Sunday, June 30, 2019

Week 5 of 24: Training for Run Amok 50 mile

Started out the week with no hot water or showers thanks to our basement flooding.  Ended the week with family, racing, races, and fun!

Monday:  Rest day!  Another day of sleeping in.  I needed it for sure.  This week is going to be crazy again with baseball, racing, and a night trail race for me.  Plus my parents are coming into town as well as my in laws to celebrate a week of 4th of July in Wamego.  Our town has a HUGE week long celebration culminating in the largest hand fired fireworks show in the country.  It's crazy that every year out town goes from about 4 K people to 60 K!!!!!

Tuesday:  Easy 7.  I broke it up into an easy 6 with Stella and then 1 with boom.  Boom got to experience sprinklers for the first time and loved them.  I need to start inching his mileage up slowly.  He is ready for more than a mile at a time and I just need to figure it out with my current training.  It's not the best time to get him up to speed but we will find a way.

We finished the day with baseball in our very first tournament.  We were the number 15 seed out of 16 playing the number 2 seed.  We had no expectations of winning, just wanted to continue our path of improvements and hits.  We had success on both fronts but they out hit and out fielded us and that is okay.  I wrote a long sappy post on my FB page but the gist of it is that we had a great group of coaches, parents, and kiddos. They tried hard, they had fun, and learned a ton.  We had fun coaching them and are already looking forward to next year.

I love seeing hill repeats on my garmin map.  So cute!

Wednesday:  Hill repeats.  We had 5 miles of hill repeats on our schedule.  Again I did a 1 mile warm up with miles 2 and 3 being full of repeats and mile 3-5 being a cool down.  My running partner has joined me all week and our dogs raced each other on the last repeat which made us finish strong.  May bump it up to 10 next time.  The plan allows for anything hills so it an be repeats or just a super hilly run.  We may experiment with both.
Boom was very worried that I was in bed the majority of the day

Thursday: Let's back up.  Wednesday night I started feeling like I had a stiff neck.  On a whim, I took my temp and it was 99.3.  Then throughout the night it spiked higher and higher.  Finally got up to 102.  I spent most of the day sleeping and sweating.  Fever would spike and come down, spike and come down.  I also had a really bad headache and my stomach was not settled at all.  I finally got some pudding down and some 7 up from when Andrew was sick.  Finally had to take some advil for the headache and that seemed to help bring the fever down to the 99s.  Spent most of the day in bed either sleeping or watching Yellowstone.  Missed my work out obviously.  The goal was to rest and beat this mess.  I don't have time to be in bed.  Of course my hubby was also gone this entire week during most of the day and afternoon at training in Topeka so I had to find rides for my kiddo to camp and rides home for my kiddo and the others I was playing mom taxi for.  Thank god one of my BRFs was a counselor and could help out because honestly I could NOT drive with the fever being so high.

I even missed the boy's end of baseball party at Widgets but all of the moms took pictures and sent them to me to cheer me up.  I just LOVE these boys!!!!!

Friday:  Rest day.  Yeah for rest days!  My fever was still bouncing around so I headed to the dr's office to rule out strep or West Nile.  While West Nile is a virus and is self limiting, I wanted reporting done to indicate it was in our area if it were West Nile.  Dr wasn't concerned with WN so we swabbed for strep and when lab test came back negative, we sent in for type and culture just in case.  He offered antibiotics but I refused.  There is no point in taking antibiotics for viral mess.  I still had some sort of glimmer of hope that I would be magically cured by Saturday and could still run my trail race.  I did ask IF I was fever free could I go to see Andrew's inventor's showcase and he gave me the green light as long as I wasn't coughing (i wasn't) and I wasn't planning on kissing anyone or licking them.  I said I could do that :)  My fever was staying down and was gone by the time of the showcase and I was SO excited to see all of the creations my little dude invented.  The above is his robot that completed many tasks in a robot challenge.

Here is his boat that he made for a competition where they floated boats and completed deep seas tasks.  That's captain fluffy on the helm.

Here is his farm complete with hello kitty weather vane and windmill :)  I love Camp Invention with this being our fourth year of doing it.  I hope he continues to love STEM because I surely did not love it as a kiddo and didn't get near the opportunities he is getting to explore all areas of STEM.  

New stove.  I don't even cook and I am smitten!
Saturday:  Race day.  DNS.   While I woke up fever free, I was super fatigued.  We had a million things to get done prior to my parents and tony's mom getting to KS, and I decided to focus on getting as much of that done as I could and forget the race.  I am so glad I did because with the heat advisory, there was NO way I could have struggled through this tough, but super fun trail race at night.  I have no FOMO because there was just no way my virus riddled body could have coped with it.  I wanted to be well enough to watch Andrew race and be able to get back to training next week.  We worked on all the calamity that has happened in the house this week including replacing our stove that died, defrosting our freezer that died that we hoped we could save, helping our dying hot water heater that is newish, and also get ready for our house to be re-roofed and new skylights to be put in.  Yes, all of this happened in a span of a week half of which I was sick for.  Go figure.  Even being in the AC all day, I was super wiped.  The boys had yet another end of baseball party thrown by one of the moms and while I had planned on staying home and getting to bed, I had to sub in at the last minute.  I was still fever free but I was SO tired.   We made it through and the boys had TONS of fun.  We had over 300 water balloons for the boys to play with and they had a ball.  

Sunday:  Race day!  Another hot one but we got it done!  Two heat races and a main and not a ton of people.  I had high hopes this would be the day that Andrew finally got his first checkered flag.  He and daddy had practiced the night before and the car was in tiptop shape.  Except daddy decided to change a whole bunch of things post practice.  Then all of the problems started.  His car would start going, he kept saying he was in the gas, but nothing was happening.  He ended up second position outside in his first heat race and he managed to just say ahead of everyone and win.  Then his second heat race, he was put at the back since he won the previous race, and he just hung out there.  He claims it was the car, we are still not so sure.  The car was doing odd things, but Tony figured out one of the problems before the feature and fixed it.  Andrew was 4 out of 5 and inside which is not his strong suit.  Again, he let everyone pass and got lapped and refused to try and pass anyone.  The jury is still out, yes we made changes, not sure if that is what made him not be able to pass or if it was mental.  It was SUPER hot and they had the longest race EVER right before his feature in which he had to sit in his car for at least 45 minutes fully dressed and strapped in.  I am not going to over analyze, he is a kid but we have time now at night to go to the race track and practice and practice we shall!  I just wish he could have gotten his first checkered when his grand parents were present.  Oh well!

What a crazy and busted week!!!!  Monday is another rest day and I am intending to take it before hitting my running schedule hard.  Can't make up missed work outs but I needed those rest days to recover from this mess and glad I took them.  I'll be back Night Hawk 2020!!!!

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