Friday, July 27, 2018

Runfessions-July addition

photo courtesy of Boulevard Brewing Company website

Another round of runfessions!  Right now I am all about Jam Band from our local brewery Boulevard Brewing so grab your favorite brew and sit a spell!

How much education do you do in the summer? I runfess, I am so confused as to how much.  I go through periods where I worry that I am not doing enough and then periods of time where I am exhausted trying to get it all in.  We are doing a library summer reading program and Sylvan is doing a reading competition, and since Andrew still isn't reading on his own entirely, that means I am reading to him.   He still has little to no interest in reading himself and I feel like by now he should be doing some SUPER easy books on his own.  For whatever reason, the prizes for both are not motivating him enough to want to read and that makes me sad.  I am not going to push him and nag him, but I really want him to love reading as much as I do (i could live in a good book 24/7).  I don't remember my mom pushing education in the summer, but I was a born lover of reading, so i chose to read even at a super young age.   I want him to enjoy summer and be a kid, but I also don't want him to be behind in 1st grade either.  I keep telling myself we are doing Sylvan four to six hours a week, so that is more than most are probably doing in the summer.  I just fear it isn't enough and he will be behind in first grade.  I am also having trouble keeping his attention at home when we do schooling type stuff, so am dreading having to make the decision to possibly have to go down the avenue of ADHD testing.  If medication is what he needs to focus and be successful is where it is at, we will do it, but I am slightly scared with medication and all that comes with it.

I runfess we got some bad news this month.  My hubby has diabetes and it is pretty bad.  He had lost a ton of weight and not changed anything, and he was constantly thirsty and subsequently peeing all night long, so we kind of had a head's up that something wasn't right.  I am glad we have a diagnosis and that it isn't cancer or something worse, but I am still scared. He started on meds immediately and his blood sugars are already coming down to normal when he tests them first thing in the morning and 2 hours post dinner, but it is a huge science experiment to find what affects his blood sugar more than other things.  While there is no damage to any organs or organ systems yet, we have got to get this under control asap.  We met with the dietitian (one of my old running coaches is an RD) and she had great advice on what Tony can do with his diet.  He honestly eats way more healthy that I do, so he really doesn't need to make big changes per se.  He just needs to balance any carbs he does eat with protein.  Thus far the only thing I can say that we really have to cut completely out of our diet is Pizza.  Any time we eat pizza, even with a big salad prior to it, it sends his blood sugar soaring.  This is my long run fuel so going to have to think this one through.  I want to be supportive and eat what he eats instead of us having two different diets.

My foot.  I have mostly good days but some bad days where I think I am totally screwing myself running wise and i need to quit now and try and get this under control.  Note:  I still don't have pain during the run, go figure.  Then I do a trail run and it's like my body resets itself.  Yes, I am sore from the run but its always both sides all over.   I hope I am not sending this mess into the chronic stage, but I sure am enjoying these summer trail runs.  I am actually going to try and get most of my long runs out on the trails from now on.  I sure am enjoying the schedule that my coach has for me and while I know at some point we will start doing longer runs and more mileage, for the most part I am highly enjoying summer running this year, which is way different than most years.

I think that is all I need to runfess this month!  Come back next month when my kiddo will be back in school, we will have another month of controlling blood sugar under our belt, and hopefully I will be getting very close to pacing my friend at her first 100 miler!

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