Sunday, June 16, 2019

Week 3 of 24: Training for Run Amok 50 mile

As I alluded to last week, this week would be a true challenge to me.  Mileage goes up as it does, 3 nights of baseball games, and one super long day at the track for midget cars.  I wouldn't want it any other way:) Please pray for my sanity and my ability to sleep and or recover.

Monday:  Should have been a Cross fit day, but once again getting up at 4 am in the morning just didn't sound in the cards for me.  I needed some sleep badly and I chose sleep over working out.  Balance right?  I had hoped to go do open gym and at least get my back squats in before I headed back to Wamego to work at the shop and it just didn't happen. I had to get back, we had a lot to do at the shop before baseball, and I chose to make this a total rest day instead.

We had baseball later on and we played the first team with very, very intense and LOUD coaches.  We have had differing opinions on dead ball rules and things got a little heated as the umps didn't want to seem to call dead ball when they were suppose to, so they were advancing their runners too many bases at a time (according to our interpretation of the rules, which could be wrong but who the heck knows).  We would have lost anyway, they had some amazing hits, but the score wouldn't have been quite so bad, and we could have finished the game instead of it being called.  I really didn't know why we were viewed as a threat to their win. I look at it this way, you can bat 5 players and let them score and get in the park homers OR you can let each kid get a double or a single and bat more of your entire team more times.  Your players get more offensive time and our players get more defensive playing time.  Oh well, some people play like this league is the step below the majors and some don't.  We view it as a learning experience and a way to develop players and give them the confidence to move on to the next level. I am learning to let go of things i can't control, but it's hard for me, and I will be the first to admit it and this game really bothered me.  Andrew had a great catch and throw to first base and would have had the runner out but our first baseman took his foot of of the bag.  Oh well, we celebrated like it was an out anyway!  Our players are getting so much better with defense and I am SUPER proud of them.  Our bats were super quiet again, so no runs, but we will figure it out eventually.

Beautiful sunrise
Tuesday:  Couldn't sleep all night.  Got maybe an hour, hour and a half all said in done, but I was wide awake at 5 am and got my 6 miles in, 5 with deuce and 1 with boom and Stella.  Stella has been a little off in her gait, so I wanted to be able to see her run from behind.  When I run with her and Boom, she races him and really strides out, so I could get a clear picture.  I still can't figure out what is going on, she isn't clearly lame, but she isn't 100%, so I will keep her mileage low for the week and rest her and watch her like a hawk.  Ran with one of my BRFs Robin and we talked through a lot.  God bless my friends because I can get verbal diarrhea and they take it and help me process.  Andrew woke up with a low grade fever so he headed to the shop with daddy while I headed to the lab to process samples.

he may be 7 but he is still my baby!
When I got to the shop, I could tell Andrew wasn't feeling very well at all.  His fever was creeping into the 100s and he just wanted to sleep.  I had a PTO meeting to get to so he and daddy headed home to get some rest and chill.  All was fine till about 10:30 when Andrew, who of course was in our bed, puked ALL over tony and the bed.  Stripped the bed, got everyone cleaned up and back to sleep to be woken up again around 11:30 with him thinking he might puke again.  Got him up and downstairs to the couch.  Daddy took the night shift as he knew I was exhausted from no sleep previously.  By the morning his fever was down in the 99s again, but he was still feeling pretty weak.  Thank goodness I can pretty much work from wherever as long as I have a computer. 

helping me groom the dogs 

Wednesday:  I decided to hit the treadmill and do my speed work versus waiting till tony got home or post baseball.  I had 5 miles of speed on the plan for the day, so did a one mile warm up and then I did 30 second strides for three miles before getting a cool down mile.  My watch and my treadmill didn't agree or anything, pace nor mileage, but I didn't care, I knew I worked hard and that is all that matters.  I tried to stay around 4.6-4.7 mph for easy and 6.5-6.7 for my strides.  

Baseball game number 2 for the week.  One of the best team in the league and lots of my friends and their kiddos on the other team.  I felt like I was fighting off fatigue and possibly whatever Andrew had, but the show must go on. We got run ruled again, BUT the coaches were SUPER nice and held their runners when they could have clearly gotten in the park homers every hit.  SO nice to play coaches that know that this age group is for teaching and NOT a step under the majors.  We had a few hits, but not many, and the boys had a few offensive outs and are starting to figure this whole thing out slowly.  I can't wait to see what next year brings for our Wamego Royals!!!!

Thursday:  7 miles and yet another baseball game.  We had another late night with Andrew getting sick yet again same time same way.  At least this time we made it to the bathroom and not in the bed.  Unfortunately, it was in the bath tub instead of the toilet, but details.    We all got to bed fairly quickly post puke, but I didn't want to wake them by getting up at 5 am, so I slept in till 7 and then went out and did a lunch run.   I took Stella and watched her like a hawk and other than some cross firing when she was on the pavement, she ran fine.   Andrew's fever broke some time in the night, but we kept him home anyway.  We had promised him a trip to target to get some Legos with his birthday money and a lunch date, and while I couldn't go due to being in the office all day, it was fun to see what he picked out.

