Sunday, July 7, 2024

It's go time BOOMTOWN 2024

Ah, my favorite holiday of the year.  Our little town goes from 5K to 55K sometimes 75K or more in one day, all to celebrate the birth of our nation and FIREWORKS.  We are known for our amazing hand fired fireworks display and it did NOT disappoint as always.  The weather was so amazing, and we were able to not sweat to death per usual 4th of July weather AND enjoy ourselves and each other.  Let's start with the beginning of the week first though.  

I got three runs done, one strength session, and one dance fitness session in this week.  Yes, you read that right, dance fitness session.  One of the ladies I work out with on Tuesdays and Thursdays teaches dance classes and she had a bootleg class where we could try it out.  While I had a ton of fun and was drenched in sweat at the end, I suck at any other type of dancing other than ballet.  My booty doesn't pop, my shimmying looked like me dying, and let's just say my sexy was uh, yeah not there.  I am glad we all had fun and had lots of laughs, but I think I will stick to lifting and body sculpt classes in the foreseeable future.  

We also took a little day trip to Abilene KS to eat yummy pizza, do some antiquing, and ride the rails.  We were hoping to see the steam train at Smokey Valley, but apparently it was under repair, so we had to settle for a diesel train.  I love these little quick trips to these cute little KS towns and learning the history of wherever we land.  Abilene is only an hour drive away with so much fun stuff to do and we will be back as we didn't even get in all of the antique shops on the main street.  

Then there was the 4th stuck in there as well.  We always invite our friends and family over and have lunch/dinner, drinks. parade fun and of course fireworks.  Here are a few pics from our day.  The boys shot off fireworks all day, we ate literally all day so much goodness, and just enjoyed each other's company.  That should be what it is about, family, food, and fellowship.

We ended the week at the dirt track where we got rained out but still had a great time seeing everyone.  We got to visit the local brewery and have some tasty beers and fries before they closed.  

I seriously need another week to recover from my 4-day weekend.  Have a great week y'all!

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