Sunday, January 8, 2023

Am I training, Yes I'm training

Oh boy. 2023.  Hi.  What's up.  Welcome.  Please be kind, okay?  I think 2022 was better, still not best, but better.  I have really found a tribe of strong women that have really helped me through some shit.  You don't need a huge tribe, but you need a tribe, or should I say people like me who overshare and need to talk through every.single.thing need a good tribe.  I've finally found that and it makes life so much easier.  I have friends who share nothing.   They keep everything super close to the vest.  I am not one of those.  Thus the reason for my blog.  I know in 2023 I will continue to lean on those ladies and I hope they are up for the FULL Michelle challenge!!!!

Monday:  Day off from work.  Again.  I am so confused at this point.  What day is it?  Don't get me wrong, I love having days off, but so many lately has been overkill.  I still do several things every day even on weekends for our small business, so there really aren't many true days off.  While I took New Year's day off from running to just rest and be with my fam bam, I was ready to go Monday morning.  We have decided to us our couch to 50K program again for both of us and see how it goes.  Rockin Robin is running the 9 hour and I the 12, with Melly coming along for the 6.  My goal is still run/walk as much as I can and what I get is what I get.  Instead of following the plan to a T, we are taking the long run for the week and keeping that constant, but the rest of the miles we are divvying up and running them how and when we feel like.  As long as we get the weekly total, we will be happy.  That way if we feel good, we run more that day and if we feel badly, we run less and make up for it when we feel good.  We felt good so we got in 4 in the misty weird weather.  Thunderstorms in January later?  Okay?

Tuesday: Y'all, I did yoga!!!  Who am I?   We have been having 50 degree days and we had had a big temp drop and neither Robin nor I were looking forward to running with 20 mph winds.  We decided to move our speedwork to Wednesday and just do strength or cross.  I chose yoga because it is something iI can do right before bed and feel good about doing (when I can turn my brain off).  Of course Boom thinks it's great because I am sitting still and he can lick my feet, one of his many weird quirks.  

Wednesday: Speedwork.  We did a Joy to the Run work out of X to the T where we had a 5 minute warm up, 1 minute hard/1 minute easy x 10 and then cool down till we hit 3 miles.  We both agree we are loving one day a week of short speedwork and that we need to keep it up.

Thursday:  Planned strength but ended up rest.  Somedays you just have to do what is best for you and that was what my body needed for that night.  I was falling asleep at 8:30 pm, I was so exhausted.  Also, Andrew has been super creative lately and has also been bringing some amazing art work home. I love it!

Friday:  Easy 3.  Boom and I headed out to take it easy and get three on the gravel.  It was a beautiful night and Boom wanted me to STOP taking his picture LOL!  I also took Stella to the vet before my run.  Her allergies have been really bad lately and I am at wit's end to try and help her be comfortable.  We have tried OTC allergy meds, supplements, we did the whole fecal transfer thing, and we have tried Chinese herbs.  Nothing was working and she was starting to rub her face, just like Deuce did.  We are going to do a round of steroids and then put her on apoquel again.  Sigh.  I fear she is going to have to live on apoquel the rest of her life and it's so freaking expensive. I guess whatever brings her comfort because every time I try and wean her off of it, she goes right back to full fledged allergies.  We also discussed her many bumps.  Not going to lie, when we started talking about her mammary tumor, I had a complete and total melt down.  I feel so bad for Dr. M and Izzy as they have seen me at my worst lately.  I just can't bear the thought of losing Stella to cancer.  It kills me.  We are hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.  Cell stains should be done by next week.  

Saturday: 7 per the schedule.  It was the perfect morning for a run.  Lots of snow geese out in the fields, and we saw trumpeter swans thanks to our friends on our running route pointing them out.  After the run, I got coffee to warm up at my favorite coffee shop and later, we headed to Manhattan to watch the Chiefs play.  All of the games lately have been on ESPN and that is one streaming channel we don't get of course.  Andrew wasn't thrilled, but we left before the game was over since the Chiefs were winning by so much.  I had two amazing beers, the Thicc Boi which was a very nice stout and the snickerdoodle which was a lager I believe with lots of spices.


Sunday:  Rest day:  Wrestling.  I had high hopes for this tournament.  It was suppose to be yet another smaller tourny and I had hoped the really heavy hitters would be heading to another more competitive tourny.  That would be a nope and a nope.  Andrew had dropped about 6 lbs from being sick, so was at 112 meaning too heavy for 110, but super light for 120.  I am not about cutting weight, so it was give up several pounds and pray.  When i checked the brackets before we left for Topeka, he only had 2 matches.  Sigh.  Not really worth the drive, but mat time is mat time and I am still hoping he would get lucky and get that ever elusive win.  He works so hard, just never sees the result.  I am not sure if it's some sort of competition nerve thing or what. I certainly had horrible nerves for many years showing my dogs, but I just don't remember having that playing sports.  I should say that I always played team sports, so maybe that was it?  Maybe I would have experienced similar had I a chance to compete in some sort of individual sport?  It's hard not to be disappointed as all of his coaches have been telling us about how awesome he has been doing in practice.  As always, the biggest complaint is where is the aggression?  Where is that fire they see in practice?  He partner also got pretty beat up but did manage to win one match.  We have two more tournaments to get through, both much bigger and hopefully with less of a weight spread (and also hopefully more kids in his bracket with his skill level).

Have a great week y'all!

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