttle Creek and doing some eagle watching.  There were quite a few loops and visits to the same trails, but we got almost all of it done inside the park which was our goal.  We saw many eagles, mostly in trees too far to really get a good picture, but we did have one fly right along at eye level as we were on a bluff and it was SUPER cool!  Pavement always beats me up but I will take a long run on pavement over super muddy dogs any day.  

Back to back long runs mean 8 miles post 14 miles on pavement.  Oh boy, I was so sore from so much hard pounding.  I seriously felt like the tin man when I got up and had to go down the stairs.  I was glad for Boom's pull to keep me going as I seriously did not want to run.  We saw both eagles and even got to see them on the ground for once and flying around on my running route.  They brought I huge smile to my face and keep me going as they swirled around my gravel roads.

When I got home my hubby made me biscuits and sausage and it seriously like manna to the gods.  

Have a great week!  We ran 34 miles this week and boy am I feeling it.  I really need to get back to strength training and lifting as I miss it SO much.  I did recently hear from my old lifting coach but we never got around to her helping me by giving me a lifting plan.  Next week we go to 5 days a week running and I am honestly kind of dreading it.  Oh well, only 14 more weeks till go time!

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