Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Let's go racing boys and girls

Starting out with the funnies this week.  If this isn't true, I don't know what is.  Again, lots of ups and downs this week.   I am amazed thought that I was able to pull myself out of a pretty bad panic attack and keep my calm and cool through a few situations that normally would derail me totally.  Progress, right?  I am again, so grateful to my therapist for instead of telling me to walk away from everything hard, is equipping me with the tools I need in my toolbox for life.  I would ask through, if you pray, say a little prayer for my fam for a big meeting we have next week.  If you don't pray, just send all the good thoughts and juju you can muster our way.  I just want to know one way or the other what direction we need to go in and this meeting will be a big decider.  

Friends are what's up this week.  I had lots of friends step up and help me through some tough situations.  Surround yourself with those who will stand in the rain with you.  I seriously have some amazing friends.  


A coworker had this on her page this week and again, these damn memes really get me.  It's all about circle of control.  I can't control what others think of me.  All I can control is me.  Really leaning into this and believing it has brought me so much freaking peace.  

I hate walking away. I will stay in bad situations just to not be a quitter, even if it hurts my mental health.  I'm working on this.  Sometimes walking away IS the answer.  I have four more months on my term on the board and I will gut this out.  I will not walk away even when the going gets tough.  

Okay enough therapy.  I got two runs and two work outs and called it good.  I even got one of my runs done post club meeting.  Look at me!  Both of my work outs this week were SOOO good and I was sore for days.  We did a Tabata work out on Thursday, and it was SO amazing.  I've never done one and boy did it work every part of my body out.  My abs are hurting just typing if that tells you anything!

That was his serious face in the above picture.  He was pretty happy with his cars and how he ran all weekend.  Again, all I ask for is maximum effort and if the set up dictates we are the third fastest car, then so be it.  He again battled Noah for second but he just didn't have the speed and made some great decisions and didn't force passes. 

We had another weekend of racing and lots of good things from Andrew!  We couldn't catch the 1st place car in either class, but we gave it our all and Andrew gave it his all.  That is all I ask.  Two second places in Heavy Honda and two third places in Heavy 160, with some awesome battling and some great passing!  The heavy honda class had a side-by-side finish in the heat race where Noah beat him by an INCH!   These classes may be small, but they are exciting.  

Have a great week y'all!  We are getting some big news Monday so hope and pray it's good!

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