Monday, June 27, 2022

Last full week of baseball

 Last week of baseball THANK GOODNESSS!  Every kid on our team has had small victories and has grown, but I am so ready to be done.  I don't know how some of these travel ball parents do it all summer long.  

We had a super close game with a loss of 10-9 and a super big blow out of 15-0.  Our team has lost every single game this year but again lots of growth by every player, including Andrew who finally made contact and sent it foul:(.  We have been discussing next year and we are kind of not sure what to do. If we could have the same players, it would be worth it, but we have to redraft every year.  Plus, we have not had time for the race track at all which means our cars have had little issues that would have been caught in practices, not on race days.  My kid LOVES racing but does not love baseball.  Decisions.

It's been and up and down week with Deuce.  While his neurological symptoms have almost resolved, the open wounds caused by the antibiotics are horrible.  I am NOT a vet, so bandaging and doing all the things they want me to has been tough.  I've done my best, but sometimes my best has hurt him and we have decided to just let the wounds be open to the air and try our best to keep them clean.  Somedays he wants to eat and be active and some days he doesn't, and I am just trying to let him do his thing and not worry.  He wasn't uber active before all of this happened and I have to keep reminding myself of that.  My main goal = NO PAIN.  If we can't control pain or if we are causing pain we are done.  

Lots of rain this week so lots of rainbows.  Also, the heat has been miserable and oppressive again this week.  Can we just fast-forward to fall?????  All the rain screwed up my running schedule, but I did get 3 runs in, just in an odd fashion.  I got one run done post work around 9 pm in the heat with lower humidity.  

I also didn't get up very early Saturday morning, so I suffered again with sun + heat + humidity. I got 5 miles in by the skin of my teeth and had to dump Boom off at mile 3 so he could cool down at the shop.  

I also got in a run on Sunday.  It was absolutely lovely out and I wish summer would stay like this.    I am still doing loops in our industrial park for me to have a bathroom and or AC within a 1.5 mile loop. It helps me mentally to know that my "aid station" is near, especially with Boom on board.  I decided on Sunday to actually go out on our running route and get an out and back since we were blessed with MUCH lower temps.  Boom did great and 6 miles felt like home.  Amazing what lower temps can do for you mentally and physically.

Andrew also had his 6th camp invention this week.  He for sure didn't want to go, but by the end he didn't want to stop.  They really let him let his creativity out and I think that helped this year.  He somehow in his free time made a buzz lightyear costume and I can't not love it. 

We also are going to try a new sport.  Andrew has always shown an interest in golf and I love that, but I didn't want to have to drive him to the other side of Manhattan for lessons.  Our local country club is going to start offering golf academies and lessons so we signed him up.  They didn't tell us that he had to have clubs of his own and of course neither of us have ever played golf so off to Dick's we went.  They were super duper helpful getting him fitted for the correct clubs and doing a mini lesson.  He pretty much smiled the ENTIRE time.  I have never seen him so excited about any sport!  

In other news I got pretty much a full bodied cupping sesh from Melissa and afterwards I felt like a million bucks (even if I look like i got attacked by a Kracken).  My back was a hot hot mess.  Like so badly bound up she couldn't even massage it lose.  Cups are amazing at loosening things up even if they leave cute little marks.  She did sliding and stationary both equally painful in the moment but ahhhhhh afterwards.  

We also snuck away to 456 Winery to have some tasty Rose' and The Dough Bro's food Saturday night.  No one was there and the weather was perfect.  I tried sharing multiple post on FB and insta to get people down and it didn't work.  I wish more people would check out this hidden gem so we don't lose it and the delicious food trucks that show up and serve.

And last but certainly not least, I figured this was going to happen based on the judges DJT got into office, but it still was a gut punch when Roe V Wade was struck down.  I am going to a meeting on how to educate Kansans on the upcoming vote for our state, but with our state leaning heavily towards red all the time, this may be pointless.  I am still going to fight and rally with my sisters.  I am down but I am not out and I won't go out without a fight!  I believe in choice and it isn't my place to tell others what they can and can't do with their body.  Rise UP!


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