Monday, January 22, 2024

New week, new me?

Sigh.  This winter.  We were due for a bad one and boy are we getting it.  We had yet another week of crazy lows in temperatures, frozen pipes no matter what we did, and ice and snow.  And because we had snow on top of ice, Tony fell getting out of his truck but luckily did NOT hit his head.  Thank you baby Jesus!

Monday was a holiday and a day off from school,  so Robin and I took advantage of it and went to the gym together to get on the mills.  I am still battling feeling like I am going to fall, but at least I have found that one mill out of the four is at least sort of doable for me.  Weird note, I have found if I run under 5 mph, that this sensation isn't as bad and I can actually watch the TV some and not get that falling feeling.  However, running less than 5mph means longer on the mill just to get 3 miles.  Sigh.  We did get two puzzles worked on at home, which is my favorite winter activity.  I love nothing more than a good hard puzzle and a good hard hitting podcast.  Yeah, I'm fully a weirdo.

My kiddo eventually got both Monday and Tuesday off.  At this point I don't think he knows what school is anymore.  I am not complaining because honestly trying to help him maintain a routine is so freaking hard with his ADHD.  Mornings are rough, as he hasn't had medicine and can't focus to get ready in a timely manner.  Nights are rough because we have nightly fights about homework and getting into bed as the meds wear off.  It adds layers that yes, as a mom I need to buck up and deal with but yet, I am always so exhausted and it's nice to only have to deal with getting myself up and out of the door in the mornings or into bed at night.  He was back at school Wednesday, so back to the grind for the rest of the week.  I am praying they don't cut spring break short this year to make up for snow days already used, because we have our trip planned and flights booked, I don't want to change it at this point.

I did end up with two runs on the mill at the gym, one very good work out class with Rockin Robin and Aubree, and one outside run that was suppose to be a long run that turned into a short run.  Nothing makes me madder than entitled people who let their dogs run lose in public areas that have signage very clearly stating that dogs MUST be on leash.  We had planned on 6, but when he showed up and just let his dog run lose, we loaded up and left.  It isn't worth the fight of OH MY DOG IS FRIENDLY.  Well, my dog isn't a fan of friendly dogs in his face yet if there is a dog fight due to your dog, my dog will be blamed.  Sigh.  

Probably wasn't the worst of ideas to cut it short though as it took me a few hours to warm up even with hot coffee and warm snuggies.  I loved the ice on my eye lashes and Boom got a really great beard- cicle.  We tried his boots that I got him last year to make sure he didn't have any cold injuries to his pads and it's a miracle because they stayed on and worked well.       

Sunday we had our home wrestling tournament.  We had told Andrew at the beginning of this year that he was doing wrestling to better his football playing skills, so our focus would NOT be on tournaments this year.  He moved up to 12 U bottom side which is a tough, tough place to be, especially when you are only 11 and most of the kids you are competing with are older 12s and young 13s.  He originally had 5 matches which dwindled down as scratches came in to two matches.  He lost both with very quick pins by his opponent, which doesn't surprise me at all.  He has no confidence when it comes to wrestling in tournys, even though he is actually pretty decent in practice.  Both of his practice partners got pins and for that we are very proud that he is helping them get better and improve.  Sometimes the smallest of victories is what it is all about.  I worked the tournament from start to finish and look forward to helping in the future when Andrew isn't wrestling kids club, as much as I can.  We have a girls tournament only coming up and I am SO pumped.  I love seeing wrestling for girls explode and can't wait to support it in the future as many of my former girls on the run girls wrestle.  

To end on a good note, well a good note if you are a Chiefs fan that is, we WON!  I honestly had really doubted that the Chiefs would win on the road IN Buffalo with the amazing Josh Allen at QB, but we did and I am still in shock!  I am happy for Mahomes to get that monkey off of his back and I LOVED the shots of Jason Kelce shirtless cheering for his brother.  

Have a great week y'all!  We are suppose to get ice and rain this week so hoping to get 2 classes and some treadmill running under my belt.  

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