Sunday, June 9, 2019

Week 2 of 24: Training for Run AMOK 50 miler

Made it through week one!  Five runs, two days at the gym, and lots of late nights thanks to our crazy schedule right now.  I keep telling myself just make it through baseball season and things will calm down a bit....maybe.

Monday:  Sort of rest day.  I usually go to Cross fit class on Monday mornings, but I was exhausted and opted to get 2 more hours of sleep versus getting up at 4 am to go to Manhattan.  Went and lifted at the local gym that is not even a minute away from our shop with the hubs.  It was kind of fun to have him there with me as I did my normal back squat warm up/lift.  I didn't do the WOD I missed at Cross fit class because we didn't have enough time, but I felt pretty good with my lifting and hitting some squats with my new max percentages.  I didn't like the men's bar and it's stupid gnarling right where it fits on my back, and I didn't like the weird plates they have, but all is good, I got it done with tony's help on the math.

Tuesday:  6 easy miles.  I woke up to 70 degrees and 90% humidity. YUCK.  My back door was completely fogged over and that is NEVER a good sign.  I took it super duper easy since neither Stella nor I am fully acclimated to this mess.  I also had some stomach issues, but that is what happens when I get up and immediately get out of the door for a run.  I am not going to fight it at this point and just run with toilet paper or find the nearest porta potty (or ditch).  Until I can get to bed earlier at night I won't be getting up at 4 am if I can help it.

Wednesday:  4 miles of hills.  My plan was to do 1 mile warm up, attack a hill for some repeats, and then 1 mile cool down on a flat surface.  I have a few hills in town that are quite steep and fun to run, but all pavement.  We did a down and back through down town and headed over to our favorite hill repeat hill on Popular street.  I try to vary my hill repeats on different hills in town, just so I get a variety of steepness and climb.  We did one mile warm up and then hit the hill for two miles of running up and walking down.  I really, really wanted to quit at 6 repeats and then just finish out my mileage with easy, but I asked Stella if we could do just one more and she gave me this look:

We finished our last two which got us a little over 3 miles and we headed back towards the house to finish our 4 miles total.  I did walk down the hill to catch my breath for recovery, because 90% humidity is killing me and it totally affects my breathing.  

Thursday:  6 miles.  Again late night with baseball.  We got run ruled again, BUT we got some hits and some contact with the ball.  We also got TONS of fielding practice since the other team could rip the ball, but once again their coach was super nice and held his runners so more of his kids could bat, and more of our kids could bat as well due to getting through 4 innings before the game was called.  We still have a lot to work on, but we are making a ton of progress and I LOVE it!  Anyway, I prayed for rain so I could get 2 more hours of sleep and the Lord answered with a big thunderstorm at 5 am.  I reset my alarm and fell back into a deep sleep.  Post getting my kiddo to camp and getting back to the shop to do some work, I decided to do a lunch run.

The weather conditions weren't horrible, but we have no shade most of our run out on the gravel roads.  I carried ice water in my handheld and hoped for the best.  We were both hot and draggy, but at about mile 4 I got the WORST cramp in my upper ab that would NOT go away.  I was doing my usual 4:1 run/walk ratio and that quickly changed to 30 sec run 30 sec walk, and that quickly changed to power walk.  I was 2 miles out, and hubby was at one of the industrial client's site, so I had no choice but to power walk it in.  Any time I ran I would get searing pain in my upper ab. I have no clue what it was or what caused it, but I was SUPER glad when I was done.  I lifted later doing my dead lift series and felt fine go figure.

Post work we had baseball practice.  I sure do love watching tony work with the boys.

This is one of his drills he does to teach them to swing level.  They have to hit both balls with one swing.  They love it and it's fun to see a light bulb go off in their heads when they get it right.  

