Sunday, June 2, 2024

Change something!

Another week on the hamster wheel we call life.  Let's dive in, shall we?

I did get 4 runs in this week and one work out.  Missed Thursday's upper body session due to us getting our hair cut.  Apparently the look the middle school boys are going for these days is called alpaca chic, and I totally see it.

She literally cut off 5 lbs of hair and he still has tons.  He feels so much better now, and I love how grown up he looks.  

Also, we had another lab get together and more people in the lab came out this time.  We had such a great time listening to good live music and drinking amazing beer at Manhattan Brewing Company.  Again, it says a lot that we work all day together, and then meet post work to spend more time together.  I love my work fam!

There was some random guy taking these polaroid pictures and giving them out. I think he captured us perfectly.  

Kind of sad about this one.  Been enjoying my porch time with my new swing.   Then, as Andrew and I were out spending some porch time late Saturday night, the chair collapsed as the screw came out of the porch wood dumping him on the porch hard.  He was okay, just a little scared, and honestly it scared the crap out of me to, so we just stood and held each other.  I am going to miss my swing till we figure out a better way to anchor it to the porch.  

And I got more permanent jewelry.  Yes, I am addicted.  Yes, if I wasn't deathly afraid of needles I would be addicted to tattoos to.  Sigh.  Do what makes you happy, right?

And two things to end on.  One, we were supposed to race Sunday.  Rain was forecasted at 50 percent chance and all day.  I reached out to meteorologist for advice, and another board member did the same.  We both got similar reports of high certainty of rain, but disorganized models as to when and how much.  I wanted to wait till Sunday to make a decision on racing, but the board wanted to make a decision that night to help our out-of-town members.  I got out voted and the board decided to cancel Saturday night, and while we were totally wrong on canceling, it is what it is.  We made a mistake on our judgement, and I own up to it.  We were wrong.  People made such a big deal out of it, and it just once again made me question why I volunteer for an organization that is so hateful to its volunteers.  While several comments were made civilly and not with name calling, there were several that were, and it just hurts my heart to the core that people are just so mean these days.  The part that hurts the most though was that some of the comments came from former board members who know how hard this job can be.  Oh well, any thoughts of going up for reelection are out the window now.  I no longer want to help out with an organization that treats its volunteers this way.  Especially when the people being the meanest and the nastiest don't lift a finger EVER to help.  I know this is the way of the world now, but my heart and my skin are not made to be tough.  We were disappointed as Andrew really wanted to race his buddy Madden, but we made the best of it by making it a Manhattan day by going to a new to us brunch spot, playing yard games, and going to the local used bookstore to pick up some new to us books.  

Second, I know it isn't as simple as this meme, but it can be pretty darn close.  I chose to go back to therapy to change myself and the patterns that I had established to make things not only better for myself, but also for my friends and family.  I know not everyone can afford or has access to therapy, but if you do and you can change things and work on yourself, I highly recommend it.  It has made me a better mom, wife, and friend, and for that I am thankful.  I see so much unhappiness in this world that manifests itself in so many ways including substance abuse and victimhood and it makes me sad.  I was headed down that same path and I thank God that I was able to correct my path and go a different route.  My prayer is that others too can see that victim isn't the only status and that you can climb out of that hole and thrive.

Okay enough preaching!  Have a great week y'all!

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