Again baseball was a run ruled situation, but the other team was SUPER nice and held their runners, so more of their batters got to bat and our kids got more fielding practice.  It was a huge win win for both teams.  The opposing coach came post game and had a long talk with Tony about keep with it and see the fruits of developing young players. It was super nice and above board.  We know the future is bright, and we are trying to make this season all about learning and fun and I think we are doing so.
at least we have birthday legos to keep us busy!

Friday:  Rest day.  Another sick day.  URGH!!!!  After a day of being fever free, I had hoped we could all go back to normal.  This stupid viral thing reared it's ugly head and once again Andrew had a low grade fever and felt like poop.  At this point I am trying to keep him quiet and resting because I don't want him to miss baseball camp next week.  I am not sure if he will be well enough to race.

at the top of the stairs.  See the trail way below?  I did that hill x 2!!!!
Saturday:  Long run day!  I had another range of mileage and wanted to hit 15 miles for sure.  I had three options, my normal route, hit up Clinton lake for a preview of the Night Hawk's alternative trail, or hit up Konza minus Stella. When I got up at 5:00 am, there were storms all around us and it looked like Clinton Lake was getting rain.  I checked in with one of my trail hawks friends and she said that the trails would be muddy so they were canceling the preview.  Off to Konza I headed!

I make no bones about it, I have a love hate relationship with Konza.  They don't allow dogs, and for a VERY good reason, it's a research station first and foremost.  Also, there is little to no shade and if the sun is out, you are at it's mercy the entire way.  The love part?  The views, the wildlife, the challenge, and the beautiful wildflowers that are blooming at this time of year.  

I got lucky.  The sun stayed behind the clouds most of my run and a cool breeze blew.  I was able to get 2 of the big loops done (~6 miles per loop) and feel really, really good including two trips up the big hill and stairs.  I didn't listen to music or podcasts, just listened to the sounds of nature.  I used my car at the trail head as an aid station, so every six miles I refueled my tailwind bottles with ice cold tailwind.  By my third loop, more and more hikers were out, so I opted to do an out and back on the bottom half of the big loop.

Post running I headed back to Wamego for some yummy brunch and some work time/car time/andrew time.

After getting some much needed in office work time, I headed to the house while the boys headed to the track to practice.  I cleaned the house, did some laundry, and just sat around and rested. I actually watched a movie on TV and read a book during the commercials!!!!  Who am I?  

Sunday:  1 hour 10 minute run plus track day!  Once again I made a tough choice to get some sleep and run post track time versus getting up super early and getting my run done.  It was a bold decision since being at the track all day in the heat might not at all be conducive to me running, but I felt pretty wiped post my trail 15 miler and I felt like that was a better decision for my body.

Andrew was fever free and excited to race, so to the track we went! This week was the qualifying, heat race, main schedule.  I was SUPER excited to see what would happen after his success last week.  Right after Andrew got on the track to practice, one of his friends decided to pit as andrew was turning, and this caused Andrew to hit the wall and flip onto his side.  It was SUPER hard for me NOT to climb the fence and go straight to him, but Tony was right there and I could see his face and he was not crying.  After getting him right side up and checking him out for injuries, he went back out on the track and finished practice.  I could tell he was hesitant to pass once again, so I knew the day would be a crap shoot.  Qualifying went well and he captured the fastest time for junior novice for the first time.  We had heat race next, which meant other cars on the track, including 2 new drivers, one that it was his first race ever.  We had 7 cars total and Andrew ended up in 4th overall, due to not wanting to pass.  Oh well, the fact that he was going out there period made me happy.  Then we started the main.  Andrew started in 5th as they put the faster cars in the back from qualifying and heat.  It was a super long race as double file starts always are super hard for the novice kids, so it took forever to get them started.  Then a couple of kids were struggling with spinning out and or going through the infield, so we kept having to re start at 25 laps which meant more double file restarts.  My phone actually got too hot standing in the stands doing live FB videos and shut itself down.  I had to put my cup of ice tea on the back of my phone to cool it off enough to get started videoing again!!!!  I can't even imagine how hot it was for our kids in those cars in full gear.  We finally had a big long green flag stretch and Andrew slowly moved up to 3rd place where he stayed.  Except for some reason instead of crossing the finish under the checkered he immediately after white flag went to the  pits.  They gave him third, for what reason I do not know since he left the track and didn't cross the finish, other than he had lapped the field several times along with his first and second place drivers.  We celebrated like it was official, since I thought for SURE he would be done post wreck.  

After stopping for our normal celebratory ice cream and getting dinner, laundry, and dishes started, I headed out to get my 1 hour 10 minute run in.  It was hard because I was exhausted, but I managed it and I think I got around 5.5 miles again.  My watch threatened to die at 30 minutes in, so to be safe, I switched to letting strava track me, but strava had a hiccup and didn't record correctly, so I had to guess mileage once again.  

Week 3 in the books!  Week 4 brings 2 baseball games, a cut back week in training, and hopefully some more quality trail time and lifting.  Have a great week!

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