Starting out with some flights

Friday:  REST DAY!  I worked part of the day at the shop and then headed to KC to hang out with my good friend Trina.  We hit up the Legends outdoor mall for some shoe shopping and some clothes shopping for myself, and then over to Bonner Springs to see a concert.  I always buy for Andrew and this time I thought I would treat myself to some NON running clothes.  I got some cute sandals that aren't athletic or flip flops, and some dressy tops and new fancy jeans that didn't cost 10 bucks LOL!  Big spender here!  After shopping we headed to an early dinner and beer flights, and then made our way over to the concert.  There were 4 bands total playing and we weren't in a huge hurry to be in the stadium.  

We had pit seats but we could really sit or stand anywhere.  We found some seats pretty early on and planted ourselves. I was so mellowed out thanks to the second hand smoke.  Trina and I just had so much fun listening to music, talking, and people watching.  So much 90s fashion!  I saw fanny packs and high waisted shorts and jeans and jumpers and rompers and Doc Martins. Brought back memories of my junior high/high school years.  

Sublime was amazing, but the second band that went on the Common Kings were my favorite!  Very chill crowd, lots of fun and a late night, but I needed to get away for a girl's trip.  Driving back was a little scary, we were both very tired and then there was a wreck on our highway to our town which we had to sit at for quite a while.  By the time I got home and into bed it was 2 am.  YIKES!  I don't stay out late EVER, so that was pretty big to me.  I knew the next day would have to be the easy run and it would have to be later in the day.

Early b day present!
Saturday:  1 hour 10 minute run.  I woke up with a ton of energy, go figure. I wanted to tackle cleaning up our yard and back yard/deck because both of our families will be coming to Wamego for fourth of July.  We had a ton of stuff that needed to be loaded up and taken to the dump, and i needed to mow front and back.  Plus, the dogs desperately needed a good grooming/toe nail trimming.

Post yard work/mowing, I headed out to get my 1 hour 10 minute run in.  Andrew wanted to ride his scooter while I ran.  While I was doubtful he would  make it the whole time, he did pretty good getting 40 minutes in on the rec complex concrete track.  When he was done, we headed back to the house and I hopped on the dreadmill to finish.  It was SO hot out that this was one time I didn't mind doing the mill for the AC.  I totally forgot to switch my watch over to indoor mode, so I didn't get a total mileage, but I estimate i got around 5.5 miles.  

Sunday:  OH boy is all I can say about this day.  Long run planned, birthday party, track practice, and baseball practice.  First woke up at 5 am to get started.  Had looked at the weather the night before and the temps looked amazing and the humidity low so opted to sleep in till 5 am and run around 6ish.   Post waking up and making coffee, my phone made a noise indicating weather was on it's way.

Seriously?   WTF weather????  I have no leeway in time today due to the party and baseball practice.  NOOOOOOO!!!!!!  I was tempted to just dump my coffee and go back to bed.  I was NOT about to do 13-14 miles on the mill.  Sometimes they are wrong about the speed of storms so I decided to solider on and get what I could outside.    As soon as I stepped outside the bottom dropped out but the temps were cool and there was no thunder or lightning so I kept going.  We got around 10 miles on the gravel and then did 3 around town.  I would say overall it was a really good run.  The cooler weather and my 4:1 intervals really worked well.  My pace was pretty slow, but I kind of fell into a flow and just stuck with it.  I didn't have my headphones so I just ran without music or podcasts for the entire time and kind of enjoyed just listening to the birds and noises around me.

Post running we had Andrew's b day part at our local gymnastics gym and then had baseball practice.  I was one super tired mommy by the end.  Thank God for mom friends who helped out including cleaning, wrangling kids and handing out drinks/cake/utensils.  We truly are blessed to have some amazing friends!

And that's a wrap.  I am exhausted and next week is going to be even harder with three baseball games, a practice, and a midget car race.  I shall survive, but it's going to be tough.  Longer runs, harder speed work, and a midget car race on Sunday.  I will probably not do any 4 am classes and probably get up at 5 am for most runs reluctantly.  Pray I make it and don't turn into the walking dead!

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